Like the package, a task may be declared within any declarative part (except the visible part of another task) and similarly comprises two distinct pieces of text. These are the specification, which describes its external appearance, and the body, which describes its internal behavior. These two parts will often be juxtaposed in the text, but need not be, and indeed need not even be compiled together. We shall now consider the details of these two parts, showing in particular how they differ from the corresponding parts of packages.
The specification defines the interface of the task to the outside world by the declaration of entries in the task, in much the same way as the specification of a package contains declarations of types, objects, subprograms, and so on, which define its external interface. Entry declarations have a similar form to procedure declarations and are called in a similar manner, but they are executed in a different manner, as will be described in a moment.
Note carefully that a task specification may contain only entry declarations and any associated representation clauses or pragmas. Unlike a package, it may not contain the declarations of types, objects, subprograms or other entities. The reasons are mainly methodological (emphasizing that a task provides parallelism whereas a package provides visibility control), but there would also be difficulty in implementation if other entities were allowed, since there would be problems of existence and prevention of access if the task were not active. On the other hand, of course, a package specification may not contain the declarations of entries.
The following is an example of the specification of a task:
task LINE_TO_CHAR is entry PUT_LINE (L : in LINE); entry GET_CHAR(C : out CHARACTER); end; |
The body of a task has a form similar to that of a package and comprises a declarative part and a sequence of statements. The body of the above example has the following outline.
task body LINE_TO_CHAR is BUFFER : LINE; begin -- sequence of statements end; |
The full details of the body of this example are deferred until section 13.2.4.
We distinguish between the execution of a task and the text of a task. An execution of a task is a dynamic parallel activity whereas the text is merely a passive description of some code. The main program can be considered to be called by an anonymous task whose execution is created by the underlying system.
When an execution enters a unit that contains task object declarations, the elaboration of each declaration creates a further task execution. There is therefore a one-to-one correspondence between task executions and the elaboration of task object declarations, and we can loosely refer to the task execution by the name of the corresponding task declaration.
Although each elaboration of a task declaration only gives rise to one execution, nevertheless there may be several such parallel executions corresponding to different coexisting elaborations of the declaration. This would occur for example if a task were declared through the use of task types which are described below.
It should also be realized that a subprogram does not in any sense belong to any particular task. If it is within the body of a task that has no subtasks (and is not passed as an actual generic parameter), then it can only be called by the enclosing task. On the other hand, if it is declared in the same declarative part as several tasks, then it can obviously be called by all these tasks.
The master of a task is the innermost task, block, subprogram, or library package that contains its declaration (other packages are excluded because they merely affect the visibility and not the scope of data). A task is said to depend on its master.
The reader should note that the RM introduces the concept of an hierarchical set of masters of a task. For didactic purposes we here use the term master to mean the direct master. It should also be noted that the rules for tasks declared via access types are somewhat different: they are described in section 13.2.9.
A task automatically commences execution when its master reaches the begin following the task declaration. Task execution is a two-stage process. The first stage, known as activation, consists of the elaboration of the declarative part of the task body, whereas the second stage consists, of course, of the execution of its statements. During the activation stage the master is not allowed to proceed. If several tasks are declared in a unit then their activations and subsequent execution occur in parallel and moreover each task commences its execution as soon as it has finished its own activation. However, it is only when the activation of all the tasks is complete that the master can continue with the execution of the statements following the begin, in parallel with the new tasks.
The reason for treating task activation in this way concerns exceptions. An exception raised by the elaboration of a declarative part is not handled at that level but propagated. So an exception raised by the elaboration of the declarative part of a task (that is, by its activation) cannot be handled by the task and has to be propagated to the master. In order that such an exception not be asynchronous, the master remains suspended at the begin until all activations are complete. It should be added that even if two or more tasks raise exceptions during activation, then only one exception is received by the suspended master. Furthermore, the single exception is always TASKING_ERROR, irrespective of the nature and number of the original exceptions. This is because it would be almost impossible for the master to handle more than one exception anyway, and the single exception then clearly has to be of a neutral nature - it would be unreasonable to choose one of the originating exceptions in preference to another.
Task termination is also a two-stage process. This is a consequence of an important rule that a unit cannot be left until all dependent tasks are terminated. This rule ensures that objects declared in a unit and therefore visible to local tasks cannot disappear while there exists a task that could access them.
A unit is said to be completed when it reaches its final end. It then waits, if necessary, until all dependent tasks are terminated before itself becoming terminated. Of course, if a unit has no dependent tasks then it becomes completed and terminated at the same time.
For example consider the following procedure P containing the tasks T1 and T2.
procedure P is task T1 is -- specification of T1 end; task T2 is -- specification of T2 end; task body T1 is -- body of T1 end; task body T2 is -- body of T2 end; begin -- T1, T2 made active here ... -- P waits for T1, T2 here end; |
The tasks T1 and T2 automatically commence activation when P reaches its begin, and P waits at that point until activation of both tasks is complete. All three (that is, P, T1 and T2) may then execute in parallel. When P reaches its final end, it again waits until both T1 and T2 have terminated, if they have not already done so.
It is possible to force the termination of a task by the use of the abort statement. Thus
abort T1, T2;
will force tasks T1 and T2 to become completed as well as any other tasks that depend on T1 and T2. The actual mechanism is a little complex. Briefly, the abort statement places a task in an abnormal state, which then leads to it becoming completed as soon as possible. Complications arise because of the possibility of the task being engaged in a rendezvous. The completion of an aborted caller is delayed until the rendezvous is completed and the called task is not affected (this permits the reliable programming of service tasks); on the other hand, if the called task is aborted then the caller receives the exception TASKING_ERROR.
