with System; with DCE_Base; with DCE_Status; package RPC is -- **************************************************************************** -- Package RPC provides Ada bindings to services in OSF's DCE RPC component. -- **************************************************************************** type RPCBase_v0_0_0 is private; type RPC_Opaque_Ptr_Type is access RPCBase_v0_0_0; type RPC_Auth_Identity_Type is private; type Handle_Type is private; type RPC_Binding_Handle_Type is access Handle_Type; type Binding_Vector_Record_Type is private; type RPC_Binding_Vector_Type is access Binding_Vector_Record_Type; type RPC_EP_Inquiry_Handle_Type is private; type RPC_Interface_Handle_Type is new RPC_Opaque_Ptr_Type; type RPC_Interface_Id_Type is private; type RPC_Interface_Id_Vector_Type is private; type RPC_Manager_EPV_Type is private; type RPC_NS_Handle_Type is private; type RPC_Protseq_Vector_Type is private; type RPC_SS_Thread_Handle_Type is private; type RPC_Statistics_Vector_Type is private; type RPC_String_Binding_Type is private; type UUID_Type is private; type UUID_Array_Type is array (positive range <>) of UUID_Type; type UUID_Vector_Record_Type is private; type UUID_Vector_Type is access UUID_Vector_Record_Type; EP_Map_Annotation_Length : constant integer := 64; subtype EP_Map_Annotation_Type is string(1..EP_Map_Annotation_Length); NS_Entry_Name_Length : constant integer := 128; subtype NS_Entry_Name_Type is string(1..NS_Entry_Name_Length); NS_Expanded_Name_Length : constant integer := 128; subtype NS_Expanded_Name_Type is string(1..NS_Expanded_Name_Length); NS_Group_Name_Length : constant integer := 128; subtype NS_Group_Name_Type is string(1..NS_Group_Name_Length); NS_Member_Name_Length : constant integer := 128; subtype NS_Member_Name_Type is string(1..NS_Member_Name_Length); NS_Profile_Annotation_Length : constant integer := 17; subtype NS_Profile_Annotation_Type is string(1..NS_Profile_Annotation_Length); NS_Profile_Name_Length : constant integer := 128; subtype NS_Profile_Name_Type is string(1..NS_Profile_Name_Length); Principal_Name_Length : constant integer := 128; subtype Principal_Name_Type is string(1..Principal_Name_Length); Protocol_Sequence_Length : constant integer := 32; subtype Protocol_Sequence_Type is string(1..Protocol_Sequence_Length); NCACN_IP_TCP : constant Protocol_Sequence_Type := "ncacn_ip_tcp" & Ascii.NUL & " "; NCADG_IP_UDP : constant Protocol_Sequence_Type := "ncadg_ip_udp" & Ascii.NUL & " "; UUID_String_Length : constant natural := 37; subtype UUID_String_Type is string(1..UUID_String_Length); -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_Binding_* //////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RPC_Binding_Handle_Display( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Display the binding handle content. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : Binding handle to display -- -- Output: -- None -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Copy( Source_Binding : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Dest_Binding : out RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Make a copy of the binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Source_Binding : Binding handle to copy -- -- Output: -- Dest_Binding : The returned binding handle copy -- -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_copy( -- rpc_binding_handle_t src_binding_handle, -- rpc_binding_handle_t *dst_binding_handle, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Free( Binding_Handle : in out RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Free the binding handle resources. -- -- Input/Output: -- Binding_Handle : Binding handle to free. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_free( -- rpc_binding_handle_t *binding_handle, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_from_String_Binding( String_Binding : in RPC_String_Binding_Type; Binding_Handle : out RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Return a binding handle from a string representation of a bindling handle. -- -- Input: -- String_Binding : The formatted string binding with delimiters -- -- Output: -- Binding_Handle : The new binding handle -- -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_arg -- rpc_s_invalid_endpoint_format -- rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protseq -- rpc_s_invalid_string_binding -- rpc_s_protseq_not_supported -- uuid_s_bad_version -- uuid_s_invalid_string_uuid -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_from_string_binding( -- unsigned_char_t *string_binding, -- rpc_binding_handle_t *binding_handle, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Inq_Auth_Client( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Privs : out System.Address; Server_Princ_Name : out Principal_Name_Type; Protect_Level : out DCE_Base.RPC_Protect_Level_Type; Authn_Service : out DCE_Base.RPC_Authentication_Service_Type; Authz_Service : out DCE_Base.RPC_Authorization_Service_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; No_Server_Name : in boolean := FALSE; No_Protect_Level : in boolean := FALSE; No_Authn_Service : in boolean := FALSE; No_Authz_Service : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns authentication and authorization information from an -- AUTHENTICATED CLIENT binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The CLIENT binding handle -- No_Server_Name : If TRUE, the server principal name is not returned -- No_Protect_Level : If TRUE, the protection level is not returned -- No_Authn_Service : If TRUE, the authentication service is not returned -- No_Authz_Service : If TRUE, the authorization service is not returned -- -- Output: -- Privs : -- The handle to the authorization information. The server must convert -- this to one that is appropriate for the Authz_Service, as follows: -- -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ -- | | Privs Contains | | -- | Authz_Service | Calling Client's... | Convert To... | -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ -- | Authz_None | NULL_ADDRESS | Nothing | -- | Authz_Name | Pricipal Name | Principal_Name_Ptr | -- | Authz_DCE | Privilege Attribute | Sec_ID_Pac_Ptr | -- | | Certificate | | -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ -- -- Server_Princ_Name : The server principal name -- Protect_Level : Requested protection level -- Authn_Service : Requested authentication service -- Authz_Service : Requested authorization service -- -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- rpc_s_binding_has_no_auth -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_inq_auth_client( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding, -- rpc_authz_handle_t *privs, -- unsigned_char_t **server_princ_name, -- unsigned32 *protect_level, -- unsigned32 *authn_svc, -- unsigned32 *authz_svc, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Inq_Auth_Info( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Server_Princ_Name : out Principal_Name_Type; Protect_Level : out DCE_Base.RPC_Protect_Level_Type; Authn_Service : out DCE_Base.RPC_Authentication_Service_Type; Auth_Identity : out RPC_Auth_Identity_Type; Authz_Service : out DCE_Base.RPC_Authorization_Service_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; No_Server_Name : in boolean := FALSE; No_Protect_Level : in boolean := FALSE; No_Authn_Service : in boolean := FALSE; No_Auth_Identity : in boolean := FALSE; No_Authz_Service : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns authentication and authorization information from a SERVER binding -- handle. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The SERVER binding handle -- No_Server_Name : If TRUE, the server principal name is not returned -- No_Protect_Level : If TRUE, the protection level is not returned -- No_Authn_Service : If TRUE, the authentication service is not returned -- No_Auth_Identity : If TRUE, the client's credentials appropriate for the -- selected authentication and authorization services are -- not returned -- No_Authz_Service : If TRUE, the authorization service is not returned -- -- Output: -- Server_Princ_Name : The server principal name -- Protect_Level : Requested protection level -- Authn_Service : Requested authentication service -- Auth_Identity : The client's credentials appropriate for the selected -- authentication and authorization services. The client -- must convert this to a type that is appropriate for the -- authentication and authorization services (established -- via RPC_Binding_Set_Auth_Info) -- Authz_Service : Requested authorization service -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- rpc_s_binding_has_no_auth -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_inq_auth_info( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding, -- unsigned_char_t **server_princ_name, -- unsigned32 *protect_level, -- unsigned32 *authn_svc, -- rpc_auth_identity_handle_t *auth_identity, -- unsigned32 *authz_svc, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- Test Note: Without a login context for the call to setup the auth info (with -- "RPC_Binding_Set_Auth_Info"), this function cannot be tested. -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Inq_Object( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Object_UUID : out UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Return the object UUID from a binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle -- -- Output: -- Object_UUID : The object UUID -- -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_inq_object( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding, -- uuid_t *object_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Reset( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Reset the binding handle by removing the endpoint information, resulting in -- a partially bound SERVER binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_inq_object( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding, -- uuid_t *object_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Server_from_Client( Client_Binding : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Server_Binding : out RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Converts a CLIENT binding handle to a SERVER binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Client_Binding : The client binding handle -- -- Output: -- Server_Binding : The server binding handle -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_cant_getpeername -- rpc_s_connection_closed -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_server_from_client( -- rpc_binding_handle_t client_binding, -- rpc_binding_handle_t *server_binding, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Set_Auth_Info( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Server_Princ_Name : in Principal_Name_Type; Protect_Level : in DCE_Base.RPC_Protect_Level_Type; Authn_Service : in DCE_Base.RPC_Authentication_Service_Type; Auth_Identity : in RPC_Auth_Identity_Type; Authz_Service : in DCE_Base.RPC_Authorization_Service_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Default_Identity : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Set authentication and authorization information for a SERVER binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle -- Server_Princ_Name : Principal name of the server -- Protect_Level : The protection level of RPC's made with Binding_Handle -- Authn_Service : The authentication service -- Auth_Identity : The client's credentials appropriate for the selected -- authentication and authorization services -- Authz_Service : The authorization service -- Default_Identity : If TRUE, uses the default security login context -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- rpc_s_unknown_authn_service -- rpc_s_authn_authz_mismatch -- rpc_s_unsupported_protect_level -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_set_auth_info( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding, -- unsigned_char_t *server_princ_name, -- unsigned32 protect_level, -- unsigned32 authn_svc, -- rpc_auth_identity_handle_t auth_identity, -- unsigned32 authz_svc, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Set_Object( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Object_UUID : in UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NIL_Obj_UUID : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Set the object UUID into a SERVER binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The SERVER binding handle -- Object_UUID : The object UUID -- Use_NIL_Obj_UUID : If TRUE, use a NIL UUID instead of the one supplied -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_set_object( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding, -- uuid_t *object_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_to_String_Binding( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; String_Binding : out RPC_String_Binding_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Return the string representation of a binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle -- -- Output: -- String_Binding : The formatted string binding with delimiters -- -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_cant_getpeername -- rpc_s_connection_closed -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_to_string_binding( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding_handle, -- unsigned_char_t **string_binding, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_Binding_Vector_Count( Binding_Vector : in RPC_Binding_Vector_Type) return natural; -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the number of elements in the vector of binding handles. