-- $Source: /commtar/monoBANK/SQL_INTF/dc_exc.dat,v $ -- $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 88/08/02 13:05:06 $ $Author: helen $ with Dictionary; package Datacom_Exceptions is -- this package contains the Exceptions declarations for the -- SQL-Datacom/DB system. ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- declaration of common exceptions -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Data_Type_Not_Supported : exception; Invalid_Search_Condition_Expression : exception; Not_Found : exception renames Dictionary.Not_Found; ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- declaration of exceptions raised by Datacom_Interface -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Internal_Error_Invalid_Ret_Code : exception; Internal_Error_RetCode_Too_Long : exception; Invalid_Field_Kind_For_Value : exception; Invalid_Sort_Expression : exception; Invalid_Value_Expression : exception; Invalid_Value_Expr_For_Object : exception; Invalid_Value_Expr_For_Subject : exception; Mismatch_In_Number_Of_Columns_And_Values : exception; Union_Not_Supported : exception; Value_Expr_Should_Be_Column : exception; Value_List_Exceeds_Element_List_Bounds : exception; ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- declaration of exceptions raised by package SQL -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cursor_Already_Open : exception; Cursor_Not_Open : exception; Invalid_Relational_Operator : exception; Invalid_Value_Expr_For_Key : exception; Insert_With_Query_Not_Supported : exception; Not_Equal_Not_Supported : exception; Predicate_Should_Contain_One_Column_Name : exception; end Datacom_Exceptions; -- $Cprt start$ -- -- Copyright (C) 1988 by Intermetrics, Inc. -- -- This material may be used duplicated or disclosed by or for the -- U.S. Government pursuant to the copyright license under DAR clause -- 7-104.9(a) (May 1981). -- -- This project was sponsored by the STARS Foundation -- Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC -- -- $Cprt end$