[Ada Information Clearinghouse]
Ada '83 Rationale, Sec 12.2: Informal Presentation of Generic Units

"Rationale for the Design of the
Ada® Programming Language"

[Ada '83 Rationale, HTML Version]

Copyright ©1986 owned by the United States Government. All rights reserved.
Direct inquiries to the Ada Information Clearinghouse at adainfo@sw-eng.falls-church.va.us.

CHAPTER 12: Generic Units

12.2 Informal Presentation of Generic Units

A generic unit is a program unit: it is either a generic subprogram or a generic package. The declaration of a generic unit starts with a generic formal part which defines compilation-time generic formal parameters; the generic formal part is followed by a subprogram declaration (for a generic subprogram) or by a package declaration (for a generic package).

A generic subprogram is not an ordinary subprogram: for example it cannot be called; it is rather a template for all (ordinary) subprograms that can be obtained by associating specific actual parameters with the generic formal parameters. Similarly a generic package is a template for (ordinary) packages.

A specific program unit that corresponds to a given template is created by a declaration called a generic instantiation. This has the effect of creating a named instance. In the case of a subprogram, for example, this named instance can then be called in the usual way. Thus, apart from parameterization, generic declaration is for nongeneric program units what a type declaration is for data objects:

data objectsprogram units
defining the template:

defining an instance:
type declaration

object declaration
generic declaration

generic instantiation


In this section...

12.2.1 Generic Formal Parts
12.2.2 Generic Instantiations
12.2.3 Private Types as Generic Formal Types
12.2.4 Other Forms of Generic Formal Types
12.2.5 Default Parameters

12.2.1 Generic Formal Parts

A generic formal part starts with the reserved word generic and includes declarations of generic formal parameters. These can be formal objects (variables and constants, as in the case of parameters of subprograms); but they can also be generic formal subprograms and generic formal types. For example, the generic formal part

  type ITEM is private;

declares the generic formal type ITEM. We find this generic formal part in the declaration of the following generic procedure:

  type ITEM is private;
procedure EXCHANGE(LEFT, RIGHT :  in out ITEM);

procedure EXCHANGE(LEFT, RIGHT :  in out ITEM) is
  OLD_LEFT :  constant ITEM  :=  LEFT;
  LEFT   :=  RIGHT;

In this example, LEFT and RIGHT are the ordinary (that is, nongeneric) parameters: each procedure obtained by instantiation of this template will have these parameters, which are subject to dynamic replacement. In contrast, the type ITEM given in the generic formal part is a generic formal parameter which is to be substituted for at compilation time. This generic parameter may appear in the body of the generic subprogram; here it is used in the declaration of the constant OLD_LEFT.

12.2.2 Generic Instantiations

A generic instantiation creates an instance of a generic unit by replacement of the generic parameters. A generic instantiation is a declaration and it associates a name with the corresponding instance. Usually, there will be several different instantiations of a given generic unit:

procedure SWAP_INT is new EXCHANGE(ITEM =>  INTEGER);
procedure SWAP_CHAR   is new EXCHANGE(ITEM =>  CHARACTER);
procedure SWAP_COLOR  is new EXCHANGE(ITEM =>  COLOR);

Each resultant program unit is an ordinary procedure, applicable to actual parameters of the corresponding type. The resulting procedure specifications are as follows:

procedure SWAP_INT (LEFT, RIGHT :  in out INTEGER);
procedure SWAP_CHAR   (LEFT, RIGHT :  in out CHARACTER);
procedure SWAP_COLOR  (LEFT, RIGHT :  in out COLOR);

In each case, the name of the generic procedure has been replaced by the name given in the instantiation, the formal type by the actual type, and everything else remains the same - the names and modes of the formal parameters of the instantiation are the same as those of the generic procedure.

The fact that these procedures are obtained by generic instantiation does not preclude overloading of their names:

procedure SWAP is new EXCHANGE(ITEM =>  INTEGER);
procedure SWAP is new EXCHANGE(ITEM =>  CHARACTER);
procedure SWAP is new EXCHANGE(ITEM =>  COLOR);

Calls of these procedures will be as usual; for example:

SWAP(I, J);             -- for integers
SWAP(SHADE, TINT);          -- for colors

In general, a generic instantiation for a procedure has the form

procedure identifier is
  new name [(generic_association {, generic_association})];

The syntax of generic associations is similar to that of parameter associations for subprogram calls. Note that both named associations and positional associations are possible, as usual. Thus our previous example can be written equivalently in positional form as:

procedure SWAP is new EXCHANGE(INTEGER);
procedure SWAP is new EXCHANGE(CHARACTER);
procedure SWAP is new EXCHANGE(COLOR);

A program unit obtained by generic instantiation can be viewed as a copy of the corresponding generic unit where each formal parameter has been replaced by the corresponding actual parameter. For example, the declaration of SWAP_INT produces a procedure equivalent to

procedure SWAP_INT(LEFT, RIGHT :  in out INTEGER) is
  OLD_LEFT :  constant INTEGER  :=  LEFT;
  LEFT    :=  RIGHT;

A generic instantiation need not appear in the same declarative part as the corresponding generic declaration - it may appear at any point where the name of the generic unit is visible.