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Vector : The vector of binding handles -- -- Output: -- None -- -- Return values: -- The number of elements in the binding vector -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_Binding_Vector_Element( Binding_Vector : in RPC_Binding_Vector_Type; Element_Number : in positive := 1 ) return RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the specified element from the vector of binding handles. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Vector : The vector of binding handles -- -- Element_Number : The element number (index value) to return -- -- Return Value: -- The binding handle -- -- Exceptions: -- CONSTRAINT_ERROR : -- Raised if Element_Number is greater than number of elements in vector -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Binding_Vector_Free( Binding_Vector : in out RPC_Binding_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Frees the memory used to store a vector of binding handles. -- -- Input/Output: -- Binding_Vector : The binding vector to free. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_arg -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_binding_vector_free( -- rpc_binding_vector_t **binding_vector, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_EP_* ///////////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RPC_EP_Register( IF_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Binding_Vector : in RPC_Binding_Vector_Type; Object_UUID_Vector : in UUID_Vector_Type; Annotation : in EP_Map_Annotation_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Add to, or replace, SERVER address information in the local endpoint map. -- -- Input: -- IF_Handle : The interface spec to register with local endpoint map -- Binding_Vector : A vector of server binding handles over which the -- server can receive remote procedure calls -- Object_UUID_Vector: A vector of object UUIDs that the server offers. -- Specify NULL if there are no object UUIDs to register -- Annotation : A text comment used for informational purposes only. -- Specify a string containing Ascii.NULs if no string -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_cant_access -- rpc_s_cant_create -- rpc_s_cant_perform_op -- rpc_s_database_invalid -- rpc_s_invalid_entry -- rpc_s_update_failed -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_no_bindings -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ep_register( -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vec, -- uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vec, -- unsigned_char_t *annotation, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_EP_Register_No_Replace( IF_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Binding_Vector : in RPC_Binding_Vector_Type; Object_UUID_Vector : in UUID_Vector_Type; Annotation : in EP_Map_Annotation_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Add to SERVER address information in the local endpoint map. -- -- Input: -- IF_Handle : The interface spec to register with local endpoint map -- Binding_Vector : A vector of server binding handles over which the -- server can receive remote procedure calls -- Object_UUID_Vector: A vector of object UUIDs that the server offers -- Specify NULL if there are no object UUIDs to register -- Annotation : A text comment used for informational purposes only. -- Specify a string containing Ascii.NULs if no string -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_cant_access -- rpc_s_cant_create -- rpc_s_cant_perform_op -- rpc_s_database_invalid -- rpc_s_invalid_entry -- rpc_s_update_failed -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_no_bindings -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ep_register_no_replace( -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vec, -- uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vec, -- unsigned_char_t *annotation, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_EP_Resolve_Binding( Binding_Handle : in out RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; IF_Handle : in out RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Resolves a partially bound SERVER binding handle into a fully bound SERVER -- binding handle. -- -- Input/Output: -- Binding_Handle : The SERVER binding handle -- IF_Handle : The interface handle of interest -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_not_registered -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ep_resolve_binding( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding_h, -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_EP_Unregister( IF_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Binding_Vector : in RPC_Binding_Vector_Type; Object_UUID_Vector : in UUID_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Removes SERVER address information in the local endpoint map. -- -- Input: -- IF_Handle : The interface to remove from the local endpoint map -- Binding_Vector : A vector of server binding handles to remove -- Object_UUID_Vector: A vector of object UUIDs to remove. Specify NULL if -- there are no object UUIDs to remove -- Annotation : A text comment used for informational purposes only -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_cant_access -- rpc_s_cant_create -- rpc_s_cant_perform_op -- rpc_s_database_invalid -- rpc_s_invalid_entry -- rpc_s_update_failed -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_no_bindings -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ep_unregister( -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vec, -- uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vec, -- unsigned32 *status); -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_IF_* ///////////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RPC_IF_Id_Display( IF_Identifier : in RPC_Interface_Id_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Display the contents of te interface identifier, formatted as follows: -- uuid,major_vesrion.minor_version -- -- Input: -- IF_Identifier : The IF Id to display -- -- Output: -- None -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_IF_Id_Vector_Count( IF_Id_Vector : in RPC_Interface_Id_Vector_Type) return natural; -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the number of elements in the vector of interface identifiers. -- -- Input: -- IF_Id_Vector : The vector of interface identifiers -- -- Output: -- None -- -- Return values: -- The number of elements in the vector -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_IF_Id_Vector_Element( IF_Id_Vector : in RPC_Interface_Id_Vector_Type; Element_Number : in positive := 1 ) return RPC_Interface_Id_Type; -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the specified element from the vector of interface identifiers. -- -- Input: -- IF_Id_Vector : The vector of interface identifiers -- -- Element_Number : The element number (index value) to return -- -- Return Value: -- The interface identifier -- -- Exceptions: -- CONSTRAINT_ERROR : -- Raised if Element_Number is greater than number of elements in vector -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_IF_Id_Vector_Free( IF_Id_Vector : in out RPC_Interface_Id_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Frees the interface identifier vector structure. -- -- Input/Output: -- IF_Id_Vector : The interface identifier vector. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_arg -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_if_id_vector_free( -- rpc_if_id_vector_p_t *if_id_vector, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_IF_Inq_Id( IF_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; IF_Identifier : out RPC_Interface_Id_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the interface identifier for an interface specification. -- -- Input: -- IF_Handle : The SERVER binding handle -- -- Output: -- IF_Identifier : The interface identifier -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_if_inq_id( -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- rpc_if_id_t *if_id, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_if_register_auth_info( -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- unsigned_char_t *server_princ_name, -- unsigned32 protect_level, -- unsigned32 authn_svc, -- rpc_auth_identity_handle_t auth_identity, -- unsigned32 authz_svc, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_Mgmt_* /////////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RPC_Mgmt_EP_Elt_Inq_Begin( EP_Binding : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Inquiry_Type : in DCE_Base.EP_Inquiry_Type_Type; Interface_ID : in RPC_Interface_Id_Type; Version_Option : in DCE_Base.Version_Option_Type; Object_UUID : in UUID_Type; Inquiry_Context : out RPC_EP_Inquiry_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Creates an inquiry context for viewing the elements in the endpoint map. -- -- Input: -- EP_Binding : Binding handle to host whose endpoint to receive -- Specify NULL to use the endpoint map from same host as -- the calling application -- Inquiry_Type : Type of inquiry to perform -- Interface_ID : The IF id of the endpoint map elements returned from the -- call(s) to RPC_Mgmt_EP_Elt_Inq_Next() -- Version_Option : The comparison method used by RPC_Mgmt_EP_Elt_Inq_Next() -- if Inquiry_Type is EP_MATCH_BY_BOTH or EP_MATCH_BY_IF -- Object_UUID : The Object UUID that RPC_Mgmt_EP_Elt_Inq_Next() looks for -- in endpoint map elements -- -- Output: -- Inquiry_Context: The inquiry context to use with RPC_Mgmt_EP_Elt_Inq_Next() -- and RPC_Mgmt_EP_Elt_Inq_Done() -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_context -- rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_type -- rpc_s_invalid_vers_option -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin( -- rpc_binding_handle_t ep_binding, -- unsigned32 inquiry_type, -- rpc_if_id_t *if_id, -- unsigned32 vers_option, -- uuid_t *object_uuid, -- rpc_ep_inq_handle_t *inquiry_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_EP_Elt_Inq_Done( Inquiry_Context : in out RPC_EP_Inquiry_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Deletes the inquiry context for viewing the elements in the endpoint map. -- -- Input/Output: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context to delete. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_context -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done( -- rpc_ep_inq_handle_t *inquiry_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_EP_Elt_Inq_Next( Inquiry_Context : in RPC_EP_Inquiry_Handle_Type; Interface_ID : in RPC_Interface_Id_Type; Binding_Handle : out RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Object_UUID : out UUID_Type; Annotation : out EP_Map_Annotation_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; No_Binding : in boolean := FALSE; No_Obj_UUID : in boolean := FALSE; No_Annotation : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns one element from an endpoint map -- -- Input: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context to use -- Interface_ID : The IF id of the endpoint map element -- Object_UUID : The Object UUID of the endpoint map element -- Annotation : The annoation string of the endpoint map element -- No_Binding : If TRUE, the Binding_Handle is NOT returned -- No_Obj_UUID : If TRUE, the Object_UUID is NOT returned -- No_Annotation : If TRUE, the Annotation is NOT returned -- -- Output: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle of the local endpoint map element -- Object_UUID : The object UUID from the local endpoint map element -- Annotation : The annotation string for the local endpoint map element -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_cant_perform_op -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_database_invalid -- rpc_s_falut_context_mismatch -- rpc_s_invalid_context -- rpc_s_invalid_entry -- rpc_s_invalid_arg -- rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_context -- rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_type -- rpc_s_no_more_elements -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next( -- rpc_ep_inq_handle_t inquiry_context, -- rpc_if_id_t *if_id, -- rpc_binding_handle_t *binding, -- uuid_t *object_uuid, -- unsigned_char_t **annotation, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_EP_Unregister( EP_Binding : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Interface_ID : in RPC_Interface_Id_Type; Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Object_UUID : in UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; No_Obj_UUID : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Unregisters (remove) server address information from an endpoint map. -- -- Input: -- EP_Binding : The host whose local endpoint map elements to unregister -- Interface_ID : The IF id to remove from the local endpoint map -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle to remove -- Object_UUID : The object UUID to remove -- No_Obj_UUID : If TRUE, no object UUIDs are considered in the removal -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_cant_access -- rpc_s_cant_perform_op -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_database_invalid -- rpc_s_invalid_entry -- rpc_s_not_registered -- rpc_s_update_failed -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_no_interfaces -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister( -- rpc_binding_handle_t ep_binding, -- rpc_if_id_t *if_id, -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding, -- uuid_t *object_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Inq_Com_Timeout( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Timeout : out DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Return the communications time-out value in a SERVER binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle -- -- Output: -- Timeout : The time-out value -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_inq_com_timeout( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding, -- unsigned32 *timeout -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Inq_Dflt_Protect_Level( Authn_Service : in DCE_Base.RPC_Authentication_Service_Type; Protect_Level : out DCE_Base.RPC_Protect_Level_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the default protection level for an authentication service. -- -- Input: -- Authn_Service : The authentication service for which the default -- protection level is to be returned -- -- Output: -- Protect_Level : The default protection level -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_unknown_authn_service -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_inq_dflt_protect_level( -- unsigned32 authn_svc, -- unsigned32 *protect_level, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Inq_IF_Ids( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; IF_Id_Vector : out RPC_Interface_Id_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns a vector of interface identifiers of interfaces a SERVER offers. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle to the remote application. Specify -- NULL to receive ID ids from your own (local) application -- -- Output: -- IF_Id_Vector : The interface identifier vector -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_binding_incomplete -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_mgmt_op_disallowed -- rpc_s_no_interfaces -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_inq_if_ids( -- rpc_binding_handle binding, -- rpc_if_id_vector_t **if_id_vector, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Inq_Server_Princ_Name( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Authn_Service : in DCE_Base.RPC_Authentication_Service_Type; Server_Princ_Name : out Principal_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Return a SERVER's principal name. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle to the remote application. Specify -- NULL to receive the principal name of the server itself -- Authn_Service : -- The authentication service for which the server principal name is to be -- returned -- -- Output: -- Server_Princ_Name : -- The server principal name registered for the authentication service by -- the srever in the binding. If the server registered more than one -- principal name, only one is returned -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_binding_incomplete -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_mgmt_op_disallowed -- rpc_s_unknown_authn_service -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name( -- rpc_binding_handle binding, -- unsigned32 authn_svc, -- unsigned_char_t **server_princ_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Inq_Stats( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Statistics : out RPC_Statistics_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Return RPC runtime statistics. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle to the remote application. Specify -- NULL to get statistics from your own (local) application -- -- Output: -- Statistics : The statistics vector -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_binding_incomplete -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_mgmt_op_disallowed -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_inq_stats( -- rpc_binding_handle binding, -- rpc_stats_vector_t **statistics, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_Mgmt_Is_Server_Listening( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Status : in DCE_Status.Status_Type) return DCE_Base.boolean32; -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells whether the SERVER is listening for remote procedure calls. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle to the remote application. Specify -- NULL to tell whether your own (local) application is -- listening for remote procedure calls -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_binding_incomplete -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_mgmt_op_disallowed -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- Returned Value: -- TRUE : The SERVER is listening -- FALSE : The SERVER is NOT listening, or cannot be reached -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- boolean32 rpc_mgmt_inq_stats( -- rpc_binding_handle binding, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** --procedure RPC_Mgmt_Set_Authorization_Fn( -- RPC_Mgmt_Authorization_Fn_Address : in DCE_Base.Function_Pointer_Type; -- Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Establishes an authorization function for processing remote calls to a -- SERVER's management routines. -- -- Input: -- RPC_Mgmt_Authorization_Fn_Address : The 'ADDRESS of the of the function -- RPC_Mgmt_Authorization_Fn(). The body is created and compiled separately -- by the application developer to replace the existing body in the library. -- Use System.NULL_ADDRESS to unregister a previously registered function; -- the default RPC runtime function will be used in its place. -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn( -- rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t authorization_fn, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Set_Cancel_Timeout( Seconds : in DCE_Base.Signed32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Sets the lower bound on the time to wait before timing out after forwarding -- a cancel request. -- -- Input: -- Seconds : Number of seconds to wait for a SERVER to acknowledge a cancel -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_set_cancel_timeout( -- signed32 seconds, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Set_Com_Timeout( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Timeout : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Sets the communications time-out value in a SERVER binding handle. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle whose comm time-out is set -- Timeout : The time-out value -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_invalid_timeout -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_set_com_timeout( -- rpc_binding_handle binding, -- unsigned32 timeout, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Set_Server_Stack_Size( Thread_Stack_Size : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Specifies the stack size for each SERVER thread -- -- Input: -- Thread_Stack_Size : The stack size, in bytes, allocated for each thread -- created by RPC_Server_Listen(). This value is applied -- to all threads created for the server -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_arg -- rpc_s_not_supported -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_set_server_stack_size( -- unsigned32 thread_stack_size, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_Mgmt_Stats_Vector_Element( Statistics : in RPC_Statistics_Vector_Type; Element : in DCE_Base.Stats_Type_Type ) return DCE_Base.Unsigned32; -- **************************************************************************** -- Return the specified element in the statistics vector. -- -- Input: -- Stats_Vector : The statistics vector -- Element : The element in the statistics vector to return -- -- Returned Value: -- The value of the specified element in the statistics vector -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Stats_Vector_Free( Statistics : in out RPC_Statistics_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Free the statistics vector. -- -- Input/Outout: -- Stats_Vector : The statistics vector. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Mgmt_Stop_Server_Listening( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells a SERVER to stop listening for remote procedure calls. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : The binding handle to the remote application. Specify -- NULL to stop your own (local) SERVER from listening -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_binding_incomplete -- rpc_s_comm_failure -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_mgmt_op_disallowed -- rpc_s_unkown_if -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening( -- rpc_binding_handle binding, -- unsigned32 *status); -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_Network_* //////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RPC_Network_Inq_Protseqs( Protseq_Vector : out RPC_Protseq_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns a vector of all protocol sequences supported by both the RPC runtime -- and the operating system. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- Protseq_Vector : A vector of protocol sequences supported by the RPC -- runtime and the operating system -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_no_protseqs -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_network_inq_protseqs( -- rpc_protseq_vector_t **protseq, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_Network_Is_Protseq_Valid( Protocol_Seq : in Protocol_Sequence_Type; Status : in DCE_Status.Status_Type ) return DCE_Base.boolean32; -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells whether the specified protocol sequence is supported by both the RPC -- runtime and the operating system. -- -- Input: -- Protocol_Seq : The protocol sequence -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protseq -- rpc_s_protseq_not_supported -- -- Return Value: -- TRUE : The specified protocol sequence is supported -- FALSE : The specified protocol sequence is NOT supported -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- boolean32 rpc_network_is_protseq_valid( -- unsigned_char_t *protseq, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_NS_* ///////////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Export( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; IF_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Binding_Vector : in RPC_Binding_Vector_Type; Object_UUID_Vector : in UUID_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Create a name service database entry with binding handles or object UUIDs -- for a SERVER. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Entry_Name : The entry name to which binding handles and object -- UUIDs are exported -- IF_Handle : The interface spec to emport. Specify NULL if there are -- no IF handles to export (only object UUIDs); In this -- case, the Binding_Vector parameter is ignored -- Binding_Vector : A vector of server binding handles to export. Specify -- NULL if there are no binding handles to export -- Object_UUID_Vector: A vector of object UUIDs. Specify NULL if there are -- no object UUIDs to export -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_nothing_to_export -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_export( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vector, -- uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vector, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Import_Begin( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; IF_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Object_UUID : in UUID_Type; Import_Context : out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NIL_Obj_UUID : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Create an import context for an interface and object in the name service -- database. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Entry_Name : The entry name where the search for compatible binding -- handles begins. Specify a string of Ascii.NULs to use -- value in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY environment variable. -- parameter to TRUE -- IF_Handle : The interface spec to export -- Object_UUID : An optional object UUID -- Use_NIL_Obj_UUID : If TRUE, use a NIL UUID instead of the Object_UUID -- -- Output: -- Import_Context : The context for use with RPC_NC_Binding_Import_Next() and -- RPC_NC_Binding_Import_Done() -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_invalid_object -- rpc_s_no_env_setup -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_import_begin( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- uuid_p_t object_uuid, -- rpc_ns_handle_t *import_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Import_Done( Import_Context : in out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Deletes the import context. -- -- Input/Output: -- Import_Context : The context to delete. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_import_done( -- rpc_ns_handle_t *import_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Import_Next( Import_Context : in RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Binding_Handle : out RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Return a binding handle of a compatible SERVER (if found) from the name -- service database. -- -- Input: -- Import_Context : The name service context -- -- Output: -- Binding_Handle : A compatible binding handle -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_class_version_mismatch -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_more_bindings -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_not_rpc_entry -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_import_next( -- rpc_ns_handle_t import_context, -- rpc_binding_handle_t *binding, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Inq_Entry_Name( Binding_Handle : in RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : out NS_Entry_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the name of an entry in the name service database from which the -- SERVER binding handle came. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Handle : A SERVER binding handle whose entry in the name service -- database is returned -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- -- Output: -- Entry_Name : The entry (global) name in the name service database in which -- the Binding_Handle was found -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_binding -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_no_entry_name -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- rpc_wrong_kind_of_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_inq_entry_name( -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding, -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t **entry_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Lookup_Begin( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; IF_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Object_UUID : in UUID_Type; Binding_Max_Count : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Lookup_Context : out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NIL_Obj_UUID : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Create a lookup context for an interface and object in the name service -- database. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable -- Entry_Name : The entry name where the search for compatible binding -- handles begins. Specify a string of Ascii.NUL to use -- value in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY environment variable -- IF_Handle : The interface spec to import. Specify NULL if the -- IF Spec has not been exported or is no concern to call -- Object_UUID : An optional object UUID -- Binding_Max_Count : The maximum number of binding handles returned from -- RPC_NS_Binding_Lookup_Next(). Specify -- BINDING_MAX_COUNT_DEFAULT to use the default count -- Use_NIL_Obj_UUID : If TRUE, a NIL Object UUID will be used in place of the -- Object_UUID parameter -- -- Output: -- Lookup_Context : The context for use with RPC_NC_Binding_Import_Next() and -- RPC_NC_Binding_Import_Done() -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_invalid_object -- rpc_s_no_env_setup -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- uuid_p_t object_uuid, -- unsigned32 binding_max_count, -- rpc_ns_handle_t *lookup_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Lookup_Done( Lookup_Context : in out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Deletes the lookup context. -- -- Input/Output: -- Lookup_Context : The context to delete. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done( -- rpc_ns_handle_t *lookup_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Lookup_Next( Lookup_Context : in RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Binding_Vector : out RPC_Binding_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns a list of binding handles of one or more compatible SERVERS -- (if found) from the name service database. -- -- Input: -- Lookup_Context : The lookup context from RPC_NS_Binding_Lookup_Begin() -- -- Output: -- Binding_Vector : A vector of compatible SERVER binding handles -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_class_version_mismatch -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_more_bindings -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_not_rpc_entry -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next( -- rpc_ns_handle_t lookup_context, -- rpc_binding_vector_t **binding_vector, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Select( Binding_Vector : in out RPC_Binding_Vector_Type; Binding_Handle : out RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns a binding handle from a list of compatible SERVER binding handles. -- -- Input: -- Binding_Vector : A vector of compatible SERVER binding handles -- -- Output: -- Binding_Handle : A randomly selected SERVER binding handle -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_no_more_bindings -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_select( -- rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vector, -- rpc_binding_handle_t *binding, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Binding_Unexport( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; IF_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Object_UUID_Vector : in UUID_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Removes the binding handles for an interface, or the object UUIDs, from an -- entry in the name service database. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Entry_Name : The entry name whose binding handles or object UUIDs -- are removed. -- IF_Handle : The interface spec to remove. Specify NULL if there are -- no binding handles to remove, only object UUIDs -- Object_UUID_Vector: A vector of object UUIDs to remove. Specify NULL if there -- are no Object UUIDs to remove (only binding handles) -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_class_version_mismatch -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_interface_not_found -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_invalid_vers_option -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_not_all_objs_unexported -- rpc_s_nothing_to_unexport -- rpc_s_not_rpc_entry -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_binding_unexport( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, -- uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vector, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Entry_Expand_Name( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; Expanded_Name : out NS_Expanded_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Expands the name of a name service entry. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Entry_Name : The entry name where the search for compatible binding -- handles begins. Specifying a string of Ascii.NUL has -- the same effect as Use_Default_Entry => TRUE -- Output: -- Expanded_Name : The fully expanded entry name -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_entry_expand_name( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- unsigned_char_t **expanded_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Entry_Object_Inq_Begin( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; Inquiry_Context : out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Creates an inquiry context for viewing the objects of an entry in the name -- service database. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Entry_Name : The entry name where the search for compatible binding -- handles begins. Specifying a string of Ascii.NUL has -- the same effect as Use_Default_Entry => TRUE -- Output: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context for use with the routines -- RPC_NS_Entry_Object_Next() and RPC_NS_Entry_Object_Done() -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Entry_Object_Inq_Done( Inquiry_Context : in out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Deletes the inquiry context. -- -- Input: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context to delete. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_done( -- rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Entry_Object_Inq_Next( Inquiry_Context : in out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Object_UUID : out UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns one object at a time from an entry in the name service database. -- -- Input: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context -- -- Output: -- Object_UUID : An exported object UUID -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_class_version_mismatch -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_more_members -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_not_rpc_entry -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next( -- rpc_ns_handle_t inquiry_context, -- uuid_t *object_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Group_Delete( Group_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Group_Name : in NS_Group_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Deletes a group attribute. -- -- Input: -- Group_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Group_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Group_Name : The group name to delete (global or cell-relative name) -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_group_delete( -- unsigned32 group_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *group_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Group_Mbr_Add( Group_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Group_Name : in NS_Group_Name_Type; Member_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Member_Name : in NS_Member_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Adds an entry name to a group; creating the entry if necessary. -- -- Input: -- Group_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Group_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Group_Name : The group name to receive the new member (global or -- cell-relative name) -- Member_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Member_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Member_Name : The name of the new member (global or cell-relative -- name) -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_class_version_mismatch -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_group_mbr_add( -- unsigned32 group_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *group_name, -- unsigned32 member_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *member_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Group_Mbr_Inq_Begin( Group_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Group_Name : in NS_Group_Name_Type; Member_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Inquiry_Context : out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Create an inquiry context for a group in the CDS. -- -- Input: -- Group_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Group_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable -- Group_Name : The group name to create the context for (global -- or cell-relative name) -- Member_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Member_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable -- -- Output: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context for use with the routines -- RPC_NS_Group_Mbr_Inq_Next() and -- RPC_NS_Group_Mbr_Inq_Done() -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin( -- unsigned32 group_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *group_name, -- unsigned32 member_name_syntax, -- rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Group_Mbr_Inq_Done( Inquiry_Context : in out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Deletes the inquiry context for a group. -- -- Input: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context to delete. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done( -- rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Group_Mbr_Inq_Next( Inquiry_Context : in RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Member_Name : out NS_Member_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; No_Return_Name : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns one member name at a time from a group. -- -- Input: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context to delete. If successful, set to NULL -- No_Return_Name : If TRUE, the member name is not returned -- -- Output: -- Member_Name : The (global) name of the group member -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_class_version_mismatch -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_more_members -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_not_rpc_entry -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next( -- rpc_ns_handle_t inquiry_context, -- unsigned_char_t **member_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Group_Mbr_Remove( Group_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Group_Name : in NS_Group_Name_Type; Member_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Member_Name : in NS_Member_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Removes an entry name from a group. -- -- Input: -- Group_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Group_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Group_Name : The group name to from which to remove the member -- (global or cell-relative name) -- Member_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Member_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Member_Name : The name of the member to remove from the name service -- interface group attribute in the Group_Name entry -- (global or cell-relative name) -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_group_member_not_found -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_group_mbr_remove( -- unsigned32 group_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *group_name, -- unsigned32 member_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *member_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Mgmt_Binding_Unexport( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; Interface_ID : in RPC_Interface_Id_Type; Version_Option : in DCE_Base.Version_Option_Type; Object_UUID_Vector : in UUID_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NULL_IF_Id : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Remove multiple binding handles, or object UUIDs, from an entry in the name -- service database. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Entry_Name : The entry name whose bindings or UUIDs are removed -- Interface_ID : The IF id for the binding handles to be removed -- Version_Option : Specifies how the vers_major and vers_minor are used -- Object_UUID_Vector: A vector of Object UUIDs to remove. Specify NULL if -- there are no object UUIDs to remove -- Use_NULL_IF_Id : If TRUE, use a NULL Interface_ID, signifying that no -- binding handles for the interface are to be removed -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_interface_not_found -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_invalid_vers_option -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_not_all_objs_unexported -- rpc_s_nothing_to_unexport -- rpc_s_not_rpc_entry -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- rpc_if_id_p_t if_id, -- unsigned32 vers_option, -- uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vector, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Mgmt_Entry_Create( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Creates an entry in the name service database. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Entry_Name : The entry name to create (global or cell-relative name) -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_entry_already_exists -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Mgmt_Entry_Delete( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Deletes an entry in the name service database. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Entry_Name : The entry name to create (global or cell-relative name) -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_not_rpc_entry -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_delete( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Mgmt_Entry_Inq_IF_Ids( Entry_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Entry_Name : in NS_Entry_Name_Type; IF_Id_Vector : out RPC_Interface_ID_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns a list of interfaces exported to an entry in the name service -- database. -- -- Input: -- Entry_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Entry_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Entry_Name : The entry name in the name service database for which -- an interface id vector is to be returned (global or -- cell-relative name) -- -- Output: -- IF_Id_Vector : A vector of interface identifiers -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_interfaces_exported -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_inq_if_ids( -- unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *entry_name, -- rpc_if_id_vector_p_t *if_id_vector, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Mgmt_Handle_Set_Exp_Age( NS_Handle : in RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Expiration_Age : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Sets a handle's expiration age for local copies of name service data. -- -- Input: -- NS_Handle : The name service handle to set the expirartion age -- Expiration_Age : The age, in seconds -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle ---- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age( -- rpc_ns_handle_t ns_handle, -- unsigned32 expiration_age, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Mgmt_Inq_Exp_Age( Expiration_Age : out DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the application's global expiration age for local copies of name -- service data. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- Expiration_Age : The default expiration age, in seconds -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_mgmt_inq_exp_age( -- unsigned32 *expiration_age, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Mgmt_Set_Exp_Age( Expiration_Age : in DCE_Base.Signed32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Modifies the application's global expiration age for local copies of name -- service data. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- Expiration_Age : The default expiration age, in seconds. Specify the value -- NS_DEFAULT_EXP_AGE to reset the expiration age to an RPC- -- assigned value -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_mgmt_set_exp_age( -- unsigned32 expiration_age, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Profile_Delete( Profile_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Profile_Name : in NS_Profile_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Deletes a profile attribute. -- -- Input: -- Profile_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Profile_Name parameter. -- Specify NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in -- the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Profile_Name : The profile name to delete (global or cell-relative -- name) -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_profile_delete( -- unsigned32 profile_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *profile_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Profile_Elt_Add( Profile_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Profile_Name : in NS_Profile_Name_Type; Interface_ID : in RPC_Interface_ID_Type; Member_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Member_Name : in NS_Member_Name_Type; Priority : in DCE_Base.NS_Element_Priority_Type; Annotation : in NS_Profile_Annotation_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_Default_Element : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Adds an element to a profile; creating the entry if necessary. -- -- Input: -- Profile_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Profile_Name parameter. -- Specify NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in -- the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Profile_Name : The profile name to which the element will be added -- (global or cell-relative name) -- Interface_ID : The interface id of the element to add to the profile -- Member_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for Member_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Member_Name : The name of the member to include in the new profile -- element (global or cell-relative name) -- Priority : The relative priority for using the new profile -- element during the import and lookup operations. -- Annotation : An annotation string -- Use_Default_Element : If TRUE, add or replace the default element in the -- profile, ignoring the Interface_ID and Priority -- parameters supplied. -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_class_version_mismatch -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_invalid_priority -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_profile_elt_add( -- unsigned32 profile_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *profile_name, -- rpc_if_id_p_t if_id, -- unsigned32 member_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *member_name, -- unsigned32 priority, -- unsigned_char_p_t annotation, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Profile_Elt_Inq_Begin( Profile_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Profile_Name : in NS_Profile_Name_Type; Inquiry_Type : in DCE_Base.NS_Profile_Inquiry_Type; Interface_ID : in RPC_Interface_ID_Type; Version_Option : in DCE_Base.Version_Option_Type; Member_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Member_Name : in NS_Member_Name_Type; Inquiry_Context : out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Adds an element to a profile; creating the entry if necessary. -- -- Input: -- Profile_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Profile_Name parameter. -- Specify NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in -- the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Profile_Name : The profile name to view (global or cell-relative -- name) -- Inquiry_Type : The type of inquiry to perform on the profile -- Interface_ID : The interface identifier of the profile elements to -- be returned by RPC_NS_Profile_Elt_Next(). -- Member_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Member_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Member_Name : The name of the member to search for in the profile -- elements (global or cell-relative name) -- -- Output: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context for use with the routines -- RPC_NS_Profile_Elt_Inq_Next() and -- RPC_NS_Profile_Elt_Inq_Done() -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_type -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_invalid_vers_option -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin( -- unsigned32 profile_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_p_t profile_name, -- unsigned32 inquiry_type, -- rpc_if_id_p_t if_id, -- unsigned32 if_vers_option, -- unsigned32 member_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *member_name, -- rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Profile_Elt_Inq_Done( Inquiry_Context : in out RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Deletes the inquiry context for a profile. -- -- Input: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context to delete. If successful, set to NULL -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done( -- rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Profile_Elt_Inq_Next( Inquiry_Context : in RPC_NS_Handle_Type; Interface_ID : out RPC_Interface_ID_Type; Member_Name : out NS_Member_Name_Type; Priority : out DCE_Base.NS_Element_Priority_Type; Annotation : out NS_Profile_Annotation_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; No_Member_Name : in boolean := FALSE; No_Annotation : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns one element at a time from a profile. -- -- Input: -- Inquiry_Context : The inquiry context -- -- Output: -- Interface_ID : The interface identifier of the profile element -- Member_Name : The profile element's member name -- Priority : The relative priority of the profile element -- Annotation : The annotation string -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_class_version_mismatch -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_more_elements -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_not_rpc_entry -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next( -- rpc_ns_handle_t inquiry_context, -- rpc_if_id_t *if_id, -- unsigned_char_t **member_name, -- unsigned32 *priority, -- unsigned_char_t **annotation, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_NS_Profile_Elt_Remove( Profile_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Profile_Name : in NS_Profile_Name_Type; Interface_ID : in RPC_Interface_ID_Type; Member_Name_Syntax : in DCE_Base.NS_Syntax_Type; Member_Name : in NS_Member_Name_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_Default_Element : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Removes an element from a profile. -- -- Input: -- Profile_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Profile_Name parameter. -- Specify NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in -- the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Profile_Name : The profile name from which to remove an element -- (global or cell-relative name) -- Interface_ID : The interface identifier of the profile elements to -- remove. -- Member_Name_Syntax : The syntax used for the Member_Name parameter. Specify -- NS_SYNTAX_DEFAULT to use the value found in the -- RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable. -- Member_Name : The name of the member in the profile element to -- remove (global or cell-relative name) -- Use_Default_Element : If TRUE, add or replace the default element in the -- profile, ignoring the Interface_ID and Priority -- parameters supplied. -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_entry_not_found -- rpc_s_incomplete_name -- rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax -- rpc_s_name_service_unavailable -- rpc_s_no_ns_permission -- rpc_s_profile_element_not_found -- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ns_profile_elt_remove( -- unsigned32 profile_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *profile_name, -- rpc_if_id_p_t if_id, -- unsigned32 member_name_syntax, -- unsigned_char_t *member_name, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_Object_* ///////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RPC_Object_Inq_Type( Obj_UUID : in UUID_Type; Type_UUID : out UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NIL_Obj_UUID : in boolean := FALSE; No_Return_Type : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- This