Note that the behavior of the abort statement is formulated in terms of completing tasks rather than terminating them. This is because a parent task cannot be terminated until its dependent tasks are terminated, and if one of those is the caller in a rendezvous with a third party then its termination will be delayed. Thus completion of the tasks is the best that can be individually enforced and their termination will then automatically occur in the usual way.
The abort statement is very disruptive but seems a necessary means of last resort to deal with a rogue task. For example, it is not possible to leave a unit while dependent tasks are active, and so an exception handler in a unit might need to abort all local tasks.
Although unconditional and immediate termination is the desirable semantics for an abort statement, nevertheless as explained above problems in a rendezvous lead to a formulation in terms of completion. Apart from this, the abort statement is severe. All dependent tasks are also aborted since their names will become unreachable after the abort. Furthermore an aborted task is removed from any entry queue on which it may have been placed as the result of calling an entry. This possibility demands care in the use of the COUNT attribute (see 13.2.5).
The abort statement is provided for emergency use only. Its ill- considered use will severely hinder program understanding and validation.
The status of a task may be interrogated by two attributes. Thus T'TERMINATED is TRUE if the task T has terminated; T'CALLABLE is TRUE if its entries are callable, that is, unless the task is abnormal, completed, or terminated.
The above discussion was presented in terms of several tasks executing in parallel. Whether or not this physically occurs depends upon the hardware. In a multiprocessor system true parallel execution may occur, whereas in a single processor system only one task at a time can really be executing. In any case a scheduler is required in order to allocate the ready tasks to the one or more processors. The scheduling algorithm is deliberately not defined in complete detail, but a task can be given a static priority by a pragma. The basic rule regarding priority is
"If two tasks with different priorities are both eligible for execution and could sensibly be executed using the same physical processors and other processing resources, then it cannot be the case that the task with the lower priority is executing while the task with the higher priority is not."This rule requires preemptive scheduling. Note that the phrase "could sensibly be executed" refers to situations such as distributed systems where a high priority task may not be physically able to execute on some processors. Thus preemption is only required for processing resources that the high priority task can use.
Priorities are provided as a tool for indicating relative degrees of urgency and on no account should their manipulation be used as a technique for attempting to obtain mutual exclusion.
Task types are discussed in section 13.2.9.
task LINE_TO_CHAR is entry PUT_LINE (L : in LINE); entry GET_CHAR(C : out CHARACTER); end; task body LINE_TO_CHAR is BUFFER : LINE; begin loop accept PUT_LINE(L : in LINE) do BUFFER := L; end PUT_LINE; for I in LINE'RANGE loop accept GET_CHAR(C : out CHARACTER) do C := BUFFER(I); end GET_CHAR; end loop; end loop; end; |
The accept statement looks somewhat like a procedure body. It can be thought of as a body to be executed where it stands, in much the same way as a block can be thought of as an inline procedure without parameters.
The accept statement repeats the formal part of the entry declarations, both in order to emphasize the parameters and to permit unambiguous identification of an accept with the correct, possibly overloaded, entry. The formal part is then followed by the statements to be executed during the rendezvous.
There are two possibilities for a rendezvous, according to whether the calling task issues the calling statement such as
before or after a corresponding accept statement is reached by the called task. Whichever task gets there first waits for the other. When the rendezvous is achieved, the appropriate parameters of the caller are passed to the called task (note that actual parameters are evaluated when the entry call is issued, not when the rendezvous occurs). The caller is then temporarily suspended until the called task completes the statements embraced by do ... end. Any out parameters are then passed back to the caller and finally both tasks again proceed independently of each other.
It should be observed that the rendezvous is named in one direction only. The calling task must know the name of the entry, and this is specific to the called task. Thus the calling task must know the called task. The called task on the other hand will accept calls from any task. Thus we have a many-to-one pattern of communication. As a consequence of this, each entry potentially has a queue of tasks calling it. This queue is processed in a strictly first-in-first-out manner, and each rendezvous at an accept statement removes just one item from this queue.
The behavior of the task LINE_TO_CHAR should now be clear. It contains an internal buffer which may hold a line of characters. The task alternately fills the buffer by accepting a call of PUT_LINE, and then empties it by accepting successive calls of GET_CHAR. Calls of the entries can only be processed when the corresponding accept statement is reached. Thus many different tasks could be held up calling PUT_LINE. They are only accepted one at a time in accordance with the groups of calls of GET_CHAR. Again note that the buffer may be emptied by several different tasks calling GET_CHAR. Indeed several tasks could be suspended on calls of GET_CHAR until a task issues a call of PUT_LINE.
It should be carefully observed that at any one time a task can be queuing only in one place (one position in one entry queue). This is because a task can naturally only be calling one entry at a time.
This example could therefore be used to provide a simple buffering mechanism between a producer and a consumer task:
task CONSUME_CHAR; task PRODUCE_LINE; task body PRODUCE_LINE is MY_LINE : LINE; begin loop -- fill MY_LINE from somewhere LINE_TO_CHAR.PUT_LINE(MY_LINE); end loop; end; task body CONSUME_CHAR is MY_CHAR : CHARACTER; begin loop LINE_TO_CHAR.GET_CHAR(MY_CHAR); -- do something with MY_CHAR end loop; end; |
In the task LINE_TO_CHAR there is only one accept statement corresponding to each entry. This need not necessarily be the case, as later examples will show. Moreover if there are several accept statements corresponding to one entry then their sequences of statements may differ. We see here a sharp distinction between entries and procedures. All calls of a procedure execute the same body whereas calls of entries need not. This is because procedure bodies do not change state between successive calls, and so the normal case is that all calls do the same thing; whereas tasks continue to execute between calls of their entries, and so may need to do different things each time. In this respect an entry call is analogous to a coroutine transfer.
