AdaIC Available Ada Bindings Report - 1996
SECTION 2: Standards and Specifications
In This Section:
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ASIS 1.1.1 is available via anonymous FTP from the AdaIC Internet Host
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Internet host.
In the Ada language binding to IRDS, the data names and data structures
defined in the IRDS Standard have been adhered to except where
the Ada language does not provide an appropriate construct. The
binding defined in the package specification provides an interface
to the primary Ada types. Time and date abstractions are obtained
from Package Calendar. It is expected that the package body will
provide the necessary transformations to IRDS types.
In the Ada binding, the procedure names and their parameters have
been adhered to except where the Ada language does not provide
an appropriate construct.
All names have been spelled out with underscores between logical
words. Types as used for data structures have the explicit word
"type" added to the simple name.
The "Irds" prefix has been removed from all types, objects,
and procedure names. The desired effect is achieved through the
use of a package called "IRDS". The fully qualified
name will thus include IRDS (e.g., IrdsCreateIRDDefinition becomes
IRDS.Create_IRD_Definition, IrdsNameLim becomes IRDS.Name_Limit,
IrdsSessId becomes IRDS.Session_Id_Type).
All types end with the suffix "_Type" with the exception
of the Ada predefined types of Boolean, Character, and String.
This approach provides a means to improve portability between
IRDS implementations.
Strings are passed as an access type (a pointer) allowing unbounded
lengths. A list structure is used for the Column List Parameters
using access types. Access types end with the suffix "Pointer_Type."
of the ISO/ANSI binding
The base IRDS standard is approved by ANSI (X3/H4) and is currently
a recommendation to ISO's Joint Technical Committee 1, Subcommittee
21, Working Group 3 (JTC1/SC21/WG3) - reference IRDS Services
Interface ISO/IEC 10728:1993(E). The base standard will include
the Ada binding specified in a separate Annex. A new standard,
colloquially called "IRDS2" includes improvements to
IRDS and will incorporate the Ada binding.
Documentation of the
The ISO standard, ISO/IEC 10728:1993(E), is available from ANSI
at a cost of approximately $102. There are additional charges
for shipping and handling. Contact: American National Standards
Institute, Attn: Customer Service Department, 11 West 42nd Street,
New York, NY 10036; tel: 212/642-4900.
When available, the Ada Binding will be Annex D to ISO/IEC 10728.
The current Ada binding to IRDS is available in electronic form
on the Internet, on the AdaIC's Internet host (
in the directory at /tools/bindings/IRDS/.
In the 1970's, the National Bureau of Standards (now the National
Institute of Science and Technology - (NIST) had sponsored a committee
to develop Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPSs) for
data-dictionary systems. ANSI formed a committee in 1980 to address
standardization of information resource dictionary systems. These
committees merged in 1983 with the combined mission to develop
a FIPS and an ANSI standard. A framework for IRDS was developed
and standardized.
In 1985, the ANSI standard was proposed to ISO for international
standardization and was rejected. For six years the ANSI and
ISO IRDS communities worked independently, until 1991 when it
was agreed to harmonize their efforts. ISO/IEC 10728 is a partially
harmonized standard. The IRDS community is now evolving an object-oriented
standard called IRDS2. The ANSI committee responsible for IRDS
is JTC1/SC21/X3H4, currently chaired by Dr. Jerry Winkler (tel:
703/425-4558). The ISO IRDS Rapporteur is Mr. David Gradwell
(+44 (276) 23519).
David Emery, Hughes Aircraft of Canada, Systems Division
Dr. Ted Baker, Florida State University
Description and standardization efforts
The Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments
(POSIX) is the collective name for a set of standards providing
applications portability at the source-code level. Most POSIX
standards define either an Application Program Interface (API)
or a Profile - which can be used by an applications programmer
to write portable applications. An API is a specification of
types, operations, etc, to be used by an applications program,
along with their associated semantics. A Profile selects one
or more standards and identifies options, restrictions, interoperability,
etc, to support a specific applications domain.
The POSIX program grew from the effort by Unix users to develop
a "standard" definition of the Unix system interface.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Computer Society's Technical Committee on Operating Systems started
work on this project in the 1985-1986 time frame. Later, the
International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical
Commission (ISO/IEC) decided to provide international standardization
for POSIX standards, delegating the development work to the existing
IEEE group. Currently, the IEEE group is the Portable Applications
Standards Committee (PASC), and the ISO/IEC group is Working Group
15 of Subcommittee 22 of Joint Technical Committee 1 (ISO/IEC
JTC1 SC22 WG15). Generally, POSIX standards are developed by
a working group within PASC, and submitted for concurrent IEEE
and ISO/IEC ballots. The intent is to have a single document
as both an IEEE and an ISO/IEC standard.
The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has
also adopted POSIX as a Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS) 151-1, which adopts ISO 9945.1:1989/IEEE 1003.1-1990
There are many different POSIX projects currently under way.
To date, seven POSIX standards have been adopted by the IEEE.
These are:
Some (but not all) of the IEEE standards are also ISO/IEC standards.
IEEE Std 1003.1 has been adopted by ISO/IEC as ISO 9945-1, and
IEEE Std 1003.2 has been adopted by ISO/IEC as ISO 9945-2.
NIST has also adopted POSIX as a Federal Information Processing
Standard (FIPS). However, there has been a problem with the FIPS
and the IEEE/ISO Standards. IEEE 1003.1 has undergone several
revisions since it was first approved by the IEEE in 1988. The
current version is ISO/IEC 9945-1:1989/IEEE Std 1003.1-1990, which
corresponds to FIPS 151-1. However, a revision to the IEEE/ISO
standard is underway. The problem is that the approval cycle
for FIPS is not synchronized with the approval cycle for IEEE/ISO
POSIX standards. In general, FIPS approval has lagged behind
IEEE/ISO approval by at least one year.
