-- $Source: /commtar/monoBANK/CICS_INTF/fc_tst.ada,v $ -- $Revision: 1.10 $ $Date: 88/03/26 09:08:30 $ $Author: chris $ with CICS_File_Control; with CICS_terminal_Control; procedure fc_tst is subtype Elt is string(1..20); subtype Key is string; -- key is 8 characters package sfc is new CICS_File_Control(Element_Type=>Elt, Key_type=>Key); E1 : Elt := (others=>' '); EP1, EP2, EP3, EP4 : sfc.Element_Ptr_Type; K1, K2, K3, K4 : Key(1..8); passing : Boolean := True; begin sfc.Write("FILE1", "ggggggggfirst 1 ", "gggggggg"); sfc.Write("FILE1", "hhhhhhhhsecond 2", "hhhhhhhh"); sfc.Write("FILE1", "iiiiiiiithird 3 ", "iiiiiiii"); sfc.Write("FILE1", "jjjjjjjjfourth 4", "jjjjjjjj"); sfc.Read("FILE1", E1, "iiiiiiii"); if E1(1..16) /= "iiiiiiiithird 3 " then passing := false; end if; sfc.Start_Browse("FILE1", "gggg", Generic_Key=>true, Gt_Eq=>true); sfc.Read_Next("FILE1", EP1, K1); if EP1.all(1..16) /= "ggggggggfirst 1 " or K1 /= "gggggggg" then passing := false; end if; sfc.Read_Next("FILE2", EP2, K2); if EP2.all(1..16) /= "hhhhhhhhsecond 2" or K2 /= "hhhhhhhh" then passing := false; end if; sfc.Read_Next("FILE3", EP3, K3); if EP3.all(1..16) /= "iiiiiiiithird 3 " or K3 /= "iiiiiiii" then passing := false; end if; sfc.Read_Next("FILE4", EP4, K4); if EP4.all(1..16) /= "jjjjjjjjfourth 4" or K4 /= "jjjjjjjj" then passing := false; end if; if passing then CICS_Terminal_Control.Send_Text("Test passed"); else CICS_Terminal_Control.Send_Text("Test failed"); end if; end fc_tst;