As general programming practice, the body of the accept statement between do and end should not contain unnecessary statements; otherwise the calling task will be needlessly held up. As a consequence, it will often be the case that the accept body will contain only the code that accesses the entry parameters; additional code as may be necessary to update the task's state variables to reflect the status of its callers can then follow the accept body.
An accept statement may have no do ... end part. This will usually, but not necessarily, be the case when the entry has no parameters.
As a didactic example, the following task implements a binary semaphore for protecting critical sections:
task SEMAPHORE is entry P; entry V; end; task body SEMAPHORE is begin loop accept P; accept V; end loop; end; |
A critical section is then bracketed thus
SEMAPHORE.P; -- critical section SEMAPHORE.V; |
In this case the rendezvous merely provides synchronization and no data is transferred.
An accept statement must be in the body of the task concerned, and not within any inner subprogram, package or task. This ensures that it can only be executed by the task that owns the corresponding entry.
If an entry is renamed, it is renamed as a procedure. This preserves the uniform user interface. A minor distinction between entries and subprograms is that it is not possible to have an entry function. Finally it should be remarked that there also exist so-called families of entries. These are discussed in 13.2.10.
The select statement has some analogy with the case statement, and in its simplest form allows one of several alternative accept statements to be obeyed.
As an example, suppose we wish a variable to be accessible to many tasks, but nevertheless wish to prevent more than one task at a time from accessing it. Moreover suppose we wish to provide facilities to read the variable and to write a new value to it. The following task provides the entries READ and WRITE for this.
task PROTECTED_VARIABLE is entry READ (V : out ITEM); entry WRITE(E : in ITEM); end; task body PROTECTED_VARIABLE is VARIABLE : ITEM; begin loop select accept READ(V : out ITEM) do V := VARIABLE; end; or accept WRITE(E : in ITEM) do VARIABLE := E; end; end select; end loop; end PROTECTED_VARIABLE; |
A call of READ outputs the value of the variable to the parameter V. A call of WRITE inputs the value of the expression E passed as parameter into the variable.
The select statement allows the task to accept either READ or WRITE. On entry to the select statement, if neither a READ nor a WRITE has been called, the task waits for the first of either and then obeys the appropriate accept statement. If one has already been called then that call is immediately accepted. If however both entries have already been called (obviously by two or more other tasks) then one of the alternatives is chosen arbitrarily.
In the more general case each alternative may include a guarding condition. These conditions are all evaluated at the beginning of the select statement, and only those alternatives whose guards are true are considered in the subsequent selection. An absent guard is of course considered to be true. If all guards are false, so that no alternative can be considered, then it is an error (unless there is an else part as described later in this section) and the PROGRAM_ERROR exception is raised. An alternative whose guard is true (or absent) is said to be open. An alternative whose guard is false is said to be closed. The guard is written as a Boolean expression preceded by the word when and followed by "=>", in the same manner as other preconditions in Ada.
It should also be noted that each alternative may also include further statements following the rendezvous body of the accept. These additional statements are executed in the normal way after the rendezvous has been completed.
The following example of a bounded buffer illustrates the use of guards.
task BUFFER is entry READ (V : out ITEM); entry WRITE(E : in ITEM); end; task body BUFFER is SIZE : constant := 10; POOL : array (1 .. SIZE) of ITEM; IN_INDEX, OUT_INDEX : INTEGER range 1 .. SIZE := 1; COUNT : INTEGER range 0 .. SIZE := 0; begin loop select when COUNT < SIZE => -- not full accept WRITE(E : in ITEM) do POOL(IN_INDEX) := E; end; IN_INDEX := IN_INDEX mod SIZE + 1; COUNT := COUNT + 1; or when COUNT > 0 => -- not empty accept READ(V : out ITEM) do V := POOL(OUT_INDEX); end; OUT_INDEX := OUT_INDEX mod SIZE + 1; COUNT := COUNT - 1; end select; end loop; end BUFFER; |
The variables IN_INDEX and OUT_INDEX index the ends of the currently used part of the buffer and COUNT indicates how many items are in the buffer. Note how obvious the guards are. A READ can only be accepted when the buffer is not empty, and a WRITE can only be accepted when the buffer is not full. The reader is invited to compare the readability of the solution presented here with the example written in other languages in section 13.3.2.
It should be noted that the updating of the values of IN_INDEX, OUT_INDEX and COUNT is not done within the rendezvous. This allows the calling task to continue as soon as possible, but does not cause any problem of potential interference because these objects are local to BUFFER and so cannot be seen by any external task.
In many situations it is desirable to enforce a protocol on the use of entries. This can be done by placing the task within a package body and then providing access to the entries via procedures declared in the package specification. This technique also illustrates the point that a package provides visibility control whereas a task provides parallelism.