The rule followed for the identification of names within a generic unit is similar to that used for subprograms: All non-local identifiers of the body of a generic unit are identified in the context of the generic declaration. In contrast, the actual parameters given in the generic associations must be interpreted in the context of the generic instantiation.

Note that this rule differs from a simple textual substitution. In the latter case all identifiers, including non-local ones, would be interpreted in the context of the instantiation. Hence it would not be possible in general to obtain the effect of generic program units by a simple (context-free) macro facility; and this was our reason for referring to context-sensitive macro expansion, earlier in the introduction.

To summarize, the generic parameter names (and the name of the unit itself) are the only unresolved identifiers in the body of a generic program unit. For any generic instantiation, replacements must be provided for all generic parameters. These replacements are to be interpreted in the context of the instantiation.

12.2.3 Private Types as Generic Formal Types

In the simple EXCHANGE example presented so far, very little information is needed about the type given as a generic parameter: within the body of this generic procedure, the only operation assumed available for objects of the type is assignment. Hence this template can be applied to any type for which assignment is available; that is, to any type except a limited type.

In general when a generic formal type is specified as being private, no operations are assumed to be available aside from assignment, the predefined comparison for equality and inequality, and certain attributes such as SIZE. Furthermore, if the generic formal type is declared as limited private, then not even assignment and the comparison for equality and inequality are available.

For such types - whether limited or not - each operation that is used within the generic body must be specified by another generic formal parameter, namely, a generic formal subprogram. As an example, consider the generic function:

  type ELEM is limited private;
  with function "*" (LEFT, RIGHT :  ELEM) return ELEM;
function SQUARING(X :  ELEM) return ELEM;

function SQUARING(X :  ELEM) return ELEM is
  return X * X;

Since nothing is known a priori about the type ELEM, it would not be possible to write X * X if the specification of "*" were not provided explicitly by a generic formal parameter (this specification is prefixed by the reserved word with to distinguish it syntactically from the generic function itself and thus to show that we are still in the generic formal part):

    with function "*" (LEFT, RIGHT :  ELEM) return ELEM;

Instances of SQUARING are created by supplying the corresponding actual parameters. For example, for the instantiation

    function SQUARE is new SQUARING(INTEGER, "*");

the operation "*" used in the body is the operation defined as

    function "*" (LEFT, RIGHT :  INTEGER) return INTEGER;

that is, the normal integer multiplication. Thus the generic instantiation produces a function body equivalent to the following:

function SQUARE(X :  INTEGER) return INTEGER is
  return X * X;

Of course, other instantiations are possible. For example, we may want to use SQUARING for matrices, to extend the existing component-by- component multiplication

    function MULT(X, Y :  MATRIX) return MATRIX;

Thus with the generic instantiation

    function SQUARE is new SQUARING(ELEM =>  MATRIX,  "*" =>  MULT);

we obtain a function that performs component-by-component squaring of a matrix.

12.2.4 Other Forms of Generic Formal Types

Types are by far the most useful form of generic formal parameter. For this reason, the language provides (beyond formal private types) forms of formal type that correspond to major families of types in Ada. Many of these formal types appear as type patterns formed with the box symbol. For example:

type BASE   is (<>);            -- discrete
type INT is range <>;           -- integer
type FIXED  is delta <>;             -- fixed point
type MASS   is digits <>;            -- floating point

In each case, the box symbolizes what is not there, what is left unspecified. So for example, the type INT will stand for any integer type, with any possible range; the type BASE will stand for any discrete type, whether an enumeration or an integer type.

Each formal type specifies minimum requirements for the corresponding actual types, and the specification and body of the generic unit can rely on these minimal assumptions. For example, for a formal type such as BASE, we can count on the availability of all properties of discrete types:

Similarly for a formal type such as INT we can count on the availability of all properties of discrete types, and also on the additional properties of integer types: For a given instantiation, the actual type will have to satisfy the minimum requirements established by the formal type. Thus any enumeration type and any integer type will match the formal type BASE; on the other hand, only an integer type will match the formal type INT (not an enumeration type).

As an example, consider the treatment of sets. In Pascal, sets are dealt with by means of a specific language feature. In Ada a specific feature is unnecessary since sets can be defined by a generic package:

  type BASE is (<>);      -- any discrete type
package ON_SETS is
  type SET is array (BASE) of BOOLEAN;

  EMPTY :  constant SET :=  (BASE =>  FALSE);
  FULL   :  constant SET :=  (BASE =>  TRUE);

  type SEQUENCE is array (POSITIVE range <>) of BASE;

  function SET_OF(S :  SEQUENCE) return SET;
  function "+" (LEFT :  SET;  RIGHT :  SET)         return SET; -- set union
  function "+" (LEFT :  SET;  RIGHT :  BASE)    return SET;     -- element insertion
  -- other set operations:
end ON_SETS;

The declaration of the formal type BASE requires the actual type to be discrete and we are clearly using this assumption when using BASE as index subtype for the type SET; and similarly when using BASE as a choice for the aggregates that give the values of EMPTY and FULL.

