-- $Header: /commtar/monoBANK/SQL_MC/MLSP.dat,v 1.1 88/07/19 11:23:51 rac Exp $ pragma revision ("$Revision: 1.1 $"); package ML_Source_Position_Pkg is --+----------------------------------------------------- --| Overview : --| --| Source position (line and column) types --| Line_Multiplier : constant := 1000; --| Line numbers are multiplied by this before adding in column type Source_Location is new Integer; --| Uniform representation of --| a source location --| = 1000 * line + col Max_Column : constant := Line_Multiplier - 1; subtype Source_Column is Natural range 0..Max_Column; --| This represents the range of representable column numbers. --| A particular tool may limit lines to being less than this length --| (e.g., the compiler limit is 200 chars per line). Max_Line : constant := Source_Location'POS(Source_Location'LAST-Max_Column)/Line_Multiplier; subtype Source_Line is Natural range 0..Max_Line; --| This represents the range of representable line numbers. --| A particular tool may limit files to being less than this length. type Source_Position is record --| Represents a range of locations; --| first and last same for a "point." first_location : Source_Location := 0; --| First source loc. of construct last_location : Source_Location := 0; --| Last source loc. of construct end record; end ML_Source_Position_Pkg; -- $Cprt start$ -- -- Copyright (C) 1988 by Intermetrics, Inc. -- -- This material may be used duplicated or disclosed by or for the -- U.S. Government pursuant to the copyright license under DAR clause -- 7-104.9(a) (May 1981). -- -- This project was sponsored by the STARS Foundation -- Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC -- -- $Cprt end$