------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- NAME: NDC_RECTANGLE_POINT_OPS -- DISCREPANCY REPORTS: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- file: ndc_rect_point_ops.ada -- level: mb - 2b with GKS_TYPES; use GKS_TYPES; package NDC_RECTANGLE_POINT_OPS is -- This package provides functions to check for the inclusion of -- a point (or points) in a rectangle in the NDC coordinate system. function POINT_IN_RECTANGLE (POINT : in NDC.POINT; RECTANGLE : in NDC.RECTANGLE_LIMITS) return BOOLEAN; function POINT_ARRAY_IN_RECTANGLE (POINT_ARRAY : in NDC.POINT_ARRAY; RECTANGLE : in NDC.RECTANGLE_LIMITS) return BOOLEAN; end NDC_RECTANGLE_POINT_OPS;