Ada Bindings
Initially, because of its Unix heritage, POSIX API standards were
specified in terms of the C language. However, as the POSIX effort
grew, it became clear that other languages besides C could make
effective use of the POSIX APIs. Projects to develop Ada and
FORTRAN bindings were approved around 1986. PASC Working Group
P1003.5 was chartered to develop Ada bindings for POSIX standards,
with its first project being the Ada binding to IEEE 1003.1.
The P1003.5 Working Group made several initial decisions that
influenced the resulting document. The group decided that it
was inappropriate for the Ada binding to depend on the C binding,
so IEEE Std. 1003.5 was specified as a self-contained "thick"
binding document. (The alternative, a "thin binding document",
would have contained pointers to text in IEEE Std. 1003.1). The
other major decision was to provide Ada abstractions for the facilities
in IEEE Std. 1003.1, rather than provide direct Ada analogs to
each and every C type and function.
The IEEE approved IEEE Std. 1003.5 in July 1992. Due to a disagreement
between the IEEE and ISO/IEC on how language bindings would be
described, IEEE Std. 1003.5 was not initially accepted by ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC22/WG15 for ISO/IEC standardization. Recently, ISO adopted
IEEE std. 1003.5-1992 as ISO 14519.1:1995, via a "fast track"
ballot. (As part of a reorganization of the POSIX work program,
most POSIX efforts were renumbered, hence the "new"
and "old" numbers.
The IEEE standard is available from the IEEE as document #SH 15354,
from the IEEE Services Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855,
IEEE Std. 1003.5 represents only one of many possible Ada bindings
for IEEE standards. PASC Working Group P1003.5 is currently working
on several Ada bindings projects.
IEEE Project P1003.5b (formerly P1003.20) developed Ada bindings for the POSIX real time standards
, IEEE1003.1b (real time extensions, formerly P1003.4), and 1003.1c (threads extensions, formerly P1003.4a).
It was approved by the IEEE in June 1996, but is still awaiting publication. Copies of the approval draft
can be obtained from the IEEE Standards Office.
IEEE Project P1003.5a consists of Ada bindings for IEEE Std 1003.1g, the protocol-independent network interfaces
(sockets and XTI). This project produced a draft that went through one mock ballot in Summer 1996. Work is now progressing
on a revised draft, that may be suitable for formal ballot.
Two other Ada bindings are assigned to P1003.5. These are P1003.5
and P1003.5d. These projects cover Ada bindings to XT! and Sockets
communications facilities, IEEE Projects P1003.12 and P1003.12a,
There are two other related POSIX/Ada efforts. IEEE Project 1003.5
is developing standard test assertions for ISO 14519.1:1995/IEEE
Std. 1003.5-1992. IEEE Project 1003.21 is developing real-time
distributed communications interfaces, including an Ada binding.
overview of IEEE Std. 1003.5-1992
IEEE Std. 1003.5-1992 (commonly called POSIX/Ada) provides an
Ada programer with access to operating-system services in the
area of process control, process environment (including command
line parameters), files and input/output (I/O), terminal devices
and serial line control, and user and group databases.
The binding is organized as a series of packages, where each package
provides access to a set of related services. For instance, facilities
for controlling files are contained in the package POSIX_FILES,
and the POSIX I/O operations are defined in package POSIX_IO.
To avoid library-level name conflicts with user packages, all
of the POSIX packages begin with "POSIX_" (except for
the one package called "POSIX").
The package POSIX contains several common definitions for the
binding, including the type POSIX_CHARACTER. An implementation
may provide a character set (such as EBCDIC or IBM-PC character
sets) that is different from Ada's predefined set. The type POSIX_CHARACTER
allows access to the host environment's character set. The standard
defines an interoperable subset of characters that are in both
also defines various parameters on the POSIX implementation, such
as the maximum number of open file descriptors and the maximum
length of a filename.
Error handling is an important part of any binding. Errors are
generally reported back to the user via the exception POSIX.POSIX_ERROR.
The type POSIX.ERROR_CODE represents the predefined error conditions,
raised by the call to a POSIX operation, the program can call
POSIX.GET_ERROR_CODE to retrieve the error code associated with
the failed operation. Error status is kept on a per-task basis,
to prevent race conditions between the call to a POSIX operation
that fails and the call to GET_ERROR_CODE within a single task.
POSIX models the entire Ada program as a single POSIX process.
from tasks within the same main program must return the same process
ID. However, this does not prevent implementations from using
multiple processes to support Ada tasking, as long as this does
not change the behavior of POSIX/Ada operations.
Tasking safety was a major concern of the P1003.5 Working Group.In
general, POSIX/Ada operations are required to be safe for use
in programs with multiple tasks. However, POSIX/Ada does not
guarantee task related blocking semantics. If one task performs
I/O, it is implementation-dependent whether just that task or
the entire process/program may be blocked. The basic definition
of POSIX (IEEE Std. 1003.1:1990) does not provide sufficient functionality
for POSIX/Ada to require or specify pertask blocking for I/O and
other blocking situations. POSIX/Ada does provide a facility
that allows the program to determine if the entire program/process
or just the calling task will be blocked when doing I/O. A "smart"
program can modify its behavior depending on the facilities provided
by the implementation.
The IEEE Standard contains a very detailed rationale explaining
the the reasoning and analysis that led to the final shape of
the binding. The rationale discusses most of the issues that
confront any binding developer, including packaging, documentation
style (e.g., "thick" vs "thin") and tasking
An overview of P1003.5b (Real-Time Extensions)
P1003.5b is a revision and extension of P1003.5, to reflect the
new Ada language standard (ISO/IEC 8651:1995), the POSIX Realtime
extension (IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993), and the POSIX Threads extension
(IEEE Std 1003.1c -1995). P1003.5b incorporates the original
content and style of presentation of P1003.5 and the new additions
preserve the "look and feel" of P1003.5.
