[Ada Information Clearinghouse]
Ada '83 Rationale, Sec 4.7: Discriminants

"Rationale for the Design of the
Ada® Programming Language"

[Ada '83 Rationale, HTML Version]

Copyright ©1986 owned by the United States Government. All rights reserved.
Direct inquiries to the Ada Information Clearinghouse at adainfo@sw-eng.falls-church.va.us.

CHAPTER 4: Types

4.7 Discriminants

The form of record type presented so far corresponds to a pure Cartesian product (as described by C.A.R. Hoare in Notes on Data Structuring [DDH 72]), aside from the requirement that components be named. A typical example of such record types is the type PAIR with two components of type INTEGER: there is no dependence between these components - any pair of integers will be of type PAIR, so that the set of values of this type is actually the Cartesian product INTEGER x INTEGER.

There are however composite objects in which there is dependence between components. For example, in a record describing an attendance list, the length of one component - the table of attendants - may be given by another component of the record. More generally, the overall structure of a record, in particular the presence or absence of certain components, may depend on the value of a specific component.

Because of these dependences, such composite objects cannot be modelled as simple Cartesian products. Their description will requires the use of special components called discriminants.

In this section...

4.7.1 Record Types with Variants
4.7.2 Discriminant Constraints - Record Subtypes
4.7.3 Denoting Components of Variants
4.7.4 Initialization of Discriminants
4.7.5 Discriminants and Type Composition

4.7.1 Record Types with Variants

A record type with a variant part specifies several alternative variants of the type. The variant part depends on a special component called a discriminant, and each variant defines the components that exist for a given value of the discriminant. Consider for example a formulation of the type PERSON:

type GENDER is (M, F);

type PERSON(SEX :  GENDER  :=  F) is
    AGE :  INTEGER range 0 .. 123;
    case SEX is
      when M =>  BEARDED :  BOOLEAN;
      when F =>  CHILDREN  :  INTEGER range 0 .. 20;
    end case;
  end record;

Here the discriminant is the component SEX declared in the discriminant part, immediately after the name of the type. This special syntax brings out the fact that discriminants are not ordinary components: it will be possible for other components to depend on discriminants. Furthermore, as we shall see when presenting packages, this syntax will allow us to declare private types for which the discriminants are known, while keeping the rest of the type hidden.

In the record type definition we next encounter the declaration of the component AGE (all persons have an age), and then the variant part, expressing a dependence on the discriminant SEX:

case SEX is
end case;

Within the variant part, we next find the two variants - one for each possible value of the discriminant. For example we find the variant

    when M => BEARDED :  BOOLEAN;

that declares the boolean component BEARDED to exist for persons of sex M (only men are bearded); and similarly, another variant that declares the component CHILDREN to exist for persons of sex F (only women bear children):

    when F =>  CHILDREN :  INTEGER range 0 .. 20;

It follows from this description that the set of values of the type PERSON is the union of disjoint subsets, which correspond to the two possible variants. Thus we have a subset of values of the form

    (SEX =>  F,  AGE =>  integer_value,  CHILDREN =>  integer_value)

and another subset of values of the form

    (SEX =>  M,  AGE =>  integer_value,  BEARDED =>  boolean_value)

4.7.2 Discriminant Constraints - Record Subtypes

We have seen that different subsets of values are associated with different variants. Seen in this light, a subtype of the record type is associated with each of its variants. When declaring an object, we can actually specify that it may only assume values of a given subtype: this is achieved by a discriminant constraint that imposes a specific value on the discriminant. Thus whereas


declares a person of either sex, each of the two following declarations includes a discriminant constraint and declares an object constrained to one of the two possible subtypes:

HE  :  PERSON(M);             -- positional notation
SHE :  PERSON(SEX =>  F);  -- named notation

We can also name the two possible subtypes by means of subtype declarations:

subtype MALE  is PERSON(SEX =>  M);
subtype FEMALE   is PERSON(SEX =>  F);