will return the registered type UUID of the Object UUID. -- -- Input: -- Obj_UUID : The object UUID -- Use_NIL_Obj_UUID : If TRUE, replace the Obj_UUID with a NIL UUID -- No_Return_Type : If TRUE, do not return the type UUID -- -- Output: -- Type_UUID : The registered type UUID of the object UUID -- -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_object_not_found -- uuid_s_bad_version -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_object_inq_type( -- uuid_t *obj_uuid, -- uuid_t *type_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Object_Set_Type( Obj_UUID : in UUID_Type; Type_UUID : in UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NIL_Type_UUID : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- This will register the type of the Object UUID. -- -- Input: -- Obj_UUID : The object UUID -- Type_UUID : The type of the object UUID -- Use_NIL_Type_UUID : If TRUE, replace the Obj_UUID with a NIL UUID -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_already_registered -- rpc_s_invalid_object -- uuid_s_bad_version -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_object_set_type( -- uuid_t *obj_uuid, -- uuid_t *type_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** --procedure RPC_Object_Set_Inq_Function( -- RPC_Object_Inq_Fn_Address : in DCE_Base.Function_Pointer_Type; -- Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Registers a function that determines the type of the Object UUID. -- -- Input: -- RPC_Object_Inq_Fn_Address : The 'ADDRESS of the instantiation of -- the generic function RPC_Object_Inq_Fn(). Use System.NULL_ADDRESS -- to unregister a previously registered function; the default RPC runtime -- function will be used in its place. -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declarations: -- -- void rpc_object_set_inq_fn( -- rpc_object_inq_fn_t inquiry_fn, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_ProtSeq_* //////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function RPC_Protseq_Vector_Count( Protseq_Vector : in RPC_Protseq_Vector_Type) return natural; -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the number of elements in the vector of binding handles. -- -- Input: -- Protseq_Vector : A vector of protocol sequences -- -- Return values: -- The number of elements in the vector -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_Protseq_Vector_Element( Protseq_Vector : in RPC_Protseq_Vector_Type; Element_Number : in positive := 1 ) return Protocol_Sequence_Type; -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns the specified element from the vector of protocol sequences. -- -- Input: -- Protseq_Vector : A vector of protocol sequences -- Element_Number : The element number (index value) to return -- -- Return Value: -- The protocol sequence -- -- Exceptions: -- CONSTRAINT_ERROR : Raised if Element_Number is greater than the number -- of elements in the vector -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Protseq_Vector_Free( Protseq_Vector : in RPC_Protseq_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Free the memory used by the protocol sequence vector. -- -- Input: -- Protseq_Vector : A vector of protocol sequences supported by the RPC -- runtime and the operating system -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_protseq_vector_free( -- rpc_protseq_vector_t **protseq, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_Server_* ///////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RPC_Server_Inq_Bindings( Binding_Vector : out RPC_Binding_Vector_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns a vector of binding handles. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- Binding_Vector : The vector of binding handles -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_no_bindings -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_inq_binding( -- rpc_binding_vector_t **binding_vector, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Inq_IF( Interface_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Mgr_Type_UUID : in UUID_Type; Mgr_EPV : out RPC_Manager_EPV_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NIL_UUID : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Returns a manager endpoint vector registered for an interface. -- -- Input: -- Interface_Handle : Interface handle -- Mgr_Type_UUID : The type UUID for the manager whose EPV pointer is -- returned in the Mgr_EPV parameter. -- Use_NIL_UUID : If TRUE, return the manager whose EPV pointer which is -- registered for the Interface_Handle and the NIL type -- UUID -- -- Output: -- Mgr_EPV : The address of the manager EPV which is registered for the -- Interface_Handle and the Mgr_Type_UUID -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_unknown_if -- rpc_s_unknown_mgr_type -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_inq_if( -- rpc_if_handle_t if_handle, -- uuid_t *mgr_type_uuid, -- rpc_mgr_epv_t *mgr_epv, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Listen( Max_Calls_Exec : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells the DCE RPC runtime to listen for remote procedure calls for the SERVER. -- -- Input: -- Max_Calls_Exec : Maximum number of concurrently executing RPCs -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_already_listening -- rpc_s_max_calls_to_small -- rpc_s_no_protseqs_registered -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_listen( -- unsigned32 max_calls_exec, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Register_Auth_Info( Server_Princ_Name : in Principal_Name_Type; Authn_Service : in DCE_Base.RPC_Authentication_Service_Type; Get_Key_Function : in DCE_Base.Function_Pointer_Type; Key_Function_Arg : in System.Address; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells the DCE RPC runtime to use all supported protocol sequences for -- receiving remote procedure calls for the SERVER. -- -- Input: -- Server_Princ_Name : The server principal name to use for RPC authentication -- Authn_Service : The authentication service -- Get_Key_Function : The address of the function that returns encryption keys -- Key_Function_Arg : The address of an optional argument to pass to the -- Get_Key_Function -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_unknown_authn_service -- rpc_s_key_func_not_allowed -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_register_auth_info( -- unsigned_char_t *server_princ_name, -- unsigned32 authn_svc, -- rpc_auth_key_retrieval_fn_t *get_key_fn, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Register_IF( Interface_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Mgr_Type_UUID : in UUID_Type; Mgr_EPV : in RPC_Manager_EPV_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NIL_UUID : in boolean := TRUE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Registers an interface with the DCE RPC. -- -- Input: -- Interface_Handle : Interface handle -- Mgr_Type_UUID : The type UUID to associate with the Mgr_EPV. -- Mgr_EPV : The address of the manager's EPV -- Use_NIL_UUID : If TRUE, register a NIL UUID with the Interface_Handle -- Use_Default_EPV : If TRUE, use the default EPV -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_type_already_registered -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_register_if( -- rpc_if_handle_t if_handle, -- uuid_t *mgr_type_uuid, -- rpc_mgr_epv_t *mgr_epv, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Unregister_IF( Interface_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Mgr_Type_UUID : in UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Remove_All_IF_With_UUID : in boolean := FALSE; Remove_IF_With_All_UUID : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Registers an interface with the DCE RPC. -- -- Input: -- Interface_Handle : Interface handle -- Mgr_Type_UUID : The type UUID for the Mgr_EPV to remove. -- Remove_All_IF_With_UUID : If TRUE, remove ALL interfaces previously -- registered with the the Mgr_Type_UUID -- Remove_IF_With_All_UUID : If TRUE, remove only the specified -- Interface_Handle for ALL previously registered -- with the Mgr_Type_UUID -- Remove_All_NIL_IF : If TRUE, remove default manager EPV, leaving only -- manager EPVs with non-NIL type UUID -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_unknown_if -- rpc_s_unknown_mgr_type -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_unregister_if( -- rpc_if_handle_t if_handle, -- uuid_t *mgr_type_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Use_All_Protseqs( Max_Call_Requests : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells the DCE RPC runtime to use all supported protocol sequences for -- receiving remote procedure calls for the SERVER. -- -- Input: -- Max_Call_Requests : Maximum number of concurrent RPC requests that the -- SERVER can accept -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_cant_create_socket -- rpc_s_max_descs_exceeded -- rpc_s_no_protseqs -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_use_all_protseqs( -- unsigned32 max_call_requests, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Use_All_Protseqs_IF( Max_Call_Requests : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Interface_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells the DCE RPC runtime to use all supported protocol sequences and -- endpoints in the Interface_Handle for receiving remote procedure calls -- for the SERVER. -- -- Input: -- Max_Call_Requests : Maximum number of concurrent RPC requests that the -- SERVER can accept -- Interface_Handle : Interface handle -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_calls_too_large_for_wk_ep -- rpc_s_cant_bind_socket -- rpc_s_cant_create_socket -- rpc_s_invalid_endpoint_format -- rpc_s_max_descs_exceeded -- rpc_s_no_protseqs -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if( -- unsigned32 max_call_requests, -- rpc_if_handle_type if_handle, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Use_Protseq( Protocol_Seq : in Protocol_Sequence_Type; Max_Call_Requests : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells the DCE RPC runtime to use the specified protocol sequence for -- receiving remote procedure calls for the SERVER. -- -- Input: -- Protocol_Seq : Protocol sequence to use -- Max_Call_Requests : Maximum number of concurrent RPC requests that the -- SERVER can accept -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_cant_create_socket -- rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protseq -- rpc_s_max_descs_exceeded -- rpc_s_no_protseqs -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_use_protseq( -- unsigned_char_t *protseq, -- unsigned32 max_call_requests, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Use_Protseq_EP( Protocol_Seq : in Protocol_Sequence_Type; Max_Call_Requests : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Endpoint : in string; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells the DCE RPC runtime to use the specified protocol sequence and endpoint -- for receiving remote procedure calls for the SERVER. -- -- Input: -- Protocol_Seq : Protocol sequence to use -- Max_Call_Requests : Maximum number of concurrent RPC requests that the -- SERVER can accept -- Endpoint : Address information for an endpoint -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_calls_too_large_for_wk_ep -- rpc_s_cant_bind_socket -- rpc_s_cant_create_socket -- rpc_s_invalid_endpoint_format -- rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protseq -- rpc_s_max_descs_exceeded -- rpc_s_protseq_not_supported -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_use_protseq_ep( -- unsigned_char_t *protseq, -- unsigned32 max_call_requests, -- unsigned_char_t *endpoint, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_Server_Use_Protseq_IF( Protocol_Seq : in Protocol_Sequence_Type; Max_Call_Requests : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Interface_Handle : in RPC_Interface_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Tells the DCE RPC runtime to use the specified protocol sequence and the -- endpoints in the interface handle for receiving remote procedure calls -- for the SERVER. -- -- Input: -- Protocol_Seq : Protocol sequence to use -- Max_Call_Requests : Maximum number of concurrent RPC requests that the -- SERVER can accept -- Interface_Handle : Interface handle -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_calls_too_large_for_wk_ep -- rpc_s_cant_bind_socket -- rpc_s_invalid_endpoint_format -- rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protseq -- rpc_s_max_descs_exceeded -- rpc_s_protseq_not_supported -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_server_use_protseq_if( -- unsigned_char_t *protseq, -- unsigned32 max_call_requests, -- rpc_if_handle_type if_handle, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_SM_* ///////////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function RPC_SM_Allocate( Size : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Status : in DCE_Status.Status_Type ) return DCE_Base.Memory_Pointer_Type; -- **************************************************************************** -- Allocates memory within the RPC stub memory management scheme. -- -- Input: -- Size : Bytes of memory to be allocated -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- Return Value: -- A pointer to the allocated memory -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- idl_void_p_t rpc_sm_allocate( -- idl_size_t size, -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SM_Client_Free( Node_To_Free : in DCE_Base.Memory_Pointer_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Free memory returned from a client. -- -- Input: -- Node_To_Free : Pointer to memory returned froma client stub -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_sm_client_free( -- idl_void_p_t p_mem, -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SM_Destroy_Client_Context( Unusable_Context_Handle : in DCE_Base.Memory_Pointer_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Reclaims the client memory resources for a context handle, setting the -- context handle to null. -- -- Input: -- Unusable_Context_Handle : Context handle that can no longer be accessed -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_sm_destroy_client_context( -- rpc_ss_context_t *p_unusable_context_handle, -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SM_Disable_Allocate( Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Releases resources and allocated memory within the stub memory management -- scheme. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_sm_disable_allocate( -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SM_Enable_Allocate( Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Enables the stub memory management environment. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_sm_enable_allocate( -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SM_Free( Node_To_Free : in DCE_Base.Memory_Pointer_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Free memory allocated by the RPC_SM_Allocate() routine. -- -- Input: -- Node_To_Free : Pointer to memory alloacted by RPC_SM_Allocate() -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_sm_free( -- idl_void_p_t node_to_free, -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_SM_Get_Thread_Handle(Status : in DCE_Status.Status_Type ) return RPC_SS_Thread_Handle_Type; -- **************************************************************************** -- Get a thread handle for the stub memory management environment. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- Return Value: -- A thread handle -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- rpc_ss_thread_handle_t rpc_sm_get_thread_handle( -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** --procedure RPC_SM_Set_Client_Alloc_Free( -- ...IN pointer to memory allocator routine; -- ...IN pointer to memory free routine; -- Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Sets the memory allocation and freeing mechanisms used by the client stubs. -- -- Input: -- ? : pointer to memory allocator routine -- ? : pointer to memory free routine -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free( -- idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(idl_size_t size), -- void (*p_free)(idl_void_p_t ptr), -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SM_Set_Thread_Handle( Thread_Handle : in RPC_SS_Thread_Handle_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Sets a thread handle for the stub memory management environment. -- -- Input: -- Thread_Handle : A thread handle returned by RPC_SM_Get_Thread_Handle() -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_sm_set_thread_handle( -- rpc_ss_thread_handle_t thread_handle, -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** --procedure RPC_SM_Swap_Client_Alloc_Free( -- ... IN pointer to new memory allocator routine; -- ... IN pointer to new memory free routine; -- ... OUT address of pointer to old memory allocator routine; -- ... OUT address of pointer to old memory free routine; -- Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Exchanges the current memory allocation and freeing mechanism used by the -- client stubs with ones supplied by the client. -- -- Input: -- ? : pointer to new memory allocator routine -- ? : pointer to new memory free routine -- -- Output: -- ? : address of pointer to old memory allocator routine -- ? : address of pointer to old memory free routine -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free( -- idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(idl_size_t size), -- void (*p_free)(idl_void_p_t ptr), -- idl_void_p_t (**p_p_old_allocate)(idl_size_t size), -- void (**p_p_old_free)(idl_void_p_t ptr), -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_SS_* ///////////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RPC_X_NO_MEMORY : exception; function RPC_SS_Allocate(Size : in DCE_Base.Unsigned32 ) return DCE_Base.Memory_Pointer_Type; -- **************************************************************************** -- Allocates memory within the RPC stub memory management scheme. -- -- Input: -- Size : Bytes of memory to be allocated -- -- Output: -- None -- -- Returned Value: -- A pointer to the allocated memory -- -- Exceptions: -- RPC_X_NO_MEMORY : Raised when no memory is available for allocation -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- idl_void_p_t rpc_ss_allocate(idl_size_t size); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SS_Client_Free( Node_To_Free : in DCE_Base.Memory_Pointer_Type); pragma INTERFACE (C, rpc_ss_client_free); -- **************************************************************************** -- Free memory returned from a client. -- -- Input: -- Node_To_Free : Pointer to memory returned froma client stub -- -- Output: -- None -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ss_client_free(idl_void_p_t node_to_free); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SS_Destroy_Client_Context( Unusable_Context_Handle : in DCE_Base.Memory_Pointer_Type); pragma INTERFACE (C, rpc_ss_destroy_client_context); -- **************************************************************************** -- Reclaims the client memory resources for a context handle, setting the -- context handle to null. -- -- Input: -- Unusable_Context_Handle : Context handle that can no longer be accessed -- -- Output: -- None -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ss_destroy_client_context( -- rpc_ss_context_t *p_unusable_context_handle); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SS_Disable_Allocate; pragma INTERFACE (C, rpc_ss_disable_allocate); -- **************************************************************************** -- Releases resources and allocated memory. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- None -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ss_disable_allocate(void); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SS_Enable_Allocate; -- **************************************************************************** -- Enables the allocation of memory by the RPC_SS_Allocate() routine when not -- in manager code. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- None -- -- Exceptions: -- RPC_X_NO_MEMORY : Raised when there is insufficient memory available to -- set up necessary data structures -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ss_enable_allocate(void); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SS_Free(Node_To_Free : in DCE_Base.Memory_Pointer_Type); pragma INTERFACE (C, rpc_ss_free); -- **************************************************************************** -- Frees memory allocated by the RPC_SS_Allocate() routine. -- -- Input: -- Node_To_Free : Pointer to memory allocated by RPC_SS_Allocate() -- -- Output: -- None -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ss_free(idl_void_p_t node_to_free); -- -- **************************************************************************** function RPC_SS_Get_Thread_Handle return RPC_SS_Thread_Handle_Type; pragma INTERFACE (C, rpc_ss_get_thread_handle); -- **************************************************************************** -- Gets a thread handle for the manager code before it spawns additional -- threads, or for the client code when it becomes a server. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- None -- -- Returned Value: -- A thread handle -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- rpc_ss_thread_handle_t rpc_ss_get_thread_handle(void); -- -- **************************************************************************** --procedure RPC_SS_Set_Client_Alloc_Free( -- ...IN pointer to memory allocator routine; -- ...IN pointer to memory free routine); -- **************************************************************************** -- Sets the memory allocation and freeing mechanism used by the client stubs, -- thereby overriding the default routines the client stub uses to manage -- memory for pointed-to nodes. -- -- Input: -- ? : pointer to memory allocator routine -- ? : pointer to memory free routine -- -- Output: -- None -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free( -- idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(idl_size_t size), -- void (*p_free)(idl_void_p_t ptr) ); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_SS_Set_Thread_Handle(Thread_Handle : in RPC_SS_Thread_Handle_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Sets the thread handle for either a newly craeted spawned thread or for a -- server that was formerly a client and is ready to be a client again. -- -- Input: -- Thread_Handle : A thread handle returned by RPC_SS_Get_Thread_Handle() -- -- Output: -- None -- -- Exceptions: -- RPC_X_NO_MEMORY : Raised when there is insufficient memory available to -- set up necessary data structures -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ss_set_thread_handle( -- rpc_ss_thread_handle_t thread_handle); -- -- **************************************************************************** --procedure RPC_SS_Swap_Client_Alloc_Free( -- ... IN pointer to new memory allocator routine; -- ... IN pointer to new memory free routine; -- ... OUT address of pointer to old memory allocator routine; -- ... OUT address of pointer to old memory free routine); -- **************************************************************************** -- Exchanges the current memory allocation and freeing mechanism used by the -- client stubs with ones supplied by the client. -- -- Input: -- ? : pointer to new memory allocator routine -- ? : pointer to new memory free routine -- -- Output: -- ? : address of pointer to old memory allocator routine -- ? : address of pointer to old memory free routine -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free( -- idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(idl_size_t size), -- void (*p_free)(idl_void_p_t ptr), -- idl_void_p_t (**p_p_old_allocate)(idl_size_t size), -- void (**p_p_old_free)(idl_void_p_t ptr), -- idl_ulong_int *p_st); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// RPC_String_Binding_* ///////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RPC_String_Binding_Display( String_Binding : in RPC_String_Binding_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Display the String_Binding. -- -- Input: -- String_Binding : String binding to display, formatted with deliimiters as: -- uuid@rpc-protocol-sequence:network-addr[endpoint,options] -- -- Output: -- None -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_String_Binding_Compose( UUID_String : in UUID_String_Type; Protocol_Seq : in Protocol_Sequence_Type; Network_Addr : in string; Endpoint : in string; Options : in string; String_Binding : out RPC_String_Binding_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- This will combine the components of a string binding into a string binding -- handle. -- -- Input: -- UUID : A valid UUID string representation -- Protocol_Seq : The protocol sequence -- Network_Addr : The network address. This may be expressed as either an -- Internet address (common Internet address notation, such -- as or # or as a hostname. -- Endpoint : The Internet port number. This may be preceeded with an -- optional 'endpoint='. -- Options : Options. Currently there are NO Internet options. -- -- NOTE: All strings MUST be null terminated. Specify an empty string -- ("" & Ascii.NUL) for any input that has no data. -- -- Output: -- String_Binding : Formatted with delimiters as follows: -- uuid@rpc-protocol-sequence:network-addr[endpoint,options] -- -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_string_binding_compose( -- unsigned_char_t *obj_uuid, -- unsigned_char_t *protseq, -- unsigned_char_t *network_addr, -- unsigned_char_t *endpoint, -- unsigned_char_t *options, -- unsigned_char_t **string_binding, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure RPC_String_Binding_Parse( String_Binding : in RPC_String_Binding_Type; UUID_String : out UUID_String_Type; Protocol_Seq : out Protocol_Sequence_Type; Network_Addr : out string; Endpoint : out string; Options : out string; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; No_UUID_String : in boolean := FALSE; No_ProtoSeq : in boolean := FALSE; No_Network_Addr: in boolean := FALSE; No_Endpoint : in boolean := FALSE; No_Options : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- This will return, as separate components, the contents of a string binding -- -- Input: -- String_Binding : The formatted string binding with delimiters -- No_UUID_String : If TRUE, returns a NULL UUID string ("" & Ascii.NUL) -- No_ProtoSeq : If TRUE, returns a NULL protocol sequence string -- No_Network_Addr: If TRUE, returns a NULL network address string -- No_Endpoint : If TRUE, returns a NULL endpoint string -- No_Options : If TRUE, returns a NULL options string -- -- Output: -- UUID : A valid UUID string representation -- Protocol_Seq : The protocol sequence (ncacn_ip_tcp or ncadg_ip_udp) -- Network_Addr : The network address. This may be expressed as either an -- Internet address (comon Internet address notation, such -- as or # or as a hostname. -- Endpoint : The Internet port number. This may be preceeded with an -- optional 'endpoint='. -- Options : Options. Currently there are NO Internet options. -- -- NOTE: All strings are null terminated. -- -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- rpc_s_invalid_string_binding -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void rpc_string_binding_parse( -- unsigned_char_t *string_binding, -- unsigned_char_t **obj_uuid, -- unsigned_char_t **protseq, -- unsigned_char_t **network_addr, -- unsigned_char_t **endpoint, -- unsigned_char_t **options, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /////////////////////////// UUID_* /////////////////////////////////////// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure UUID_Display(UUID : in UUID_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Display the contents of the UUID. -- **************************************************************************** procedure UUID_Display_String( UUID_String : in UUID_String_Type; Line_Feed : in boolean := TRUE); -- **************************************************************************** -- Display the contents of the UUID string. -- **************************************************************************** procedure UUID_Create( UUID : out UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- This will create a new UUID. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- UUID : The new UUID, in its binary format -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- uuid_s_getconf_failure -- uuid_s_no_address -- uuid_s_socket_failure -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void uuid_create( -- uuid_t *uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure UUID_Create_Nil( UUID : out UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- This will create a new, NIL UUID. -- -- Input: -- None -- -- Output: -- UUID : The NIL UUID, in its binary format -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void uuid_create_nil( -- uuid_t *uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure UUID_To_String( UUID : in UUID_Type; UUID_String : out UUID_String_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NIL_UUID : in boolean := FALSE; No_String_Return : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- This will return a string representation of a binary UUID. -- -- Input: -- UUID : A UUID in its binary format -- Use_NIL_UUID : Ignore the UUID supplied, replacing it with a NIL UUID -- No_String_Return : Do not return a valid UUID string representation -- -- Output: -- UUID_String : The string representation of the UUID. -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- uuid_s_bad_version -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void uuid_to_string( -- uuid_t *uuid, -- unsigned_char_t **string_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure UUID_From_String( UUID_String : in UUID_String_Type; UUID : out UUID_Type; Status : out DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NULL_String : in boolean := FALSE); -- **************************************************************************** -- This will convert a string representation into a binary UUID. -- -- Input: -- UUID_String : The string representation of the UUID -- Use_NULL_String : Ignore the UUID string supplied, replacing it with a -- null ("\0") string to create a new, NIL UUID -- -- Output: -- UUID : A UUID in its binary format. -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- uuid_s_bad_version -- uuid_s_invalid_string_uuid -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- void uuid_to_string( -- uuid_t *uuid, -- unsigned_char_t **string_uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** function UUID_Hash( UUID : in UUID_Type; Status : in DCE_Status.Status_Type ) return DCE_Base.Unsigned16; -- **************************************************************************** -- This will create a hash value for the UUID. -- -- Input: -- UUID : A UUID in its binary format -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- uuid_s_bad_version -- -- Returned Value: -- The hash value -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- unsigned16 uuid_hash( -- uuid_t *uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** function UUID_Compare( UUID1 : in UUID_Type; UUID2 : in UUID_Type; Status : in DCE_Status.Status_Type; Use_NIL_UUID1 : in boolean := FALSE; Use_NIL_UUID2 : in boolean := FALSE ) return DCE_Base.Signed32; -- **************************************************************************** -- This will compare two UUIDs and determine their order. -- -- Input: -- UUID1 : A UUID in its binary format. -- UUID2 : A UUID in its binary format. -- Use_NIL_UUID1 : Ignore the UUID1 supplied, replacing it with a NIL UUID -- Use_NIL_UUID2 : Ignore the UUID2 supplied, replacing it with a NIL UUID -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok -- uuid_s_bad_version -- -- Returned Value: -- -1 : UUID1 precedes UUID2 (Also if UUID1 is NIL, UUID is not NIL) -- 0 : UUID1 and UUID2 are equal (Also if UUID1 is NIL, UUID is NIL) -- 1 : UUID1 follows UUID2 (Also if UUID1 is not NIL, UUID is NIL) -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- signed32 uuid_compare( -- uuid_t *uuid1, -- uuid_t *uuid2, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** function UUID_Equal( UUID1 : in UUID_Type; UUID2 : in UUID_Type; Status : in DCE_Status.Status_Type ) return DCE_Base.boolean32; -- **************************************************************************** -- This will compare two UUIDs and determine if they are equal. -- -- Input: -- UUID1 : A UUID in its binary format. -- UUID2 : A UUID in its binary format. -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok - Only if returned value is TRUE -- -- Returned Value: -- TRUE : UUID1 and UUID2 are equal -- FALSE : UUID1 and UUID2 are not equal -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- boolean32 uuid_equal( -- uuid_t *uuid1, -- uuid_t *uuid2, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** function UUID_is_NIL( UUID : in UUID_Type; Status : in DCE_Status.Status_Type ) return DCE_Base.boolean32; -- **************************************************************************** -- This will determine if the UUID is NIL. -- -- Input: -- UUID : A UUID in its binary format. -- -- Output: -- Status : The status code, which may be one of: -- error_status_ok - Only if returned value is TRUE -- uuid_s_bad_version -- -- Returned Value: -- TRUE : UUID is a NIL UUID -- FALSE : UUID is not a NIL UUID -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- -- boolean32 uuid_is_nil( -- uuid_t *uuid, -- unsigned32 *status); -- -- **************************************************************************** function UUID_Vector_Create(UUID_Array : in UUID_Array_Type) return UUID_Vector_Type; -- **************************************************************************** -- Create and return a UUID Vector from the UUIDs in the array. -- -- Input: -- UUID_Array : An array of UUIDs -- -- Output: -- None -- -- Returned value: -- A vector of UUIDs -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** procedure UUID_Vector_Free(UUID_Vector : in out UUID_Vector_Type); -- **************************************************************************** -- Release the UUID vector resources. -- -- Input/Output: -- UUID_vector : A UUID vector -- -- DCE RPC Equivalent Declaration: -- None -- -- **************************************************************************** private -- /////////////////////////////// -- /// RPC Opaque Pointer Type /// -- /////////////////////////////// -- -- /// C define /// -- -- typedef struct { -- unsigned32 dummy; -- } rpcbase_v_0_0_0; -- -- typedef rpcbase_v_0_0_0 *rpc_opaque_ptr_t; type RPCBase_v0_0_0 is record Dummy : DCE_Base.Unsigned32; end record; for RPCBase_v0_0_0 use record Dummy at 0 range 0 .. 31; end record; for RPCBase_v0_0_0'SIZE use 32; -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /// The authentication and authorization service credentials /// -- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type RPC_Auth_Identity_Type is new RPC_Opaque_Ptr_Type; -- /////////////////////////////// -- /// RPC Binding Handle Type /// -- /////////////////////////////// -- -- /// C define /// -- -- typedef struct { -- unsigned short data_offset; -- } *handle_t; -- -- typedef handle_t rpc_binding_handle_t; type Handle_Type is record Data_Offset : DCE_Base.Unsigned16; end record; for Handle_Type use record Data_Offset at 0 range 0 .. 15; end record; for Handle_Type'SIZE use 16; -- /////////////////////////////// -- /// RPC Binding Vector Type /// -- /////////////////////////////// -- -- /// C define /// -- -- typedef struct { -- unsigned32 count; -- rpc_binding_handle_t binding_h[1]; -- } rpc_binding_vector_t; -- -- typedef rpc_binding_vector_t *rpc_binding_vector_p_t; type Binding_Vector_Record_Type is record Count : DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Vector : RPC_Binding_Handle_Type; end record; for Binding_Vector_Record_Type use record Count at 0 range 0 .. 31; Vector at 4 range 0 .. 31; end record; for Binding_Vector_Record_Type'SIZE use 64; -- //////////////////////////////////////////// -- /// RPC Endpoint Map Inquiry Handle Type /// -- //////////////////////////////////////////// type RPC_EP_Inquiry_Handle_Type is new RPC_Opaque_Ptr_Type; -- //////////////////////////////////////////// -- /// RPC Interface Identifier Vector Type /// -- //////////////////////////////////////////// type IF_Id_Vector_Record_Type; type RPC_Interface_Id_Vector_Type is access IF_Id_Vector_Record_Type; -- ///////////////////////////////////// -- /// Protocol Sequence Vector Type /// -- ///////////////////////////////////// type Protseq_Vector_Record_Type; type RPC_Protseq_Vector_Type is access Protseq_Vector_Record_Type; -- /////////////////////////////////////////// -- /// Server Manager Endpoint Vector Type /// -- /////////////////////////////////////////// type RPC_Manager_EPV_Type is new System.Address; -- //////////////////////////////// -- /// Name Service Handle Type /// -- //////////////////////////////// type RPC_NS_Handle_Type is new RPC_Opaque_Ptr_Type; -- ////////////////////////////// -- /// Statistics Vector Type /// -- ////////////////////////////// type Statistics_Record_Type; type RPC_Statistics_Vector_Type is access Statistics_Record_Type; -- /////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- /// Stub Support Memory Mgmt Thread Handle Type /// -- /////////////////////////////////////////////////// type RPC_SS_Thread_Handle_Type is new DCE_Base.Memory_Pointer_Type; -- /////////////////////////////// -- /// RPC String Binding Type /// -- /////////////////////////////// Max_String_Binding_Length : constant integer := 128; type RPC_String_Binding_Type is new string(1 .. Max_String_Binding_Length); -- ////////////////////////// -- /// The UUID Data Type /// -- ////////////////////////// -- -- /// C define /// -- -- #define ndr_byte unsigned char; -- -- #define idl_byte ndr_byte; -- -- typedef struct { -- unsigned32 time_low; -- unsigned16 time_mid; -- unsigned16 time_hi_and_version; -- unsigned8 clock_seq_hi_and_reserved; -- unsigned8 clock_seq_low; -- idl_byte node[6]; -- } uuid_t; -- -- typedef uuid_t *uuid_p_t; type IDL_Byte is new natural range 0 .. 255; for IDL_Byte'SIZE use 8; Max_Node_Count : constant integer := 6; type Node_Array is array(1 .. Max_Node_Count) of IDL_Byte; type UUID_Type is record Time_Low : DCE_Base.Unsigned32 := 0; Time_Mid : DCE_Base.Unsigned16 := 0; Time_Hi_and_Version : DCE_Base.Unsigned16 := 0; Clock_Seq_Hi_and_Reserved : DCE_Base.Unsigned8 := 0; Clock_Seq_Low : DCE_Base.Unsigned8 := 0; Node : Node_Array := (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); end record; for UUID_Type use record Time_Low at 0 range 0 .. 31; Time_Mid at 4 range 0 .. 15; Time_Hi_and_Version at 4 range 16 .. 31; Clock_Seq_Hi_and_Reserved at 8 range 0 .. 7; Clock_Seq_Low at 8 range 8 .. 15; Node at 10 range 0 .. 47; end record; for UUID_Type'SIZE use 128; -- //////////////////////// -- /// UUID Vector Type /// -- //////////////////////// -- -- /// C define /// -- -- typedef struct { -- unsigned32 count; -- uuid_t *uuid[1]; -- } uuid_vector_t; type UUID_Access_Type is access UUID_Type; type UUID_Vector_Record_Type is record Count : DCE_Base.Unsigned32; Vector : UUID_Access_Type; end record; for UUID_Vector_Record_Type use record Count at 0 range 0 .. 31; Vector at 4 range 0 .. 31; end record; for UUID_Vector_Record_Type'SIZE use 64; -- ///////////////////////////////////// -- /// RPC Interface Identifier Type /// -- ///////////////////////////////////// -- -- /// C define /// -- -- typedef struct { -- uuid_t uuid; -- unsigned16 vers_major; -- unsigned16 vers_minor; -- } rpc_if_id_t; type RPC_Interface_Id_Type is record UUID : UUID_Type; Vers_Major : DCE_Base.Unsigned16; Vers_Minor : DCE_Base.Unsigned16; end record; for RPC_Interface_Id_Type use record UUID at 0 range 0 .. 127; Vers_Major at 16 range 0 .. 15; Vers_Minor at 16 range 16 .. 31; end record; type RPC_IF_Id_Access_Type is access RPC_Interface_Id_Type; end RPC;