package TERMINAL_IO is -- types and procedures needed to transmit and receive 8-bit data to -- the terminal -- intended to provide the type BYTE and entry points RS_READ and -- RS_WRITE needed to instantiate one of the generic protocol -- packages of NETWORK_PROTOCOLS (q.v.) type BYTE is range 0..255 ; for BYTE'SIZE use 8 ; procedure TTY_READ ( C : out BYTE ; GOT_ONE : out BOOLEAN ; RETURN_AFTER : DURATION := 0.0 ) ; procedure TTY_WRITE ( C : BYTE ) ; procedure TTY_WRITE_FLUSH ; procedure TTY_RESTORE ; -- since Ada doesn't provide for automatic shutdown, the enclosing -- program will have to call this entry point to undo anything -- that was done to allow 8-bit data transfer end TERMINAL_IO ;