The compiler may take advantage of the information provided by constraints, when setting the amount of space to be used for a given record variable. However, as with other forms of constraint, the main purpose of discriminant constraints is reliability: the requirements specified by constraints can be checked at execution time, unless it can already be shown at compilation time that the checks are not needed (either because they would always succeed or because they would always fail). The possible situations are illustrated below:


  HE     :  MALE;               -- equivalent methods of
  PETER  :  PERSON(M);          -- declaring males

  SHE   :  FEMALE;
  ANYONE :=  HE;                -- No run-time check needed since
                                -- MALE is a subtype of PERSON

  ANYONE :=  JOAN;              -- Similarly no run-time check needed

  HE :=  PETER;                 -- No run-time check needed: both are males

  HE :=  JOAN;                  -- Error! Can be reported at compilation time
                                -- since MALE and FEMALE are disjoint subtypes

  SHE :=  ANYONE;               -- check at run time that ANYONE.SEX = F and
                                -- raise CONSTRAINT_ERROR if check fails

4.7.3 Denoting Components of Variants

Variants define certain components that exist only for specific values of the discriminant. Checking the validity of names that denote such dependent components is part of the security that must be provided by Ada compilers. This implies that a reference to the component

    ...    ANYONE.BEARDED    ...

is logically equivalent to the following text

if ANYONE.SEX /= M then
end if;
...    ANYONE.BEARDED    ...

We will show in section 4.7.4 that this check can always be done because the language rules guarantee that discriminants are always initialized. Furthermore direct assignment to a discriminant

    ANYONE.SEX :=  F;      -- illegal!

is forbidden and will be rejected by the compiler. The only allowed way to change the value of a discriminant is by assignment to the record as a whole. Thus

    ANYONE :=  (SEX =>  F,  AGE =>  13,  CHILDREN =>  0);

is a whole-record assignment which (legally) sets ANYONE.SEX equal to F. Similarly, whole-record assignments such as


are legal and each has the effect of establishing a new value for ANYONE.SEX.

Denoting components of constrained records - such as the component JOAN.CHILDREN of the record JOAN, or the component PETER.BEARDED of the record PETER - is always secure and never requires any discriminant check at run time since the discriminant value is specified by the constraint and is static. Furthermore the discriminant value is invariable: this is guaranteed by the constraint checks that are performed before any assignment to these constrained variables - whether these checks are actually performed at run time or are anticipated at compilation time.

When denoting dependent components of an unconstrained variable (such as ANYONE), discriminant checks will usually have to be done at run time - unless they become unnecessary because of prior explicit or implicit checks. Such explicit discrimination may take several forms. It can be achieved by an if statement:

if ANYONE.SEX = M then
  -- No check needed when denoting ANYONE.BEARDED
end if;

or similarly by a case statement:

case ANYONE.SEX is
  when M =>
    -- No check needed when denoting ANYONE.BEARDED
  when F =>
    -- No check needed when denoting ANYONE.CHILDREN
end case;

Of course, the check can only be omitted as long as the discriminant is not changed as a result of a whole record assignment. Consider for example:

case ANYONE.SEX is
  when M =>
    ...     ANYONE.BEARDED               ...         -- occurrence 1
    ...     ANYONE.BEARDED               ...         -- occurrence 2
    ...     ANYONE.BEARDED               ...         -- occurrence 3
    ...     ANYONE.BEARDED               ...         -- occurrence 4
  when F =>   ...
end case;

No checks are needed for the first two occurrences. A check is needed for the third (assuming the mode of the parameter of UPDATE to be in out), but no check is needed for the fourth occurrence (assuming the mode of the parameter of PRINT to be in).

Note that additional problems exist if a record is shared by two tasks. One task could perform a whole record assignment (thereby changing the discriminant) while another was reading a component. We consider this problem to be a danger inherent in the use of shared variables rather than a problem concerning the formulation of record types. The tasking facilities of the language are powerful enough to make unsynchronized access to shared variables virtually useless. If they are nevertheless used, the appropriate precautions should be taken by the programmer. On the other hand, we did not believe it right to distort the semantics of the language just to deal with such possible misuse.