P1003.5b includes services for process and task/thread synchronization,
as defined in both POSIX.1b and POSIX.1c. Process synchronization
is supported via semaphores, and thread/task synchronization through
condition variables and Mutexes. The standard also provides support
for scheduling policies and parameters. Additional I/O services
include data synchronization for ensuring data is flushed to disk
and asynchronous I/O operations. New interprocess communication
mechanisms include message queues and real-time signals. Real-time
signals differ from conventional UNIX signals by being queued
(so they are lossless) and being able carry data with them. New
memory management capabilities include locking pages into main
memory, creating shared memory objects, and mapping files into
virtual memory. There is support for a real-time clock with higher
precision than is guaranteed by POSIX.1/P1003.5, and associated
Conformance issues
POSIX conformance is defined both for implementations and for
applications. Implementation conformance basically means that
the implementation correctly implements the POSIX API and its
semantics. Application conformance means that the application
uses only facilities defined within POSIX or other IEEE or ISO
standards. In particular, a strictly conforming POSIX application
may not use implementation extensions to POSIX.
IEEE Std. 1003.5 places specific restrictions on conforming implementations.
A conforming implementation has to implement the API as defined
by the standard - i.e., POSIX_IO.OPEN has to work as described,
etc. Since POSIX portability is defined at the source-code level,
IEEE Std. 1003.5 places restrictions on an implementation's actual
definition of the standard POSIX packages. For instance, an implementation
may not add an operation to the visible part of a standard package.
The intent of these restrictions is to make sure that applications
code can be moved from one conforming implementation to another
without encountering compiler errors due to inadvertent overloading,
Currently there is no test suite to measure implementation conformance
to IEEE Std. 1003.5. (NIST has certified several test suites
for measuring conformance for the C binding, IEEE Std. 1003.1.)
Also, it is possible for an implementor to provide an interface
to POSIX that does not claim conformance to IEEE Std. 1003.5.
Finally, it is quite possible for a system to claim "POSIX
conformance" because it conforms to the IEEE 1003.1 (or 1003.9)
standard, but no Ada binding is provided. Therefore, when specifying
or discussing "POSIX compliance", it is important to
ensure that the system provides a conforming implementation of
IEEE Std. 1003.5. An implementation that claims conformance only
to IEEE Std. 1003.1 will not be of much use for Ada programming.
Some available resources
Ada Interfaces to POSIX:
The POSIX/Ada Binding Tutorial
A Prototype Implementation of the POSIX/Ada Binding
FSU POSIX/Ada Realtime Project
The Forest P1003.5 Implementation
Ada Information Clearinghouse
Description and standardization
The Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS)
is designed to support computer graphics applications that are
highly dynamic and interactive. It supports a hierarchical graphical
database that can be edited while elements of the database are
being displayed. Such functionality is needed to support such
applications as computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing
(CAD/CAM) systems, command-and-control systems, and modeling of
objects, etc.
A complement to PHIGS is the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) standard PHIGS Plus (ISO 9592-4). It augments the capabilities
of PHIGS with functionality for lighting and shading, as well
as for more complex primitives including B-splines. This standard
is known as PHIGS PLUS (Plus Lumiere and Shading).
Both PHIGS and PHIGS PLUS are defined independently of any particular
Binding status
The PHIGS/Ada binding has been published as ISO 9593-3 and has
been adopted as an American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
standard under the same number.
The PHIGS/Ada binding is available from: ANSI, 1430 Broadway,
New York, NY 10018; tel: 212/642-4900 (sales), 212/354-3300 (general)
Description and standardization efforts
This section first describes the ISO/ANSI standard Database Language SQL and its bindings to Ada. It then describes approaches such as the SAME and SAMeDL, which build upon the standard binding. Finally, some related standards are briefly discussed.
Language SQL and its binding to Ada
Database Language SQL is a language for manipulating relational databases; it is a standard under both the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC). (“SQL” is no longer an acronym. Once it was an acronym for “Structured Query Language”, a language associated with a particular vendor’s prototype database-management system. When referring to the standard, “SQL” is simply an abbreviation for “Database Language SQL”.)
SQL provides facilities for defining, manipulating, and controlling data in a relational database. As a standard specification, it promotes the portability of database applications among conforming database management products.
SQL is defined in terms of a reference language called the “module language”. In principle, one defines the desired manipulations of the relational database by using the module language to write a number of SQL statements that are then collected as procedures within a “module”. Programming-language bindings take either of two forms: a procedural "module" form (which makes application-program subroutine calls on the procedures in the SQL module) or an embedded form (which has the effect of intermixing the SQL statements with the application program). The standard describes the embedded binding in terms of a syntactic transformation of the module and the application program.
Use of the embedded binding involves inserting SQL statements into Ada programs, creating codes that are not pure Ada. These codes are intended to be pre-processed by a vendor-supplied preprocessor that replaces the SQL statements with compilable, but implementation-dependent, subroutine calls. For languages other than Ada, the embedded binding has been the form typically provided by database-management system (DBMS) vendors.
The procedural binding (usually called the “module binding”) is a thin, direct binding of Ada to an SQL “module” that is a set of SQL statements packaged as procedures. The procedural binding describes how an Ada application program may make Ada subprogram calls upon the procedures of the SQL module. Thus an Ada application using the procedural binding is written in compilable Ada without interleaved SQL statements. Most Ada experts prefer the procedural binding to the embedded binding.
The binding for Ada uses a set of data types that are specified in a package named SQL_STANDARD. The explicit gathering and declaration of the data types provides the Ada binding with an advantage over the bindings to other programming languages. For other languages, the base SQL types are mapped to base types of the programming language. Because the value ranges of the base types are implementation-defined, mismatches can (and do) occur. SQL_STANDARD solves the problem by parameterizing the Ada types to match the SQL data types. Other types declared in SQL_STANDARD improve the safety and convenience of error checking.