As an example consider an extension of the task PROTECTED_VARIABLE, which allows several tasks to READ simultaneously but only one to WRITE, and then only when no tasks are reading. It is written as a package READER_WRITER containing a task CONTROL.
package READER_WRITER is procedure READ (V : out ITEM); procedure WRITE(E : in ITEM); end; package body READER_WRITER is VARIABLE : ITEM; task CONTROL is entry START_READ; entry STOP_READ; entry WRITE(E : in ITEM); end; task body CONTROL is READERS : NATURAL := 0; begin accept WRITE(E : in ITEM) do VARIABLE := E; end; loop select accept START_READ; READERS := READERS + 1; or accept STOP_READ; READERS := READERS - 1; or when READERS = 0 => accept WRITE(E : in ITEM) do VARIABLE := E; end; end select; end loop; end CONTROL; procedure READ(V : out ITEM) is begin CONTROL.START_READ; V := VARIABLE; CONTROL.STOP_READ; end; procedure WRITE(E : in ITEM) is begin CONTROL.WRITE(E); end; end READER_WRITER; |
In this example READ and WRITE are procedures and not entries. However, since entries are called in the same way as procedures, the effective interface from the point of view of the caller remains unchanged. Of course the compiled calling code may be different, but this need not concern the user.
This example also illustrates the use of more than one accept statement corresponding to the internal entry WRITE (in this particular example the bodies are the same, but this need not be the case). It shows that a task can be viewed as a sort of coroutine, where entry calls can achieve different actions depending on the current point of execution of the task.
We now consider a further elaboration of this example that gives a better distribution of priority between readers and writers. Normally writers have priority over readers, and a new reader should not be permitted to start if there is a writer waiting.
Moreover, all waiting readers at the end of a write should have priority over the next writer. In order to program this strategy we use the attribute E'COUNT of an entry E, which denotes the number of tasks waiting in the queue for the entry. The use of this attribute requires some care as explained below. We illustrate this point by means of two different formulations of this problem. In the first formulation the declaration
is added to the declarative part of the body of CONTROL and the statement part now becomes as follows:
begin accept WRITE(E : in ITEM) do VARIABLE := E; STILL_WAITING := START_READ'COUNT; end; loop select when WRITE'COUNT = 0 or STILL_WAITING > 0 => accept START_READ; READERS := READERS + 1; if STILL_WAITING > 0 then STILL_WAITING := STILL_WAITING - 1; end if; or accept STOP_READ; READERS := READERS - 1; or when READERS = 0 and STILL_WAITING = 0 => accept WRITE(E : in ITEM) do VARIABLE := E; STILL_WAITING := START_READ'COUNT; end; end select; end loop; end; |
In this formulation, STILL_WAITING is the number of readers still waiting of those who were waiting when the previous write finished.
The first-in-first-out queue discipline is necessary for the correct working of this example. At the end of each write, the number of readers waiting is noted in STILL_WAITING. A reader is accepted if there are still old readers waiting to be served, or if nobody is waiting to write; hence the test of STILL_WAITING in the guard of accept START_READ and the decrement of STILL_WAITING after the body of START_READ. Similarly, the guard of accept WRITE ensures that a new writer is only served if there are neither current readers nor old readers still waiting.
The above formulation should be treated with caution. Thus consider what happens if one of the waiting readers is aborted while in the queue on the entry START_READ, and after the value of START_READ'COUNT has been assigned to STILL_WAITING. The value of STILL_WAITING will then become inconsistent and the next writer will be further delayed until a new reader arrives.
This illustrates a general danger with using the COUNT attribute in guards, since any task that has issued an entry call can be aborted between the evaluation of COUNT and the execution of an accept statement based on the value of COUNT.
We will now reformulate the above example by introducing the else part of the select statement. A select statement may contain an else part following the various possibly guarded alternatives. The else part cannot be guarded. If all guards are false, or an immediate rendezvous is not possible, then the else part is obeyed. If there is an else part then PROGRAM_ERROR cannot arise.
In the reformulated example, STILL_WAITING is no longer required and the main loop now becomes as follows:
loop select when WRITE'COUNT = 0 => accept START_READ; READERS := READERS + 1; or accept STOP_READ; READERS := READERS - 1; or when READERS = 0 => accept WRITE(E : in ITEM) do VARIABLE := E; end; loop select accept START_READ; READERS := READERS + 1; else exit; end select; end loop; end select; end loop; |
After accepting a WRITE the task loops, accepting as many START_READs as can immediately be processed. Of course the behavior is marginally different, but the general objective is satisfied. The loop ought also to follow the initial WRITE, but because of the constraints on the position of an accept statement it cannot be placed in a procedure.
It should be observed that none of the above solutions to this problem is satisfactory if the calling tasks are aborted. They have been introduced in order to illustrate various features of Ada and not as solutions to the classic readers and writers problem.
It is worth noting that the entries in the various alternatives need not be distinct (although they usually will be). If two or more prove to be the same then the usual rule of arbitrary selection applies. This may be felt surprising. One motivation here is the fact that if several alternatives are open, one of them is chosen arbitrarily and there is hence no reason to disallow the same entry in two alternatives. Another motivation is the existence of families of entries. If E(I) and E(J) were two entries and they had to be different, then a tedious runtime check would be necessary. The rule thus allows different actions to be programmed in a simple way on the same entry but according to different guards.
Note that the guards are all evaluated at the start of the select statement only. The alternative semantics of evaluating a guard only when an entry is called was considered and rejected. The problem concerns the indivisibility of evaluating the guard and accepting the call together. One could not afford to make the guard evaluation indivisible, and so it would be possible for the calling task to be aborted during the guard evaluation. This would cause havoc if the guard proved to be true.
