-- $Source: /commtar/monoBANK/SQL_MC/hostdep.dat,v $ -- $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 88/07/24 17:08:49 $ $Author: rac $ package Host_Dependent_Objects IS -- MVS max line limitation. Max_Host_Line : constant positive := 80; -- may be over ridden by passing parm TAB on command line Tab_Size : Integer := 8; end Host_Dependent_Objects; -- $Cprt start$ -- -- Copyright (C) 1988 by Intermetrics, Inc. -- -- This material may be used duplicated or disclosed by or for the -- U.S. Government pursuant to the copyright license under DAR clause -- 7-104.9(a) (May 1981). -- -- This project was sponsored by the STARS Foundation -- Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC -- -- $Cprt end$