Status of Database Language SQL and its binding
to Ada
The SQL standard has progressed through three generations: a 1986 version (sometimes called SQL/86): a 1989 version (sometimes called SQL/89 or simply SQL); and the 1992 version (sometimes called SQL2 or SQL/92). Both ANSI and ISO published substantively identical documents known as ANSI X3.135-1992 and ISO/IEC 9075:1992, respectively. Since the 1992 standard was approved, two technical corrigenda have been published; the second one adds to and completely replaces the first one. All of the major DBMS vendors support the 1992 version of the standard.
The 1992 standard prescribed three levels of the SQL language: the Full language; a subset called "Intermediate"; and a smaller subset called "Entry". All of the major vendors support the Entry level; I know of none who support the larger language levels.
Particularly for federal procurements, a NIST Federal Information Processing Standard, FIPS 127-2, is helpful. It requires conformance to the Entry level of the language, requires delivery of a FIPS "flagger" to check for non-standard extensions, and provides a conformance test suite. All of the major vendors supply products meeting the requirements of FIPS 127-2.
Products implementing the Ada binding of
The 1992 standard specifies both embedded and module language bindings for Ada. Conformance to the standard, though, does not require the vendor to support all of the programming language bindings described in the standard. A vendor may truthfully advertise their product as conforming to the standard even though some of the language bindings do not conform. So, it is important for a buyer to ensure that both the DBMS and the required language bindings conform to the desired level of the standard. NIST performs conformance testing upon SQL products and their bindings. An up-to-date list of conforming products can be obtained by ordering the NIST “Validated Products List” from the National Technical Information Service. Both subscriptions and single copies are available.
All of the major DBMS vendors provide conforming Ada bindings. From their literature, it appears that Sybase, Informix, Oracle, DB2 and Rdb (now sold by Oracle) all offer conforming Ada module language bindings. It appears that Oracle (and perhaps Informix) offers a conforming embedded Ada binding. Sybase also offers a non-standard Ada binding which, they feel, gives advantages in some situations because of its integration with a graphical user interface.
of Database Language SQL and its binding to Ada
The 1992 ANSI standard, X3.135-1992, can be obtained from ANSI at a cost of approximately $225. The ISO standard, ISO/IEC 9075:1992 is also available from ANSI at a cost of $266. The two are substantively identical. There are additional charges for shipping and handling. Contact: American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, Attn: Customer Service Department; tel: 212/642-4900.
The FIPS publication, FIPS 127-2, and the NIST Validated Products List (NISTIR 5167) can be obtained from: National Technical Information Service (NTIS), U.S. Commerce Department, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; tel: 703/487-4650.
There are several good textbooks describing SQL. The one that I use is: C.J. Date with Hugh Darwen, A Guide to the SQL Standard, 3rd edition (describes SQL/92), Addison-Wesley, 1993.
A tutorial on the use of the module binding is provided in: James W. Moore, “The ANSI Binding of SQL to Ada,” Ada Letters, XI:5, July/August 1991, published by the Association of Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Ada (SIGAda).
During the early 1980’s, a proposal variously named as “Ada/SQL” or as the “WIS”, “IDA”, or “RACOM” approach and described in papers by Friedman and Brykcynski was offered for standardization. For various reasons that proposal was rejected for standardization and is now inappropriate for use in new systems.
The SAME approach and the SAMeDL
Although the ANSI standard gives Ada a binding to SQL that is similar to that provided for other languages, some users desire an interface that is more “abstract” and that may be better suited to the software-engineering principles of Ada. To develop this interface, in 1988 the Software Engineering institute (SEI) created an informal, public committee, the SQL/Ada Module Extensions Design Committee (SAME-DC) chaired by Marc Graham. Besides drafting the binding eventually adopted by ANSI and ISO, the committee created a methodology, the SAME approach for layering an abstract module upon the standard binding. This abstract module would convert SQL numeric return codes into Ada exceptions, provide for a safe treatment of database nulls, promote basic SQL data types to user-defined types, and group scalar database values into “row-records”. It should be noted that the SAME approach provides for data abstraction but not procedural abstraction, i.e., each call from the application maps to a single SQL operation performed on the database. An SEI technical report describes the SAME approach: Guidelines for the Use of the SAME, CMU/SEI-89-TR-16, (DTIC #: AD-A223 932). Another SEI report provides suggested conformance criteria intended for use in peer evaluation of application of the approach: Conformance Criteria for the SAME Approach to Binding Ada Programs to SQL, SEI-89-SR-14.
Attempts have been made to automate the SAME approach. Under contract by the DoD’s Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems (STARS) program, Lockheed, led by Susan Mouton Phillips, provided Ada programs and a method for generating source code for the SAME abstract module via the declaration, instantiation, and execution of Ada generic packages. Two reports describe the project: an overview of the technical approach is given in General Definition of Project (Ada/SQL Binding), DTIC #: AD-A228 481; a more detailed description appears in User’s Manual for a Prototype Binding of ANSI-Standard SQL to Ada Supporting the SAME Methodology, DTIC #: AD-A228 480.
Informix offers a product, Ada/SAME, that is said to provide some automated support for the SAME method through extensions to the standard Ada module language binding.
After developing the SAME method, the SEI group went on to produce the SQL Ada Module Description Language. SAMeDL is a language that, when processed by an appropriate tool, generates the SAME abstract module and other code necessary to access a database-management system from a particular application. Although the SAMeDL is defined in terms of the ISO binding, an implementation is not constrained to be layered upon the standard binding — and may, in fact, be specific to a particular DBMS product.