It might be felt that the checking code is a high price to pay. It is, however, essential for security with variant records. Previous experience with languages such as Simula and Algol 68, which force a similar discrimination of variants, show that these checks are not as frequent as one might suppose. The parts of the programs that operate on a given variant tend to be textually discriminated as well as dynamically discriminated. Hence the checks can be achieved at a rather low cost (see also [We 78]).

One should not underestimate the importance of secure access to components of a variant part. This is well demonstrated by actual experience on large programs with Pascal compilers that perform such checks [Ha 77]. Further confirmation has been obtained from experience with large Ada programs - Ada compilers in particular.

4.7.4 Initialization of Discriminants

Discriminants are components of special importance: We have seen that the structure of a record may depend on the value of a discriminant, and that this value is also critical for determining whether or not it is possible to denote a component defined by a corresponding variant.

For safety reasons therefore, it is essential that discriminants always be initialized; and this is actually guaranteed by the language rules. Before discussing these rules, let us review two possible ways of initializing a discriminant. One way of ensuring discriminant initialization is by a constraint. For example, the elaboration of the constrained declaration

    JOAN :  PERSON(SEX => F);

initializes the discriminant JOAN.SEX to the value F specified by the constraint (and the discriminant value is thereafter invariable, because of the constraint). However, as we have seen earlier, some objects are unconstrained; for example,


For this unconstrained object, the initialization of the discriminant is obtained by another device, namely, by means of the default expression specified in the discriminant part of the type PERSON:

    type PERSON(SEX :  GENDER  :=  F) is ...

So the elaboration of the declaration of ANYONE evaluates the default expression and uses the resulting value (F) to initialize the discriminant: ANYONE.SEX is initially equal to F, but this value may be changed later, by whole record assignments, since ANYONE is unconstrained.

Safety of variant records is achieved in Ada by requiring that discriminants be always initialized in one of the two ways described above.

For a type declared with a discriminant part, the language rules require:

  1. If default expressions are provided for discriminants, then declarations of constrained and unconstrained objects of the type are both allowed.

  2. In the absence of default expressions, all object declarations must be constrained.
Thus unconstrained declarations are not allowed in the latter case: In the absence of a default expression, the discriminant value of such objects would be unspecified.

To illustrate these rules, we first introduce a few additional type declarations

type HUMAN(SEX :  GENDER) is
    AGE :  INTEGER range 0 .. 123;
    case SEX is
      when M =>  BEARDED  :  BOOLEAN;
      when F =>  CHILDREN :  INTEGER range 0 .. 20;
    end case;
  end record;

subtype LENGTH is INTEGER range 0 .. 200;

type TEXT(SIZE :  LENGTH) is
    POS   :  LENGTH  :=  0;
    DATA  :  STRING(1 .. SIZE);
  end record;

type LINE(SIZE :  LENGTH  :=  100) is
    DATA :  STRING(1 .. SIZE);
  end record;

We may now declare constrained objects, very much in the same way as for the type PERSON:

JOAN    :  PERSON(SEX =>  F);   -- must be of sex F

MARIA   :  HUMAN(SEX =>  F);    -- must be of sex F
JOHN    :  HUMAN(SEX =>  M);    -- must be of sex M
PAUL    :  HUMAN(M);            -- must be of sex M

LARGE   :  TEXT(SIZE =>  130);  -- must have 130 characters

SMALL   :  LINE(SIZE =>  20);   -- must have 20 characters
MEDIUM  :  LINE(80);            -- must have 80 characters

In the case of types PERSON and LINE, we may also declare unconstrained objects such as

ANYONE   :  PERSON;   -- Initially: ANYONE.SEX = F
MESSAGE  :  LINE;     -- Initially: MESSAGE.SIZE = 100
                      -- but later could vary up to 200 characters

On the other hand, unconstrained object declarations are not allowed for types such as HUMAN and TEXT, for which there are no default discriminant values:

ILLEGAL : HUMAN;      -- Illegal! What would the sex be?
ERROR   : TEXT;       -- Illegal! What would the size be?

