[Ada Information Clearinghouse]
Ada '83 Rationale, Sec 8.2: Parameter Modes

"Rationale for the Design of the
Ada® Programming Language"

[Ada '83 Rationale, HTML Version]

Copyright ©1986 owned by the United States Government. All rights reserved.
Direct inquiries to the Ada Information Clearinghouse at adainfo@sw-eng.falls-church.va.us.

CHAPTER 8: Subprograms

8.2 Parameter Modes

In a subprogram call, each formal parameter is associated with a corresponding actual parameter. Actions performed by the subprogram body on a formal parameter will result at the place of the call in actions on the associated actual parameter: Thus a formal parameter may permit reading the value of the associated actual parameter, updating this value, or both. Such reading and updating rights are specified by the mode of the formal parameter.

Three parameter modes are provided in Ada: they are the modes in, in out, and out. The properties of formal parameters of each of these modes are summarized in the table given below. The second column indicates the nature of the formal parameter: constant or variable. The third column indicates the reading and updating rights:

in out
Only Reading
Both Reading and Updating
Only Updating

This definition of parameter modes offers an abstract view of parameter passing. It can be expressed as a contract regarding the data flow between the caller and the subprogram:


in out 

The caller must supply a value

The caller must supply a value
The subprogram must return a value

The subprogram must return a value

In principle, two different mechanisms can be used to implement this abstract view of parameter passing.

The first possibility is parameter passing by copy. At the start of each call, copy the value of the actual parameter into the associated formal parameter, if the mode is in or in out. Then, after normal completion of the subprogram body, copy the value of the formal parameter back into the associated actual parameter, if the mode is in out or out.

The second possibility, called parameter passing by reference, is to arrange that, throughout the execution of the subprogram call, each reading or updating of the formal parameter is treated as reading or updating of the associated actual parameter.

The problems associated with each of these mechanisms are reviewed first, and then the Ada solution is presented.

In this section...

8.2.1 Efficiency Issues of Parameter Passing Mechanisms
8.2.2 The Effect of Parameter Passing Mechanisms for Access Types
8.2.3 The Effect of Parameter Passing Mechanisms for Composite Types
8.2.4 The Ada Solution for Parameter Passing

8.2.1 Efficiency Issues of Parameter Passing Mechanisms

Which of the two mechanisms of parameter passing (by reference or by copy) is more efficient depends on the case considered. For large objects, the by-reference mechanism is often more efficient. On the other hand, for objects that are smaller than the storage units of the target machine, copy will usually be more efficient. Furthermore copy may be the only possible mechanism between different addressing spaces in distributed systems.

The problem of reference to small objects is indeed severe and may be illustrated by the problem of reading and updating parameters that are boolean components of records. Although such components have the same type (BOOLEAN) there is no guarantee that they will always be found in the same bit position within a record.

Achieving parameter passing by reference would then require that, with each boolean formal parameter, there be an implicit subprogram (a thunk) for reading the value of the corresponding actual parameter; and similarly, another thunk for updating. This is somewhat complex and inefficient.

Some languages, such as Pascal, have tried to avoid the problem by forbidding the association of a formal reference parameter with an actual that is a component of a packed record or array; and by adopting otherwise a unique default representation for all small objects: one addressable storage unit per small object (even for boolean components). The problem with this solution is that, for all practical purposes, it would force programmers to use representation clauses in too many cases: the default representation chosen by the compiler would often be too costly, except on machines with small storage units. Moreover, this restriction would mean that the legality of a program would depend on the presence or absence of representation clauses or packing pragmas, which Ada avoids (see Chapter 15).

A further problem arises with parameter passing by reference with respect to the checking of constraints. To illustrate the problem consider the following declarations:

subtype NATURAL is INTEGER range 0 .. INTEGER'LAST;  -- predefined
SUM :  NATURAL  :=  200;
procedure REDUCE(AMOUNT :  in out INTEGER) is
  -- compute DECREMENT
  if AMOUNT < 0 then
    AMOUNT :=  0;
  end if;

Now consider the procedure call statement


If parameter passing were by reference, it would not be possible to complete the assignment at (1) in the case where AMOUNT became negative, since it would violate the constraint on SUM; hence the exception CONSTRAINT_ERROR would have to be raised by this statement. This, however, would require passing range constraint information as a run-time descriptor for such procedure calls, in order to allow these constraint checks within the procedure body. Alternatively, if we assume that the constraint applicable to the formal parameter is that specified by the subtype of the formal parameter, then by-reference is not possible and all parameter passing must be by copy.