We can now use ordinary set operations with a chosen discrete type by instantiation of this generic package. For example, for the enumeration type:

    type DAY is (MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN);

we can create the instance

    package DAY_SETS is new ON_SETS(BASE =>  DAY);

and then

S :  SET;
S :=  SET_OF((SUN, TUE, WED));
S :=  S + SAT;
S :=  S + SET_OF((MON, THU));

The actual parameter of SET_OF is a SEQUENCE - an array of values of the base type, indexed by the positive numbers 1, 2, and 3 - and the function constructs the corresponding set. The next statements then use set addition. A sketch of the generic body is given below:

package body ON_SETS is
  function SET_OF(S :  SEQUENCE) return SET is
    RESULT :  SET :=  EMPTY;
    for N in S'RANGE loop
      RESULT(S(N)) :=  TRUE;
    end loop;
    return RESULT;

  function "+" (LEFT :  SET;  RIGHT :  SET) return SET is
    return LEFT or RIGHT;

  function "+" (LEFT :  SET;  RIGHT :  BASE) return SET is
    RESULT :  SET :=  LEFT;
    return RESULT;
end ON_SETS;

On top of these type patterns with boxes we can construct other type patterns by means of array type definitions and access type definitions. For example, a generic sorting procedure could be specified as:

  type ITEM   is private;
  type INDEX  is (<>);
  type ROW     is array (INDEX range <>) of ITEM;
  with function "<" (LEFT, RIGHT :  ITEM) return BOOLEAN;
procedure SORT(R :  in out ROW);

An instantiation would have to meet the minimum requirements established by this generic formal part. For example, consider:

type MEETING  is ...             -- some record type
type AGENDA   is array (DAY range <>) of MEETING;

procedure ORDER is
  new SORT(ITEM   =>  MEETING,
          INDEX =>  DAY,
          ROW    =>  AGENDA,
          "<"       =>  LESS_IMPORTANT);


The matching types are clearly shown by the named parameter associations. Consider for example the definition of the formal type ROW:

    array (INDEX range <>) of ITEM;

After replacing ITEM by MEETING, and INDEX by DAY, we obtain the type definition

    array (DAY range <>) of MEETING;

which is exactly the way AGENDA is defined, so that AGENDA matches ROW correctly. Similarly, the function LESS_IMPORTANT matches the operator "<", once we have replaced ITEM by MEETING.

The types used in this example are certainly not the usual types we find in ordinary programming, and yet the instantiation works because we have limited our required assumptions to the minimum. We did not assume anything about ITEM, apart from the ability to assign, which is needed for sorting; the only assumption that we made about the index type was that it was discrete (assuming an integer type would have been overspecification); finally we assumed the existence of an order relation for ITEMS. Had we assumed more than is strictly needed (for example, real items, integer indices) the instantiation would have failed.

12.2.5 Default Parameters

Default values can be defined for generic parameters that are subprograms. Thus an alternative form of definition for SQUARING might be

  type ELEM is private;
  with function "*" (LEFT, RIGHT :  ELEM) return ELEM is <>;
function SQUARING(X :  ELEM) return ELEM;

function SQUARING(X :  ELEM) return ELEM is
  return X * X;

The specification of the formal function "*" indicates, by means of a box, that a corresponding actual parameter need not be present in instantiations of the generic function SQUARING. For example, we can write:

    function SQUARE is new SQUARING(INTEGER);

As usual, the box stands for what is missing - in this case it is a function whose specification is obtained by replacing ELEM by INTEGER:

    function "*" (LEFT, RIGHT :  INTEGER) return INTEGER;

and since there is such an operation for the type INTEGER, this integer multiplication is used - by default - in place of the actual parameter.

This form of default corresponds to very good programming practice: We have a natural notation, such as "*" for multiplication, and we expect users to make natural use of this notation. With this form we can specify the box for the corresponding formal parameter so that instantiations will select by default the "natural" operation.

Naturally, we can always override the default by providing an explicit actual parameter:

    function SQUARE is new SQUARING(ELEM =>  MATRIX,  "*" =>  MULT);

There is another form of default, which names the default actual subprogram; for example:

    with procedure STEP(X :  in out INTEGER) is INCREMENT;

where the procedure INCREMENT is a procedure visible at the place of the formal parameter declaration, and whose profile matches that of the formal procedure:

    procedure INCREMENT(N :  in out INTEGER);

For this second form of default, the actual parameter is to be found in the context of the generic declaration, whereas in the case of the box, the default was to be found in the context of the generic instantiation.

Address any questions or comments to adainfo@sw-eng.falls-church.va.us.