4.7.5 Discriminants and Type Composition

Ada provides a very general ability to compose types from more elementary types: we can have arrays of records that contain other arrays and records, and so on to an arbitrary depth. This type composition ability can be parameterized by means of discriminants. Thus the language allows two forms of parameterization of the subtype definitions of record components:

  1. The value of a discriminant may be used to specify a bound in an index constraint for a record component - the component being an array.

  2. The value of a discriminant may be used in a discriminant constraint for a record component - the component being again a record.
The first form of parameterization is what we have in the type TEXT:

type TEXT(SIZE :  LENGTH) is
    POS    :  LENGTH  :=  0;
    DATA :  STRING(1 .. SIZE);
  end record;

Thus the declaration of the component DATA specifies SIZE as the upper bound in the index constraint for this component. The implication is that when we declare

LARGE :  TEXT(SIZE =>  130);        -- or, equivalently:
LARGE :  TEXT(130);                 -- in positional form

then the discriminant value (130) is used to dimension the corresponding string, so that LARGE.DATA is a string of 130 characters.

The second form of parameterization is illustrated by the following type:

  end record;

in which the discriminant of the type DUPLEX is itself used to specify the discriminant values for the first and second components. So when we declare

    DISTICH :  DUPLEX(40);

the dimension of the type DUPLEX is used to specify the size of the first and second texts, so that we have two strings of 40 characters.

We have given different names to the discriminants to emphasize the two levels, of type composition. But this is not necessary, and we could have written

    FIRST  :  TEXT(SIZE =>  SIZE);   -- size of text => size of duplex
  end record;

or even simply

  end record;

Nothing prevents the composition of types to further levels, and we may for example define a type such as

type QUAD(SIZE :  LENGTH) is
  end record;

and so on.

Note that the first form of parameterization (that is, that of an index bound) would not suffice alone. For example, it would not be satisfactory (in general) to define DUPLEX in the following manner

    POS_1, POS_2 :  LENGTH  :=  0;
    FIRST  :  STRING(1 .. SIZE);
    SECOND :  STRING(1 .. SIZE);
  end record;

since operations defined for the type TEXT such as

procedure APPEND(TAIL :  in TEXT;  TO :  in out TEXT) is

would not be applicable to components of records of the type OTHER_DUPLEX.

To conclude this presentation of discriminants, it will be interesting to compare this form of parameterization with the form offered by generic units. It is certainly possible to define a generic formulation of the type TEXT, in which the size is a generic parameter. But, as we shall see, the functionality offered would be quite different. Consider for example:

package TEXT_HANDLING is
  type TEXT is
      POS    :  NATURAL :=  0;
      DATA :  STRING(1 .. SIZE);
    end record;
  procedure APPEND(TAIL :  in TEXT;  TO :  in out TEXT);

We could later create instances of this generic package such as

package TEXT_20 is new TEXT_HANDLING(SIZE =>  20);
package TEXT_50 is new TEXT_HANDLING(SIZE =>  50);

The main drawback of this formulation is that the types TEXT_20.TEXT and TEXT_50.TEXT are now two distinct and completely unrelated types, with the consequence that we cannot intermix their objects in operations such as APPEND.

What this example shows is that if objects differ only in size, it is better to consider that they are still objects of the same type, but belonging to different subtypes: this form of parameterization is therefore better dealt with by discriminant constraints.

Parameterization by generic units is more appropriate if we want to parameterize by types, or if we are prepared to accept the consequences of the fact that several instances of the generic unit will create several types. For example, the two forms of parameterization are used in conjunction in this further formulation of text handling:

package TEXT_HANDLING is
  subtype LENGTH is INTEGER range 0 .. MAXIMUM;

  type TEXT(SIZE :  LENGTH) is
      POS    :  LENGTH  :=  0;
      DATA :  STRING(1 .. SIZE);
    end record;

Different instantiations will result in different text types (and in fact the compiler is likely to use different representations for texts having a maximum of 256 characters and for larger maximum lengths). For a given maximum length however, we can use discriminant constraints to represent texts of different lengths, which are nevertheless objects of the same type.

Address any questions or comments to adainfo@sw-eng.falls-church.va.us.