Standardization of the SAMeDL did not proceed through the groups responsible for SQL. Instead, standardization was performed by the ISO working group responsible for Ada, ISO-IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9. The resulting standard was approved in 1995 and is known as ISO-IEC 12227:1995. The current standard specifies a binding to the 1983/1987 version of Ada rather than the new Ada 95. The standard reflects the 1992 version of SQL but not the recently approved additions to it. The current SAMeDL standard supports only the entry level of SQL, not the larger intermediate and full language levels.
Since SAMeDL is not recognized as an conforming method of binding by FIPS Publication 127-2, users may be interested in the relationship of SAMeDL to the conformant binding methods. The SAMeDL standard permits a processor to claim conformance via "mapping" or via "effect". Conformance via mapping means that the processor generates either the module or embedded binding. Conformance via effect means that the processor achieves the same results but by other, non-standard, methods. Users interested in meeting the requirements of FIPS Pub 127-2 should prefer a SAMeDL processor that conforms via mapping, preferably one that generates the Ada module binding.
Implementations of the SAMeDL for some specific platforms (HP RISC, Sun Solaris and IBM RS/6000) and specific DBMS products (Sybase, Informix, Oracle) are available in the U. S. from Intermetrics. The aforementioned DBMS vendors also provide the SAMeDL product through marketing agreements with Intermetrics. Apparently, only Sybase offers a product that implements the characteristic of conforming via mapping to the standard module binding. A SAMeDL product is offered in Germany by Competence Center Informatik.
Documentation of the SAME and SAMeDL
A copy of the SAMeDL standard can be obtained from ANSI for $135. Although the detailed proposal has been modified as it progresses through ISO, one can find early descriptions in several SEI Technical reports: The SQL Ada Module Description Language — SAMeDL (SEI-90-TR-26; DTIC #: AD-A235 781); Rationale for the SQL Ada Module Description Language (SEI-91-TR-4; DTIC #: AD-A235 780); and Notes on Applications of the SAMeDL (SEI-91-TR-12; DTIC #: AD-A240 851).
Any of the SEI reports noted above can be obtained from: Research Access, 800 Vinial Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212; tel: 800/685-6510.
Reports that have been assigned DTIC accession numbers are available to registered DTIC users from Defense Technical Information Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22304-6145; tel: 703/274-7633. Those who are not registered DTIC users may use the DTIC accession numbers to obtain the documents from NTIS at the address noted previously in this section.
Other Related Standards
None of the binding methods described above offer a true Application Program Interface, API, to the RDBMS. All require the manipulation and linkage of source code, written in SQL or SAMeDL, to achieve the interface to the database product. For some time, third party vendors of "shrink wrapped" software have desired an object code interface to RDBMS products.
The recently approved ISO-IEC 9075-3, Call Level Interface (CLI), provides such an interface. Apparently, none of the major RDBMS vendors yet support the interface, but most of them support Microsoft's Object Data Base Connectivity Version 2 (ODBC 2) a subset of CLI. Furthermore, Microsoft is said to have promised that ODBC 3 will conform with (i.e., be a superset of) CLI. Finally, X/Open is said to be preparing a conformance test suite for ODBC 3.
The ultimate role of the interface is still unclear. The major DBMS vendors support ODBC 2 as the way to access their DBMS from Microsoft platforms. Some third party vendors, though, see ODBC/CLI as the interface to a large variety of value-added services like transaction processing and distributed databases.
There are no standard bindings of CLI to any programming language. The CLI standard explains the routines and their parameters in a language-independent fashion and provides examples in C (representing the class of languages with pointers) and Cobol (representing the class of languages without pointers). For each language, the mechanism for parameter passing (e.g., by name, by reference) is specified.
Objective Interface Systems provides both Ada 83 and Ada 95 bindings to ODBC 2. They are marketed by Intersolv, one of the leading vendors of ODBC drivers, for a number of platforms and DBMS.
ISO 9579:1993, Remote Data Access, was once envisioned as a protocol for communication among distributed SQL servers and their clients. Apparently, none of the major DBMS vendors currently support RDA although some say they are willing if it is needed by a customer. The current RDA standard does not support all the functionality and data types of the 1992 SQL standard. Revision of the standard is planned in 1997.
SQL Environments
FIPS Publication 193 provides useful guidance on how various standards might be employed to support heterogeneous environments of SQL and non-SQL databases and their clients.
Christopher M. Byrnes,
Description and standardization efforts
This section first describes the historical background that led
to the current Ada/X Window System bindings. Understanding this
background is important because potential users of these bindings
should check the derivation or "breeding" of a product,
as that will help determine the portability and compatibility
of the resulting software. Experience has shown that even simple
Ada/X applications programs - such as the canonical "Hello,
world" example - can be coded in vastly different manners
among different bindings. (For a discussion of this, see my "Porting
Applications Between Two Commercial Ada/Motif Bindings",
Proceedings of TRI-Ada '93.)
Historical background
There are several different ways of viewing the X Window System.
One common way is to view the overall X system architecture arranged
in a stack hierarchy:
Programmers soon realized that trying to write complex applications
through these low-level Xlib calls was an extremely complex task.
Eventually, a layer on top of Xlib was built, known as the "intrinsics"
level, which was written to provide an object-oriented programming
(OOP) interface. A major change in an intrinsics layer is the
use of event-driven "callback" routines. No longer
does the programmer call the windowing system from a "main
line" programming loop provided by the application. Instead,
the intrinsics layer contains an application's main line routine;
the programmer provides the address of subroutines to call back
in response to certain events. This completely inverts the flow
of control and data in an application, where OOP "message
passing" becomes the main programming paradigm. The most
popular set of intrinsics functions, used on almost all X applications,
are the X toolkit (Xt) intrinsics that are provided by the Athena
The Xt intrinsics provide just a set of OOP routines and conventions
for defining actions such as how workstation events are passed
to the application and how changes are propagated through the
callback functions. To ensure a common "look and feel"
as well as provide programmers with a large set of reusable components
to start with, several organizations have developed reusable widget
sets. Some widget sets, such as the Athena widgets, are provided
at no extra charge on the X distribution tapes. Other widget
sets are developed and maintained for sale by commercial organizations.
