-- $Source: /commtar/monoBANK/CICS_INTF/txttst.ada,v $ -- $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 88/02/28 16:38:42 $ $Author: chris $ with CICS_terminal_control; use CICS_terminal_control; with system; procedure txttst is procedure asc2ebc(str1 : string; str2 : out string) is procedure adasc2ebc(str1 : string; str2 : out string); pragma interface(AIE_Assembler, adasc2ebc, "xEBCA2ES"); begin adasc2ebc(str1, str2); end asc2ebc; pragma link_name(asc2ebc, "#EBCA2ES"); begin send_text("tests of send_text", erase=>screen); send_text("all defaulted"); send_text("dest=>paging_buffer", destination => paging_buffer); send_text("terminal_wait", terminal_wait); send_text("accum=>true", accum => true); send_text("header", header => "nice header"); send_text("form=>just, just=>511", format=>justify, justify_value=>511); send_text("form=>just_first", format => justify_first); send_text("form=>just_last", format => justify_last); send_text("trailer", trailer => "nice trailer"); send_text("alarm=>true", alarm => true); send_text("cursor=>513", cursor => 513); send_text("erase=>unpro", erase => unprotected); send_text("erase=>screen", erase=>screen); send_text("free_key", free_keyboard => true); send_text("ll=>L64", line_length => l64); send_text("nl_eom", nl_eom => true); send_text("print", print => true); send_text("req_id=>xx", req_id => "xx"); send_text("form_feed", form_feed => true); end txttst;