Guard evaluation at the start of the select statement could be criticized on the grounds that the value of a guard may be changed by another task before an alternative is chosen. This is not a good argument since even if the guard were evaluated when the corresponding alternative is chosen, there is no guarantee that it might not be immediately changed. In either case there is a danger with the use of asynchronously modifiable guards (such as those containing COUNT, CLOCK, and so on). Note that in practice most guards are local to the task that contains the select statement. In addition they are most often very simple. Consequently several optimizations of guard evaluation are possible.
The rule for choosing one of the open alternatives has been stated to be arbitrary. This should be interpreted as meaning that it is not defined by the language but is rather left to the implementation to choose an appropriate efficient algorithm. However, the algorithm used should not be unduly predictable, and any program that relies on a particular algorithm is not portable. Thus one could not assume for instance that the alternatives were taken in some order. If a uniform strategy is desired, then it must be programmed by using appropriate guarding conditions.
The need for the else part has been adequately demonstrated by earlier examples. It should be observed that the select statement allows a server to choose between different accept statements. There is no corresponding mechanism for a caller to choose between the first of several calls. This is because of a fundamental design decision: a task can be on at most one queue at a time. The main motivation for this decision is simplicity and efficiency of implementation.
The delay statement holds up execution of the task for at least the specified time interval. Thus:
delay 2.0;
The expression following delay is of the predefined fixed point type DURATION, and gives the interval in seconds. The type DURATION is a fixed point type so that the addition of durations can be done without systematic loss of accuracy. The sum of two fixed point model numbers is always a model number; this is not so with a floating point type. However, the use of a real type rather than an integer type allows convenient literals for fractions of a second.
The user can declare constants such as
MINUTES : constant := 60.0;
and then naturally write
delay 6 * MINUTES;
The predefined package CALENDAR (see RM 9.6) provides the type TIME (which is a combined time and date), access to the clock, and various operations on times and durations.
The type TIME is private so that each implementation can choose an appropriate internal structure. The current time is provided by the function CLOCK, of type TIME, which returns its result in an indivisible manner, thereby avoiding difficulties around midnight. The individual components, year, month, day, and duration since midnight, can then be obtained from a TIME by various selector functions. Appropriate overloadings of +, -, and the relational operators allow the addition, subtraction, and comparison of times and durations.
As an example of the use of the package CALENDAR, the following text calls the procedure ACTION at almost regular intervals without cumulative drift.
declare use CALENDAR; INTERVAL : constant DURATION := 10 * MINUTES; NEXT_TIME : TIME := CLOCK + INTERVAL; begin loop delay NEXT_TIME - CLOCK; ACTION; NEXT_TIME := NEXT_TIME + INTERVAL; end loop; end; |
As an example we can consider a task to drive a chain printer. If the printer does not receive any printing order for ten seconds, then the chain has to be stopped. Once it has stopped, a further print request will cause it to restart but a one-second delay must take place before printing commences.
task PRINTER_DRIVER is entry PRINT(L : LINE); end; task body PRINTER_DRIVER is CHAIN_GOING : BOOLEAN := FALSE; BUFFER : LINE; begin loop select accept PRINT(L : LINE) do BUFFER := L; end; if not CHAIN_GOING then -- start the chain delay 1.0; CHAIN_GOING := TRUE; end if; -- print the line or when CHAIN_GOING => delay 10.0; -- stop the chain CHAIN_GOING := FALSE; end select; end loop; end; |
A select statement may have several alternatives starting with a delay statement. This extends the general rule that the entries in the different alternatives need not be distinct. If there are several open delay alternatives then the one with the shortest delay is chosen.
A select statement is not allowed to have delay alternatives as well as an else part; the else part would always take precedence anyway. Moreover, at least one alternative must have an accept statement.
Further variations on the select statement allow entry calls to be conditional or to be timed out. These take the form
select T.E( ... ); -- entry call else -- statements to be obeyed if call -- not immediately accepted end select; |
select T.E( ... ); -- entry call or delay EXPRESSION; -- statements to be obeyed if call -- not accepted within specified duration end select; |
It should be noted that such select statements do not allow the possibility of calling one of several entries (by analogy with obeying one of several accept statements). To do so would violate the principle that a task may not be on two or more entry queues at the same time.
The timed and conditional forms of entry call are provided because of their convenience. Such features can be programmed using agent tasks and the abort statement, but only with some difficulty if race conditions are to be avoided.
Timed entry calls present difficulties which are similar to, but less severe than, those associated with abort statements. For example, a task may be removed from an entry queue because the call timed out, and thereby invalidate a decision based on the value of the COUNT attribute. However such dangers can be overcome by hiding the task in a package so that all entry calls are via a procedure.
task DEVICE_DRIVER is entry IO_DONE; ... for IO_DONE use at 4; end; |
The value following at is of type ADDRESS (as explained in section 15.6.1), and interpreted in a machine-dependent manner. For example, it could be a physical address, an index into a table of records, or a binary number representing encoded information.
The interrupt is processed when the task owning the entry performs a rendezvous by using a corresponding accept statement:
accept IO_DONE;
The behavior regarding multiple interrupts and masking depends on the implementation, but may be compared to the various forms of entry calls. Interrupts that are queued correspond to normal calls, whereas interrupts that are lost if not immediately processed correspond to conditional entry calls.
The hypothetical task that makes the entry call behaves as if it had a priority higher than that of any user task. It then follows from the normal priority rules that interrupts get obeyed immediately, provided of course that the handling task is waiting at the corresponding accept statement.
An interrupt may provide control information via one or more in parameters of the entry. Clearly an entry associated with an interrupt cannot have out or in out parameters because there is no real calling task to whom to pass the values.