8.2.2 The Effect of Parameter Passing Mechanisms for Access Types

A difficulty of a different nature arises for parameter passing by reference in the case of access types. Consider for example a procedure to delete a given element from a list (see section 6.3.6):

type PLACE;
type LIST is access PLACE;

type PLACE is
    SUCC     :  LIST;
    PRED     :  LIST;
  end record;

E :  LIST;
procedure DELETE(L :  in LIST) is
  L.SUCC.PRED    :=  L.PRED;
  L.PRED.SUCC    :=  L.SUCC;
  L.SUCC     :=  null;
  L.PRED     :=  null;

This is the conventional way of deleting an element from a doubly- linked list, and a call such as


will work regardless of whether parameter passing is achieved by reference or by copy. Consider however the procedure call


where we assume the list to be in the following state before the call:

   place:          A     B     C     D     E     F
   successor:      B     C     D     E     F     ...
   predecessor:    ...   A     B     C     D     E

If parameter passing is by copy, we achieve the desired effect of deleting D (the predecessor of E) and we obtain the state

   place:          A     B     C     D     E     F
   successor:      B     C     E     null  F     ...
   predecessor:    ...   A     B     null  C     E

If parameter passing is by reference, then the formal parameter L will refer to the object E.PRED. The first assignment will have the expected effect of establishing E.PRED = C. But this means that the remaining statements will operate on C (rather than D) and will not achieve what we want: the second assignment will achieve B.SUCC = D; and the last two assignments will unlink C (rather than D), leaving the list in a state of chaos:

   place:          A     B     C     D     E     F
   successor:      B     D     null  E     F     ...
   predecessor:    ...   A     null  C     C     E

One possible reaction to this example is to consider that parameter passing by reference is legitimate for access types, and that we are just confronted with an incorrect program. Our preferred viewpoint is rather to consider that access types are already unique in that the programmer is permitted explicitly to manipulate references and construct aliases: This is the purpose of access types, and a programmer using such types is asserting that he wishes to take control of all references and aliases. Accordingly, the parameter passing should not generate extra references and aliases of which the programmer is unaware; therefore, all parameter passing for access types should be by copy.

A final problem with parameter passing by reference is that this mechanism will be almost impossible to achieve (or at least, very costly) on distributed systems and whenever we deal with systems with multiple address spaces.

8.2.3 The Effect of Parameter Passing Mechanisms for Composite Types

In normal situations the effect of a program does not depend on whether parameter passing for array and record types is by reference or by copy. The only situations where there might be a difference in effect correspond to: These situations are reviewed below. The subject of multiple access paths is further subdivided into a discussion of aliasing in sequential programs, and a discussion of shared variables in parallel programs.


If the execution of a subprogram is abandoned as the result of an exception not handled locally, then the final value of an actual parameter that is associated with a formal parameter of mode in out may depend on the parameter passing mechanism: If by copy, the final value will still be the initial value before the call. If by reference, the final value may be this initial value, or any value assigned to the formal parameter during the execution of the subprogram (before the exception was raised). In either case, the final value is guaranteed to have the subtype of the actual parameter.

At the cost of more elaborate run-time treatment of exceptions, it would certainly be possible to copy back current values in the case of termination by an exception. But this complication is not worth the effort. Consider for example:

procedure P(X :  in out COMPOSITE_TYPE) is
  ...               -- (1)
  X :=  ... ;
  ...               -- (2)
end ;

If the execution of P is abandoned as a result of an exception, then the caller may obtain information about the nature of the exception by means of appropriate handlers:

  when ERROR =>
    -- the exception raised was ERROR
    -- the exception raised was CONSTRAINT_ERROR
  when others =>
    -- the exception raised is other than the above two

On the other hand, the caller does not usually know whether the exception was raised during (1) or (2) or even during the assignment to the formal parameter X. Consequently the difference resulting from choosing a reference rather than a copy mechanism is of the same order as the uncertainty that already exists about the exact point where the exception is raised. In addition, when a user writes P(A) where the parameter mode is in out (and even more so if the mode is out), then he expects the value of A to be changed. So it does not matter much if this value is changed during the call or only at the end. If the user wants to reuse the previous value of A in the case that P is terminated by an exception, the only logical way to do so is to assign its value to another variable before the call.

Note finally that if it is important to guarantee that the initial value is not modified if an exception is raised, then this is best achieved by the procedure body itself. One possibility is to compute first whatever needs to be changed but perform the change itself only at the end of the procedure, so that no change occurs if an exception is raised before the end. Another possible style involves the use of exception handlers for expressing last wishes:

procedure P(X :  in out COMPOSITE_TYPE) is
  when others =>
    -- restore initial value of X


If aliasing is used then the results may differ between reference implementations and copy implementations. For example consider

A  :  STRING(1 .. 8)  :=  "AAAAVVVV";
B  :  STRING(1 .. 12) :=  "111122223333";

procedure MODIFY(S :  in out STRING) is
  if S'LENGTH >=  8 then
    S(S'FIRST .. S'FIRST + 3) :=  "-**-";
    S(S'FIRST + 4 .. S'FIRST + 7) :=  A(1 .. 4);
  end if;
MODIFY(B);      -- leaves B =  "-**-AAAA3333"

The call of MODIFY for the string B will deliver the expected result. Consider however what happens when A is passed as actual parameter. Since A is referred to directly within the body of MODIFY, we now have two possible access paths to A, the second being via the formal parameter S. In this case of aliasing the effect of the procedure will depend on the mechanism used for parameter passing: the final value of A will be "-**-AAAA" by value, and "-**--**-" by reference.