The two best known of these X widget sets are the Open Software
Foundation's (OSF's) Motif widgets and UNIX International's (UI's)
Open Look (OL).
Some programmers have found using widget sets such as Motif and
OL to be still too low-level to develop programs on. They have
chosen the option of using a user interface management system
(UIMS) to generate the application program interface (API) calls
to a widget set. The highest level of an X architecture remains
the application code, which has the option of using one or more
of the lower layers. These lower layers are typically provided
to the application as program libraries that are connected at
link time, based on which API calls were used in the application.
Depending on the UIMS, it may make direct bindings to one or
more of these X architecture layers, or it may provide a more
abstract API (such as a custom-developed binding specific to this
UIMS) that provides similar functionality from the underlying
widget set and/or intrinsics layer.
Another way of viewing X's architecture is through a client/server
model. In this model, an X server is responsible for managing
a scarce resource - in this case the workstation's graphical display
surface and input devices (keyboard and mouse). The application
programs (which sit as the top layer in their earlier stack architecture)
are the clients, communicating with the server through X protocol
calls. These clients can be local (running on the same workstation
the server is) or can be running on another computer (communicating
over a network).
The X architectures shown above provide a framework or reference
model for describing X software. The actual X Window System software
that is sold or distributed can change as new features are added
and bugs are fixed. Over time, the Athena Consortium has made
both major new versions of X and minor new releases of individual
versions available for distribution. At the time of this report's
preparation, the current major version of X was #11 and the release
level was 5. This is commonly abbreviated as X11R5. Note that
even when the Athena Consortium releases a new version of the
base (or reference) X server implementation and client libraries
(such as X11R6), there may be a lag time before a commercial organization
(such as OSF or UI) or a language-binding developer (such as for
Ada/X) will upgrade their products to conform to this new release.
Therefore, it is important to understand how "version skew"
can affect these X layers and the programming language bindings
to them.
There have been a variety of efforts to create Ada/X bindings,
below are just some of those the author has heard about:
Binding Developer
Ada/Xlib (R2) SAIC for original Software Technology for Adaptable
and Reliable Systems (STARS) Foundations work (1988).
Ada/Windows DEC's interface to their "Xlib-like" DECWindows
product (1989).
Ada/Xlib (R3) Early commercial versions of STARS Foundations work
Ada/Xlib (R4) STARS Ada/Xlib binding from SAIC and Unisys (1991).
Ada/Xt (R2) Software Productivity Consortium (SPC) proprietary
binding to Hewlett-Packard (HP) widget set (1989).
Ada/Xt (R3) STARS Ada/Xt implementation on top of STARS Ada/Xlib
from both SAIC and Unisys (1991).
Ada widgets STARS work to populate an Xt widget set on Ada/Xt
implementation (1991).
Ada/Xt (R4) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) work to create Xt
binding (1991).
Ada/Motif (R3) OSF-funded partial Motif bindings work at University
of Lowell (1991).
Ada/Motif NASA's Transportable Applications Environment Plus (TAE+)
UIMS uses Ada bindings to Motif (1991).
Ada/Xt SEI's Serpent UIMS, generating a direct Ada interface (1991).
Ada/Xt TRW's Generated Reusable Ada Man-Machine Interface (GRAMMI)
UIMS (1991).
Ada/Xt Advanced Software Engineering Technologies' Agora UIMS
based on Serpent.
Ada/Motif Systems Engineering Research Corporation's (SERC's)
SA/Motif binding based on STARS Ada/Xt and Ada/Xlib specifications.
Ada/Motif Advanced Technology Center (ATC) Ada X Interface binding.
Ada/Motif TeleSoft's TeleUSE UIMS uses direct Ada bindings to
Motif (1991).
Ada/Motif Objective Interface Systems' Screen Machine UIMS uses
abstract Ada interface to Motif (1992).
Ada/Motif Sunrise Software International's ezX UIMS uses abstract
Ada interface to Motif (1992).
Ada/UIMS Strategies' Heragraph UIMS produces Ada graphics applications
conformant to Motif's "look and feel" (1992).
Ada/UIMS Sherrill-Lubinski's Graphical Modeling System (SL-GMS)
UIMS produces Ada graphics applications conformant to Motif's
"look and feel" (1992).
In the list above, the "Binding" column indicates which
level of the X stack architecture (Xlib, Xt, widget set, and/or
UIMS) is being bound to. Note that some of the Ada/UIMS tools
do not provide interfaces to the lower layers of the X stack architecture,
while other bindings typically provide interfaces to the highest
layer named and each lower layer. The "R" number indicates
which X release level the Ada API is being provided for, so "R3"
indicates X11R3. The "Developer" column indicates who
is (or has been) developing this Ada/X binding and what year that
binding was first released for use. As can be seen from the dates
in the list above, most of the Ada/X binding development work
has been done in just the last few years. A number of Ada compiler
vendors are reselling one of these bindings (such as SA/Motif
and AdaX) as an add-on product to their compilers.
Many of the Ada/X developments discussed above are based on the
idea of implementing all or parts of Ada/X as a binding on top
of an underlying C/X implementation. Not all Ada developers have
agreed with this assumption - some believe that it is possible
to develop an all-Ada implementation of the entire X Window System
so that their Ada programmers are not tied to what the base C/X
implementation provides and so that Ada's built-in object-oriented
design (OOD) and OOP constructs can be fully exploited.
Rational Corporation has developed an (almost) all-Ada implementation
of Xlib for both their R1000 computers and Sun 3 workstations.
This is instead of the more traditional approach of writing a
binding to an underlying C/X implementation. They do have some
assembler at the lowest layers to interface to the X protocol,
where direct calls to network "sockets" are made. Rational
donated this ~33,000 line Ada/Xlib implementation to the Athena
Consortium for distribution on the X11R5 "contributed software"
release tape.