A task type declaration is similar to a single task declaration except that type follows task in the specification. Thus
task type T is entry E( ... ); ... end; task body T is ... end T; |
This just creates a template. Actual tasks are then created, as are other objects, by an object declaration
X : T;
or through an access type and an allocator
type REF_T is access T; RX : REF_T := new T; |
Tasks so declared become active at the begin following their declaration, or at the end of the allocator in the case of accessed tasks. The termination rules are as before except that accessed tasks are dependent on the unit containing the access type definition rather than the allocator; this accords with the normal scope rules for objects created by an allocator.
Task objects can be used in structures in the usual way; thus tasks may be components of arrays and records. Task types are limited types; this is because a task object is permanently bound to the created task and so assignment would make no sense. However, task identities can be manipulated by the use of access types.
An important application of task types is in the creation of agents. A simple example is provided by the following messenger task type.
task type MESSENGER is entry DEPOSIT (X : in ITEM); entry COLLECT(X : out ITEM); end; task body MESSENGER is STORE : ITEM; begin accept DEPOSIT(X : in ITEM) do STORE := X; end; accept COLLECT(X : out ITEM) do X := STORE; end; end MESSENGER; |
A messenger is a carrier of an ITEM. It is given to him by a call of DEPOSIT and retrieved by a call of COLLECT. Note that a messenger dies after a single use.
Such a messenger can be used to solve the problem of a customer asking for a service and wishing to do other things while waiting for the result. The essence of the solution is for the customer to leave with the server the address of a messenger who will later communicate with the customer. In the following solution the service consists of repairing an item. The repaired item is passed back to the customer via the messenger. Note the need for the access type type AGENT is access MESSENGER;
The server and customer are as follows:
task SERVER is entry REPAIR(X : ITEM; A : AGENT); end; task body SERVER is JOB : ITEM; THE_AGENT : AGENT; begin loop accept REPAIR(X : ITEM; A : AGENT) do JOB := X; THE_AGENT := A; end; -- doing the repair of the item JOB THE_AGENT.DEPOSIT(JOB); end loop; end SERVER; task CUSTOMER; task body CUSTOMER is MY_ITEM : ITEM; MY_AGENT : AGENT := new MESSENGER; begin ... SERVER.REPAIR(MY_ITEM, MY_AGENT); ... MY_AGENT.COLLECT(MY_ITEM); ... end CUSTOMER; |
The agent task serves two very important purposes. First it enables the customer and server to be decoupled. This means that the customer can do other things while the server does the repair, and equally the server does not have to wait for the customer to collect the item before dealing with the next customer. Second, and perhaps more important, it enables the customer to be of an arbitrary task type by factoring off the required entry DEPOSIT. Without the agent the customer would have to have the entry DEPOSIT, and this would in fact mean that all customers would have to be of the same task type; this would, of course, be intolerable.
A natural use of task types occurs when there are several copies of a piece of physical equipment, and a distinct but similar task is required to drive each one. Thus suppose we have ten line printers and wish to drive each one by a distinct task such as PRINTER_DRIVER of section 13.2.7.
We could declare a task type with specification
task type PRINTER_DRIVER is entry PRINT(L : LINE); end; |
The task body would be as before. We could then declare an array of tasks thus
PRINTER : array (1 .. 10) of PRINTER_DRIVER;
A particular task is then designated by indexing the array in the usual way and so an entry could be called thus
It is often convenient to rename an entry in such circumstances so that calls are abbreviated. Thus:
procedure PRINT_6 (L : LINE) renames PRINTER(6).PRINT;
The introduction of task types in Ada gives much additional capability especially since, in conjunction with access types, the number of such tasks can be dynamically determined quite independently of the block structure. Objects of task types can also be used to implement abstract data types.
Task types are valuable in handling certain task identification problems, as illustrated by the agent mechanism described above; this avoids introducing anonymous untyped task variables which would have raised complex problems of run-time type checking.
Another important use that would have been made of such anonymous task variables can be covered by other existing language concepts. It corresponds to the case of a server that needs to be able to recognize its customers. In such a case limited private types provide a facility whereby a key may be created and handed to a task on its first request. On later requests the task shows the key, thus enabling the server to recognize the owner. The private type mechanism prevents forgery of the key. There is a risk that keys will get reused in the future, since a normal mechanism would be to represent each new key as the next integer. This risk is no more than that associated with remembered task activation variables and indeed can be minimized to any required degree by using a key composed of a record of several integers. Thus using just two 16-bit words a new key can be issued every second for 136 years without duplication.
In order to cope with such circumstances, a special form of select alternative may be used which automatically has the required effect. Thus a select statement can take the form
select accept A( ... ) ... or accept B( ... ) ... or terminate; end select; |
The terminate alternative is taken if the unit on which the task depends has completed, and all sibling and dependent tasks are terminated or similarly able to select a terminate alternative. In such a situation all the tasks are dormant and could not be called, and so they can all become terminated together.
A family of entries is declared by adding a discrete range to the entry name in the declaration. Thus
entry TRANSFER(1 .. 200)(D : DATA);
declares a family of 200 entries each of which has the parameter D.
