In this section... |
Abort statement 13.2.2 Activation, of a task 13.2.2 Agents 13.2.9 Aliasing 8.2.3 Attribute 2.1, 4.2, 5.3, 6.3.7, 7.2Bounds, evaluation of 4.4.3 Buffering 12.3.3, 13.2.5, 13.3.2
Completion, of a task 13.2.2 CONSTRAINED attribute 4.8, 4.8.2 Context clause 10.2 Conversion, explicit 7.2 Conversion, implicit 5.1.3, 7.2 Coroutine 13.2.5, 13.3.2 COUNT attribute 13.2.5
Dangling access values 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.3.7 Data abstraction 9.3.3 Declarative region 11.3.1 Default parameter 8.3, 12.2.5, 12.4.3, 16.5.3 Deferred constant 9.2.3 Dereferencing 6.2.1, 6.3.4 Designated type 6.3.3
Elaboration 3.2 Erroneous execution 8.2.3, 8.2.4 Expanded name 9.2.1, 11.3.2
File mode 16.3.1 Formal parameter constraint 4.8, 8.2.40a> Frame 14.2.2
Garbage collection 6.2.2, 6.3.7 Global variable 8.4, 13.2.3 Green 1.1 Guarding condition 13.2.5
Heap 6.3.7
Identifier 2.1 Import list 11.3.1 Incomplete type declaration 6.3.5 Independent compilation 10.1 Indexed component 3.4 Ironman 1.1, 5.1.2
Length clause 6.3.7 Limited private type 9.2.3, 9.3.6, 12.2.3, 12.4.2, 16.3
Machine code insertion 15.7 Master, of a task 13.2.2 Memo function 8.4 Model number 5.3.3
Name space 9.2.2 Named notation 3.5, 8.3, 11.5.2 Number declaration 5.1.3 Numeric literal 2.1, 5.1.3
OPTIMIZE pragma 15.4.1 Order not defined by the language 3.8 Overloading by derivation 7.2
PACK pragma 15.4.1 Parent type 7.1 Parent unit 10.2.2 Positional notation 3.5, 8.3, 11.5.2 Pragma 2.1 Propagation, of an exception 14.2.3, 14.2.4, 14.5.2
Qualification 7.2 Queue 12.3.2, 13.2.5, 13.2.11
Reference, by 8.2 Rendezvous 13.2.4, 13.3.2, 14.4.3 Reserved word 2.1
Safe number 5.3.3 Scheduling 13.2.2, 13.2.11 Selected component 3.4 Semaphore 13.3.1 Sets 12.2.4 SHARED pragma 13.2.3 Shared variable 8.2.3, 13.2.3 Side-effect 8.4 Static 3.1 Static check 4.4.1 Steelman 1.1, 5.1.2, 13.1 Subtype conversion 4.5.1 Subunits 10.2.2
Task priority 13.2.2 Termination, of a task 13.2.2 Tree traversal 12.3.4
Uniform referents 3.4 Universal types 5.1.3 Use clause 9.2.1, 11.3.2
With clause 10.2
Abort statement 273 Activation, of a task 272 Agents 290 Aliasing 160 Attribute 7, 40, 93, 123, 127Bounds, evaluation of 47 Buffering 254, 280, 306
Completion, of a task 272 CONSTRAINED attribute 78, 82 Context clause 193 Conversion, explicit 129 Conversion, implicit 90, 127 Coroutine 282, 306 COUNT attribute 282
Dangling access values 113, 115, 124 Data abstraction 183 Declarative region 217 Default parameter 164, 246, 267, 374 Deferred constant 178 Dereferencing 110, 119 Designated type 117
Elaboration 19 Erroneous execution 162, 163 Expanded name 171, 219
File mode 366 Formal parameter constraint 78, 162 Frame 313
Garbage collection 112, 123 Global variable 166, 275 Green 1 Guarding condition 279
Heap 123
Identifier 6 Import list 217 Incomplete type declaration 120 Independent compilation 191 Indexed component 22 Ironman 1, 87
Length clause 123 Limited private type 179, 186, 240, 263, 366
Machine code insertion 357 Master, of a task 272 Memo function 167 Model number 103
Name space 174 Named notation 24, 164, 233 Number declaration 90 Numeric literal 8, 90
OPTIMIZE pragma 346 Order not defined by the language 28 Overloading by derivation 130
PACK pragma 346 Parent type 125 Parent unit 198 Positional notation 23, 164, 233 Pragma 9 Propagation, of an exception 314, 316, 332
Qualification 131 Queue 250, 282, 294
Reference, by 155 Rendezvous 275, 306, 328 Reserved word 6
Safe number 103 Scheduling 274, 294 Selected component 22 Semaphore 303 Sets 242 SHARED pragma 275 Shared variable 162, 275 Side-effect 167 Static 18 Static check 45 Steelman 1, 86, 269 Subtype conversion 52 Subunits 196
Task priority 274 Termination, of a task 272 Tree traversal 256
Uniform referents 23 Universal types 88 Use clause 171, 219
With clause 193