All the Ada/X development work discussed above concentrates on
the client side of X's architecture, providing the Ada interfaces
and libraries that an application needs. But there has been work
at Lockheed/Sanders to develop an all-Ada implementation of an
X server. (For a description of how this Ada/X server implementation
was done, see "Ada Implemenation of an X Window System Server"
by Stuart Lewin, Proceedings of TRI-Ada '89.)
Ada application design
One area that has to be considered when developing an application
using Ada/X is the software design method(s) being used. The
X Window System assumes an OOP approach that is implemented manually
in the default C programming language. Ada has its own built-in
OOP constructs that OOD often tries to take advantage of. Many
of these Ada/X bindings try to straddle the boundary between following
what the reference X implementations in C (C/X, with which most
existing X programmers will be most familiar with) provides and
what an idealized Ada/X binding would provide.
Ada provides a variety of OOP constructs to choose from, and it
turns out that many binding developers made different choices
in their individual implementations of Ada/X. Experience with
different Ada compilers has shown that individual compilers do
a good job efficiently handling some Ada constructs but no---t
others. There are variants across compiler vendors, so one compiler
might do a good job with one approach but not another. The presence
of different Ada/X implementation approaches allows application
developers to choose which of the bindings best matches the strengths
of their compiler. But this does require detailed knowledge by
the application development organization as to the specific strengths
and weakness of their chosen compiler(s).
When assessing a potential Ada binding and/or UIMS to be used
with an application, experience with various Ada/X implementations
has lead to an initial set of "lessons learned" about
using complex Ada applications that vendors should be asked about
(if important to the application):
Widget design and implementation issues
A major technical difference among various Ada/X bindings is how
Ada/Xt callbacks are implemented. Xt intrinsics use an "event-driven"
model of execution; the widget contains a pointer to an application
routine that is called when a specified event occurs. The "main"
control of the program exists within the internals of Xt; almost
all of the application's windowing code will be subroutines that
are called from within Xt. Unfortunately, Ada does not handle
this particular OOD concept of being able to point to instances
of encapsulated code and data very well, so Ada/X vendors had
to design something that would simulate this concept.
One approach used within some of the STARS Ada/Xt implementation
is to use tasks and task types to encapsulate widget instances.
Since Ada allows pointers (access) to task types, it is possible
to set up and assign pointers to what to call when certain events
occur. Ada task types can be dynamically created and terminated,
so the programmer has some flexibility on how and when to construct
Since Ada tasks exist within Ada's strong typing model, that means
there are normally restrictions on how data is passed as parameters
to the task's entry points and even how tasks of different types
are treated separately. This is a problem with Xt intrinsics
because a weak typing model is assumed. Applications programmers
and widget developers are supposed to be able to easily construct
higher-level widgets from the pieces of lower-level widgets.
Xt's "inheritance hierarchy" assures that when an event
occurs within one widget, it is propagated up the hierarchy to
all the other related widgets that also need to deal with that
widget. Widget developers provide default "methods"
and "values" that the application programmers can use
to control what is done when these events occur. Programmers
are free to override these default "methods" through
subclassing of a widget class into a new "subclass"
and/or by manually setting a new method that is run as an alternative
to the old one.
All this dynamic definition and reconfiguration of the structure
or architecture of who is allowed to call what tends to conflict
with Ada's strong (task) typing model. One solution is to separate
the different types of widgets and their associated (underlying)
Xt intrinsics into different Ada task types. But instead of different
entry points for the different methods of this type of task (widget
class), there is only one entry for all tasks (with each defined
handle having exactly the same parameter profile). The advantage
of this approach is that Ada's Unchecked_Conversion procedure
can (hopefully) be used to convert a pointer of one instance of
these task types to another. By converting a task access from
one type to another, the same calls to the entry can be used to
"simulate" the overwriting or subclassing of one Ada/Xt
"method" by another.
Other Ada/X vendors have taken a different approach for implementing
this callback scheme. Instead of using access to task types,
they use pointers to Ada procedures. Since there is no such thing
as an access pointer to an Ada subprogram, they use the ADDRESS
attribute of the procedures as the values to place and adjust
within widget "methods". For example, some of the STARS-based
bindings uses a generic callback package, where the "action"
routines are passed into it as a generic procedure parameter.
The work involved to overwrite default methods will require passing
system.addresses around as further parameters. There is a single
dispatch subprogram that deals with the "methods", that
centralizes where these callbacks are handled. As anyone who
has programmed in C/Xt can tell you, a variety of terrible things
will happen if these pointers become corrupted or set incorrectly.
Another issue to check for in an Ada/X binding is the support
for Motif's User Interface Language (UIL). A number of UIMS tools
(both Ada and C) will generate UIL in addition to or as a replacement
for generated Ada code to an API. This is a more abstract interface
to X, but many of the same Ada application program binding issues
discussed above remain.
Standardization issues
Most Ada/X binding developers agree that there needs to be some
sort of standards group responsible for just the Ada bindings
to the rest of X. But as with the general C/X community, there
has been a general lack of progress in developing formal standards
(in contrast to de facto standards) in this area. As the vendors
listed above generate Ada/Xlib, Ada/Xt, Ada/UIMS, and other specifications,
someone needs to transition these specifications to a standards
group to be maintained. The incompatible Ada/X systems (differing
on even comparatively simple decisions, such as Ada naming conventions)
are examples of what can go wrong for the entire Ada/X community
that hopes for portability and reusability of software if too
many incompatible bindings are developed. The X Window System
levels (within the stack architecture) are all in a state of flux
as new technical improvements are being added almost continuously.
Each of these changes might be implemented differently by the
binding developers, hurting overall Ada/X portability. These
changes to C/X (at least) are beginning to be controlled by a
series of standards groups; some are American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) groups (such as X3H3) and some are Institute
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) groups, such as
POSIX committee P1201.
