-- $Source: /commtar/monoBANK/CICS_INTF/add_data.ada,v $ -- $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 88/04/04 10:38:57 $ $Author: callen $ with Demo_Utilities; with Host_Character_Pkg; procedure add_data is package DU renames Demo_Utilities; package HC renames Host_Character_Pkg; procedure Do_It ( Last: in String; First: in String; Company: in String; Street: in String; City: in String; State: in String; Zip: in String; Phone: in String; Comments: in String ) is D : DU.Data_Record; Key : HC.Host_String(1..15); begin Key := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (Last, 15); D.lname := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (Last, 15); D.fname := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (First, 15); D.company := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (Company, 30); D.street := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (Street, 40); D.city := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (City, 15); D.state := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (State, 2); D.zip := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (Zip, 5); D.phone := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (Phone, 13); D.comments := HC.To_Padded_Host_String (Comments, 65); DU.Dfile.write("ADDRFILE", D, Key); exception when others => null; end Do_It; begin Do_It ( "CALLEN","JERRY", "Intermetrics, Inc.", "733 Concord Ave", "Cambridge", "MA", "02138", "(617)661-1840", "MVS guru, Ada coder, CICS hacker and three way bottle opener" ); end;