A particular entry is called by the use of an index as expected
In a corresponding accept statement, the particular member has to be indicated by appending an actual index to the family name. It is then followed by the formal parameter list, if any, in the usual way.
accept TRANSFER(I)(D : DATA) do ... end TRANSFER; |
Our example is that of scheduling a queue of requests for data transfers to or from a moving-head disk. In order to minimize head movement the requests are grouped into separate queues for each track and all the requests for a particular track are serviced together. It would be possible to consider each track as a separate physical entity demanding its own task. We would then use an array of tasks. However, the tracks are not independent. The disk head can serve only one track at a time and so the parallelism obtained by using many tasks is not necessary. Instead the transfers are handled by a single slave task with a family of entries. There is an entry for each track so that the queues are independent. A separate task controls the arm movement and the choice of track for the slave task. The two tasks are embedded in a package as usual.
package DISK_HEAD_SCHEDULER is type TRACK is range 1 .. 200; type DATA is ... -- other parameters of transfer procedure TRANSMIT(TN : TRACK; D : DATA); end; package body DISK_HEAD_SCHEDULER is type DIRECTION is (UP, DOWN); INVERSE : constant array (DIRECTION) of DIRECTION := (UP => DOWN, DOWN => UP); STEP : constant array (DIRECTION) of INTEGER range -1 .. 1 := (UP => 1, DOWN => -1); WAITING : array (TRACK) of INTEGER := (TRACK => 0); COUNT : array (DIRECTION) of INTEGER := (DIRECTION => 0); MOVE : DIRECTION := DOWN; ARM_POSITION : TRACK := 1; task CONTROL is entry SIGN_IN(T : TRACK); entry FIND_TRACK(REQUESTS : out INTEGER; TRACK_NO : out TRACK); end; task TRACK_MANAGER is entry TRANSFER(TRACK)(D : DATA); end; procedure TRANSMIT(TN : TRACK; D : DATA) is begin CONTROL.SIGN_IN(TN); TRACK_MANAGER.TRANSFER(TN)(D); end; task body TRACK_MANAGER is NO_OF_REQUESTS : INTEGER; CURRENT_TRACK : TRACK; begin loop CONTROL.FIND_TRACK(NO_OF_REQUESTS, CURRENT_TRACK); while NO_OF_REQUESTS > 0 loop accept TRANSFER(CURRENT_TRACK)(D : DATA) do -- do actual I/O NO_OF_REQUESTS := NO_OF_REQUESTS - 1; end TRANSFER; end loop; end loop; end TRACK_MANAGER; task body CONTROL is begin loop select when COUNT(UP) + COUNT(DOWN) > 0 => accept FIND_TRACK(REQUESTS : out INTEGER; TRACK_NO : out TRACK) do if COUNT(MOVE) = 0 then MOVE := INVERSE(MOVE); else ARM_POSITION := ARM_POSITION + STEP(MOVE); end if; while WAITING(ARM_POSITION) = 0 loop ARM_POSITION := ARM_POSITION + STEP(MOVE); end loop; COUNT(MOVE) := COUNT(MOVE) - WAITING(ARM_POSITION); REQUESTS := WAITING(ARM_POSITION); TRACK_NO := ARM_POSITION; WAITING(ARM_POSITION) := 0; end FIND_TRACK; or accept SIGN_IN(T : TRACK) do if T < ARM_POSITION then COUNT(DOWN) := COUNT(DOWN) + 1; elsif T > ARM_POSITION then COUNT(UP) := COUNT(UP) + 1; else COUNT(INVERSE(MOVE)) := COUNT(INVERSE(MOVE)) + 1; end if; WAITING(T) := WAITING(T) + 1; end SIGN_IN; end select; end loop; end CONTROL; end DISK_HEAD_SCHEDULER; |
The user indicates his requests by calling the procedure TRANSMIT. This in turn calls the entry SIGN_IN in the task CONTROL which records the request. The user then waits on the call of TRANSFER until the slave task TRACK_MANAGER is ready to perform transfers on the track concerned.
The slave task TRACK_MANAGER calls the entry FIND_TRACK in order to determine which track should be handled next. CONTROL only honors the call when there are requests outstanding (COUNT(UP)+COUNT(DOWN) > 0). If there are requests outstanding, an extended rendezvous occurs during which the arm is moved and the data transferred to TRACK_MANAGER.
Note the accept statement within TRACK_MANAGER, which references the member CURRENT_TRACK of the family TRANSFER and so finally deals with the user who has been waiting in TRANSMIT.
It should be pointed out that the example given is purely illustrative. No genuine disk head scheduler would need to be so heavily engineered. A perfectly adequate solution is to allow only two calls to TRACK_MANAGER at a time and to sort these into the more efficient order. If a disk queue frequently exceeds two items then the system is grossly overloaded anyway and elaborate scheduling is unlikely to help.
The above example shows how a family of entries could be used to dissect a queue into subqueues. The first-in-first-out nature of the entry queue might be thought to be a severe constraint in cases where some requests may be of high priority and also in cases where later similar requests could be satisfied even though earlier ones had to wait.
The handling of requests with priorities is easily achieved by the use of separate entries for each level. A family can conveniently be used for that purpose. The following example illustrates an approach suitable for a small number of levels.
type LEVEL is (URGENT, MEDIUM, LOW); task CONTROL is entry REQUEST(LEVEL)(D : DATA); end; task body CONTROL is ... select accept REQUEST(URGENT)(D : DATA) do ... end; or when REQUEST(URGENT)'COUNT = 0 => accept REQUEST(MEDIUM)(D : DATA) do ... end; or when REQUEST(URGENT)'COUNT = 0 and REQUEST(MEDIUM)'COUNT = 0 => accept REQUEST(LOW)(D : DATA) do ... end; end select; ... end CONTROL; |
For a larger number of levels, this approach is obviously not satisfactory. An alternative possibility at first sight is just to scan all the values of the family thus
task body CONTROL is ... begin loop for I in LEVEL loop select accept REQUEST(I) (D : DATA) do ... end; exit; else null; end select; end loop; end loop; end CONTROL; |
Unfortunately this is not satisfactory since the task will busy-wait when there are no requests outstanding.