But progress is slow at the C/X level as well, with Ada/X viewed
as an effort that must follow these standards. The use of language-independent
specifications (LIS), as has been done in POSIX P1003, would aid
an Ada/X binding to underlying X Window System services. But
progress to an X, Motif, or OL LIS has been very slow.
Currently there are no clear plans on how (or who) to set up an
Ada/X standards group. Any Ada standardization group would be
within the structure of an existing standards group; there is
no point in creating some all-new group just for Ada bindings.
This means that the Ada group would have to conform to practices
being used by its related groups. For example, the POSIX P1201
committee is looking specifically at creating industry standards
for X, so it could be a good place to form a subcommittee for
dealing just with Ada bindings. POSIX already has a subcommittee
that deals with just Ada binding standards to the base operating
system (P1003.5), so Ada language-specific bindings are not new
One issue to consider in the timing of the formation of any Ada/X
binding standardization group is the progress being made by the
related standards groups. In POSIX, the trend is toward the development
first of an LIS for the functionality of some system; with language-specific
bindings then developed on top of this standard. For X, this
trend leads to some confusion because there are different groups
working on different standards (at different rates of completion)
for the various layers of X.
At the base of the X Window System is the X protocol defining
the bits and bytes that are passed between client and server.
The ANSI X3H3.6 subcommittee has developed a standard. Since
this protocol layer is well below what any Ada application program
would have to deal with (with the possible exception of the Rational
Ada/Xlib implementation) and since most other Ada/X bindings abstract
away this layer by dealing with the X Window System only through
higher layers, there may be no need for an Ada-specific binding
standard at the protocol layer.
The next layer up is Xlib. The development of the functionality
(specification of behavior) is done by the Athena Consortium itself,
with no formal standards group yet responsible for creating the
formal standard. A problem has arisen here in that the Athena
Consortium wants to hold off any standardization (in C, Ada, or
anything else) at the Xlib layer until they have come up with
a solution to the tricky problem of "internationalization"
(the support of non-Roman alphabets such as Kanji, Hangul, Arabic,
and Hebrew).
When moving above Xlib, an Ada programmer moves into X toolkits,
widget sets, and controversy. While the X community has settled
on using the Xt intrinsics, the widget sets and "look and
feel" issues remain highly competitive. POSIX P1201.1 and
others are trying again with a very high-level abstract interface
known as the Virtual Application Programming Interface (VAPI)
that was developed for the XVT commercial virtual toolkit that
claims conformance to almost any windowing system (including Motif;
and OL). Some progress has been made in developing an Ada/XVT
The Ada/X community will have to address the widget-set issue
at some point. The X application development community seems
to be lining up behind commercial widget sets such as Motif's
and OL's, with older and smaller widget sets such as the Athena
and Xray sets falling into disuse. In addition to the size of
these commercial widget sets (Ada bindings and/or implementations
are a major undertaking), there are nasty copyright and "commercial
advantage" issues to consider.
Another standardization issue to consider is the moving targets
being standardized to. The original STARS Foundations Ada bindings
were to X11R2; the final STARS Ada/Xlib bindings are to X11R4;
and a number of commercial Ada/X bindings support X11R5. Also,
there are already rumored plans for future X11 releases (that
will include threads, where Ada tasking can really make an impact).
The commercial widget sets are also moving targets (such as Motif
versions 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, etc.). Note that the commercial X vendors
do not always release their products in synchronization with the
latest Athena Consortia releases. (Motif was stuck at X11R3 for
a while after X11R4 was released.)
Another question that Ada/X developers should consider is how
they should deal with the National Institute of Science and Technology
(NIST) Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) on user
interface models (FIPS 158). NIST has defined a seven-layer reference
model (patterned after the Open Systems Interconnection - OSI
- network reference model) that is used to organize standards.
FIPS 158 defines a user-interface reference model that is closely
patterned after the X Window System's architecture "stack":
FIPS 158 model X11 reality
application application
dialog UIMS
presentation ?
toolkit widgets
subroutine foundation Xt intrinsics
subroutines Xlib
byte stream X protocol
Another standardization issue to consider for FIPS 158 and Ada
bindings are the extensions being made to the X Window System
by various developers and researchers. For example, the Programmer's
Hierarchical Interface for Graphics Systems (PHIGS) Extensions
to X (PEX) defines functionality that some programmers will need
but which lie outside the traditional X Window System "reference
model". The Ada/PHIGS binding has already gone through its
standardization effort.
2.1 Ada Semantic Interface Specification
Information about ASIS
2.2 Generic Package of Elementary Functions
2.3 Generic Package of Primitive Functions
2.4 Graphical Kernel System (GKS)
2.5 Information Resource Dictionary System
Strategy for the ANSI/ISO Ada language binding to IRDS
2.6 Portable Operating System Interface
for Computer
Environments (POSIX)
CDF, #200 - 13571 Commerce Parkway
Richmond, BC V6V 2J2 Canada
tel: 604/231-3232
Dept. of Computer Science
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4019
tel: 904/644-5452
Other projects are in varying stages of development, including
P1003.4 for real-time extensions, P1003.6 for system security,
P1003.7 for system administration, P1003.8 for network file access,
P1003.10 for supercomputing profile, P1003.12 for protocol-independent
networking, P1003.13 for real-time profile, and at least 10 other
2.7 Programmer's Hierachical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS)
tel: 1-800/232-4211 (703) 681-2466
fax: 703/681-2869
2.8 Database Language SQL
The MITRE Corporation
1820 Dolley Madison Boulevard
McLean, VA 22102
2.9 X Window System
The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road-M/S A378A
Bedford, MA 01730-1420
User Interface Management System (UIMS)
Widget sets
Xt intrinsics
X protocol
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