The same trick could actually be used (facetiously) to discover which mechanism is used for parameter passing:

MODE :  STRING(1 .. 4)  :=  "COPY";
procedure FIND_MECHANISM(S :  in out STRING) is
  MODE :=  "REF  ";
  if S =  "COPY" then
  end if;

although an implementation is in fact free to use different mechanisms for different calls.

In both examples, the effect obtained by reference is somewhat pathological: In the first example, normally we would like the first assignment to S not to affect A and the subsequent assignment to S. So whereas for efficiency reasons we might prefer an implementation by reference, the copy mechanism provides us with a simpler model for understanding programs and therefore for developing reliable programs.

Whereas aliasing between a formal parameter and a global variable may reasonably be assumed to be unintentional, aliasing is not necessarily undesirable. In particular, aliasing between formal parameters may in many cases be deliberate. Consider for example a procedure for vector addition

procedure ADD(A :  in out VECTOR;  B :  in VECTOR) is
  if A'FIRST =  B'FIRST and A'LAST = B'LAST then
    for N in A'RANGE loop
      A(N) :=  A(N) + B(N);
    end loop;
  end if;
V :  VECTOR(1 .. 100)  :=  ...;

Then for a call such as

    ADD(V, V);

although we have a case of aliasing between formal parameters within the body of ADD, since both A and B refer to V, the effect of the procedure does not depend on whether reference or copy is used for the implementation of parameter passing.

To conclude the discussion on this subject it appears that for certain cases of aliasing, different effects will be obtained for parameter passing by reference and by copy. These cases, however, represent poor programming practice, and do not provide a sound basis for deciding language semantics.

Shared Variables

The language rules state that the execution of a program is erroneous if a shared variable that is updated by a given task between two synchronization points is also read or updated by another task between these two synchronization points (hence asynchronously). The effect of such erroneous execution is unpredictable. This indeterminacy will be further revealed by differences in the parameter passing mechanism. Consider for example

SHARED :  COMPOSITE_TYPE; -- a shared variable
procedure LIST(X :  in COMPOSITE_TYPE);

The code of the procedure LIST will rely on the fact that the formal parameter is constant: in particular this means that reading a component of the formal parameter at different times and places within this procedure must always yield the same value. This is obviously achieved (whether the actual parameter is a shared variable or not) if parameter passing is by copy. If however parameter passing is by reference, and the actual parameter is a shared variable asynchronously updated by another task, then this invariability is no longer guaranteed.

Here again, the indeterminacy is inherent in the asynchronous access to the shared variable: it is further revealed by differences in parameter passing mechanism, but these differences are not the primary cause.

8.2.4 The Ada Solution for Parameter Passing

Before describing the parameter passing mechanisms, consider first the interpretation of the subtype that is declared for a formal parameter. In implementation terms, the above subdivision reflects the fact that run-time descriptors for constraints are never passed to subprograms in the case of scalar types (see the example AMOUNT in section 8.2.1). On the other hand the constraint information is always passed in the case of composite types: The allowed mechanisms follow from the above considerations.
  1. For scalar types, and for all modes, all parameter passing must be achieved by copy. The same treatment applies to access types, for the reasons given in the previous section.

  2. For record and array types, the language does not specify whether parameter passing is achieved by reference or by copy. Furthermore, the execution of a program is erroneous if its effect depends on which mechanism is selected by the implementation. In normal situations the semantics of a program will not be affected by whether parameter passing for composite types is implemented by reference or by copying: We have seen that the indeterminacy resulting from the parameter passing mechanism only matters where there is already a higher degree of indeterminacy (shared variables and exceptions) and where aliasing is used to achieve dubious effects: In both cases the language rules therefore state that the execution of the program is erroneous.

    For private types parameter passing is as for the type declared by the corresponding full type declaration. Finally for task types the mechanism never matters, since a task object always designates the same task.

    During this design we considered, and rejected, several alternatives to this abstract formulation of the parameter passing modes. For example, an implementation-oriented formulation of modes could be defined in terms of the mechanisms involved: copy or reference. However, if the same capabilities are to be offered this leads to yet more modes (constant by copy, constant by reference, variable by copy before and after, variable by reference, result by copy, result by reference). Although only a subset of them might be provided, it is critical for reliability and efficiency to be able to pass an array by reference and nevertheless deny the right to modify its components. Apart from its complexity, such a formulation would force the programmer to think in terms of (and be aware of) the representation of objects, and would therefore compromise portability.

    We consider the formulation of the parameter passing modes in, in out, and out in terms of their abstract behavior to be much simpler and therefore preferable.

    Address any questions or comments to adainfo@sw-eng.falls-church.va.us.