An acceptable solution is to use a double interaction with the control task and this is best structured by placing the task inside a package as illustrated below:
package CONTROLLER is type LEVEL is range 1 .. 50; procedure REQUEST(L : LEVEL; D : DATA); end; package body CONTROLLER is task CONTROL is entry SIGN_IN(L : LEVEL); entry PERFORM(LEVEL)(D : DATA); end; task body CONTROL is PENDING : array (LEVEL) of INTEGER := (LEVEL => 0); TOTAL : INTEGER := 0; begin loop if TOTAL = 0 then -- no request to be served: wait if necessary accept SIGN_IN(L : LEVEL) do PENDING(L) := PENDING(L) + 1; TOTAL := 1; end SIGN_IN; end if; loop -- accept any pending SIGN_IN call without waiting select accept SIGN_IN(L : LEVEL) do PENDING(L) := PENDING(L) + 1; TOTAL := TOTAL + 1; end SIGN_IN; else exit; end select; end loop; for I in LEVEL loop if PENDING(I) > 0 then accept PERFORM(I)(D : DATA) do -- satisfy the request of highest level end; PENDING(I) := PENDING(I) - 1; TOTAL := TOTAL -1; exit; -- restart main loop in order to accept new requests end if; end loop; end loop; end CONTROL; procedure REQUEST(L : LEVEL; D : DATA) is begin CONTROL.SIGN_IN(L); CONTROL.PERFORM(L)(D); end; end CONTROLLER; |
In order to service a request, a call to SIGN_IN must first be accepted, and its occurrence recorded in the global counter TOTAL, and the appropriate PENDING counter. In a second step, the appropriate entry of the family PERFORM must be accepted. CONTROL proceeds by
generic type RESOURCE is (<>); package MULTI_RESOURCE_CONTROL is type RESOURCE_SET is array (RESOURCE) of BOOLEAN; procedure RESERVE(GROUP : RESOURCE_SET); procedure RELEASE(GROUP : RESOURCE_SET); end; package body MULTI_RESOURCE_CONTROL is EMPTY : constant RESOURCE_SET := (RESOURCE => FALSE); USED : RESOURCE_SET := EMPTY; WAITERS : INTEGER := 0; task CONTROL is entry FIRST (ASKED : RESOURCE_SET; OK : out BOOLEAN); entry AGAIN (ASKED : RESOURCE_SET; OK : out BOOLEAN); entry RELEASE (GROUP : RESOURCE_SET); end; procedure RESERVE(GROUP : RESOURCE_SET) is POSSIBLE : BOOLEAN; begin CONTROL.FIRST(GROUP, POSSIBLE); while not POSSIBLE loop -- if at first you don't succeed, try, try again CONTROL.AGAIN(GROUP, POSSIBLE); end loop; end; procedure TRY(ASKED : RESOURCE_SET; OK : out BOOLEAN) is begin if (USED and ASKED) = EMPTY then USED := USED or ASKED; OK := TRUE; -- allocation successful else OK := FALSE; -- not possible, try again later end if; end; procedure RELEASE(GROUP : RESOURCE_SET) is begin CONTROL.RELEASE(GROUP); end; task body CONTROL is begin loop select accept FIRST(ASKED : RESOURCE_SET; OK : out BOOLEAN) do TRY(ASKED, OK); if not OK then WAITERS := WAITERS + 1; end if; end; or accept RELEASE(GROUP : RESOURCE_SET) do USED := USED and not GROUP; end; -- now find a user for the released resource for I in 1 .. WAITERS loop accept AGAIN(ASKED : RESOURCE_SET; OK : out BOOLEAN) do TRY(ASKED, OK); if OK then WAITERS := WAITERS - 1; end if; end; end loop; end select; end loop; end CONTROL; end MULTI_RESOURCE_CONTROL; |
The user requests and obtains an arbitrary group of resources by calling the procedure RESERVE and returns resources by calling the procedure RELEASE. The procedure RESERVE makes an immediate attempt to acquire the resources by calling the entry FIRST. If they are not all available, OK is returned false and the request is queued by calling AGAIN. It should be noted that FIRST is always honored promptly (except when the controller is busy with RELEASE) whereas AGAIN is only considered when a RELEASE occurs. Thus all requests that cannot be satisfied immediately are placed on the AGAIN queue. It is important that these requests are not serviced on a first-in-first-out basis but rather that when some resources are released the requests in the queue that can then be fully satisfied should be honored. The technique is to scan the queue by doing a rendezvous with AGAIN and to allow each user (in RESERVE) to place itself back on the queue if it cannot get the resources it requires. In order that each user should have only one retry the loop is controlled by the variable WAITERS. This indicates how many tasks have called FIRST unsuccessfully and are waiting in the system. We cannot use AGAIN'COUNT since resources might be released between a task unsuccessfully calling FIRST and actually calling AGAIN.
The above solution is reasonably satisfactory, although not completely fair. Tasks could reenter the AGAIN queue in a slightly different order because of the race conditions.
However, it should be realized that the solutions in this section are not satisfactory if the tasks involved can be aborted. One general approach in such circumstances is to use agent tasks that can be relied upon. Nevertheless, entirely satisfactory solutions in such circumstances are not easily obtained. There seems to be a conflict between the intrinsic high level features of Ada and low level queue manipulation. It should be realized however that the tasking features of Ada are aimed at cooperating systems.