Form P098-0189b AF-IMP89.TXT Ada Information Clearinghouse, 1-800-AdaIC-11 (232-4211), 703/681-2466 AIR FORCE Ada IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1 JANUARY 1989 UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ADA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Approved ------------------------------- George L. Monahan, Lt Gen, USAF Air Force Ada Executive Official MEMORANDUM FOR ALL MAJOR COMMAND AND SEPARATE OPERATING AGENCY COMMANDERS SUBJECT: Air Force Ada Implementation Plan--ACTION MEMORANDUM This letter and the attached Ada Implementation Plan establish Air Force commitment to Ada and provide Air Force policy for implementing the Ada programming language as required by DODD 3405.2, Use of Ada in Weapon Systems and DODD 3405.1, Computer Programming Language Policy. The Ada programming language, as defined by ANSI/MIL-STD- 1815A, will be the single, common high-order language for all computers integral to Air Force weapon systems. All other systems will use Ada, unless a required analysis (AF/CVA Letter, "Air Force Policy on Programming Languages," November 9, 1988) indicates that another solution is better. Only validated Ada compilers will be used. Software engineering principles that facilitate the use of Ada and an Ada-based program design language that can be successfully compiled by a validated Ada compiler will be used. Programming languages other than Ada that were authorized and are now being used in full-scale development of a system may continue to be used through deployment and software maintenance. All systems, however, will be transitioned to Ada with the next major software upgrade (the redesign or addition of more than one-third of the software or subsystems therein). This policy is effective immediately. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 January 1989 Air Force Ada Implementation Plan 1.0 Introduction It is USAF policy to use Ada in software development and support IAW DODD 3405.1 and 3405.2. HQ USAF developed this plan in response to DODD 3405.2. This plan will be updated at least annually. 1.1 Purpose This plan implements the policy stated in the AF/CVA letter "Air Force Policy on Programming Languages," 9 November 1988. It facilitates the transition from multiple languages and support environments to Ada and its support environment; it is designed to enhance implementation of Ada into the software acquisition and support process; and it identifies the policies, organizational responsibilities, and technical activities necessary for the implementation of Ada in the USAF. 1.2 Ada Policy The cornerstone of Ada implementation is the commitment to use Ada and its support environment. This commitment is discussed in governing directives. All personnel involved with Ada will review, as a minimum, the documents discussed in the following paragraph. The Air Force Policy on Programming Languages letter (reference above) establishes policy for use of programming languages in the Air Force. AFR 700-9 will be updated to incorporate the guidance contained therein. AFR 800-14 establishes USAF policy for the acquisition and support of computer resources acquired under the AFR 800-series. AFR 700-series establishes USAF policy for the acquisition and support of communication systems and all other computer systems. 2.0 Challenges DOD directed the use of Ada in new programs and major software upgrades (redesign or addition of more than one-third of the software, or subsystems therein) to existing programs. The following are some hurdles which must be overcome to realize Ada's benefits: 1) Availability of Ada support tools and environments integrated with currently available production-quality compilers. 2) Availability of Ada software engineering training programs for both technical and management personnel (managers, analysts, coders, and administrators) that address Ada software management. 3) Availability of standard Ada metrics/measuring techniques for determining development cost, source code quality, documentation quality, program size, software complexity, personnel experience, and testing progress. 4) A lack of education and training within the Services in the need for and role of Ada. 5) Ability to resolve user language concerns. 6) The lack of consideration of software "producibility" in Ada in the systems engineering process. Often hardware is selected without considering its ability to meet timing and other performance requirements in concert with its validated Ada compilers. Our strategy is to ensure the tasks outlined in section 4 of this document are initiated/completed in a timely manner so as to create the necessary environment to overcome these hurdles. 3.0 Implementation Goal The goal of this plan is to institutionalize the use of Ada in the USAF by 1990. This institutionalization will be accomplished by meeting the challenges in section 2. 4.0 Organizational Responsibilities The plan approval date is represented by "d" in the following lists of organizational responsibilities. 4.1 SAF/AQ SAF/AQ is the OPR for this plan. SAF/AQ will: 1) Be the Ada Executive Official (DODD 3405.2). 2) Coordinate the development of and promulgate clear Ada policy within the USAF. 3) Be the USAF focal point for all coordination between the commands regarding the execution of this plan. 4) Provide USAF support to commands experiencing increased program risk. 5) Ensure implementation of Ada is highlighted in the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System. 6) Establish a fiscal program to support MAJCOM/SOA requests for financial support to aid Ada software development and support programs. 7) Direct the investigation and, if warranted, the establishment of a library of AF software tools and reusable components. 8) Coordinate with SAF/AC to establish an Air Force costing organization that can provide independent software cost estimation for program managers. 9) Ensure non-use of Ada in IR&D projects requiring software development is fully justified in the IR&D plan and is included as a mandatory criterion in IR&D evaluation. Waiver approval must be obtained for non-use of Ada. 10) Direct that large-scale software development efforts (minimum 500K lines of code) and collections of associated programs (which, in aggregate, exceed 500K lines of code) acquire and use a modern, integrated standardized Ada programming support environment (APSE). 11) Ensure that standard Ada metrics/measurement techniques are developed and made available to Air Force units for determining development cost, source-code quality, program size, software complexity, personnel experience, and testing progress. 12) Direct the establishment of an OPR for compiler and tool evaluation. 13) Establish an OPR for streamlining the means of acquiring Ada products. 14) Coordinate with HQ USAF/SC to ensure appropriate Ada provisions and clauses are inserted into the Air Force supplement to the DFARS. 15) Update this plan at least annually. 16) Initiate the above tasks by d+90 and report progress to the Air Force Ada Executive Official on a quarterly basis. 4.2 HQ USAF/SC HQ USAF/SC will: 1) Be the Ada Waiver Control Office. a) Implement DOD waiver provisions and procedures in accordance with DOD Directives and Air Force regulations. b) Maintain close liaison with the Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO). c) Keep abreast of the latest technologies and developments in the Ada program (e.g., Ada 9X, NATO CAIS (MIL-STD-1838A), validation and performance evaluation technology, and SQL interface developments). 2) Establish an Air Force Ada office responsible for: a) Collecting and disseminating Ada information within the USAF. b) Providing Ada technical information and assistance. c) Funneling language maintenance issues to higher levels. d) Communicating AF Ada needs to the civilian sector. 3) Establish an AF Ada usage database on a microcomputer to assist the Air Force in cross-referencing product use and points of contact. 4) Select an AF agency to develop Ada software engineering expertise and resolve technical issues for non-mission critical computer systems. 5) Identify to SAF/AQ appropriate Ada provisions and clauses to be inserted into the AF supplement to the DFARS. 6) Initiate the above tasks by d+90 and report progress to the Air Force Ada Executive Official on a quarterly basis. 4.3 HQ USAF/DP HQ USAF/DP will: 1) Establish a HQ USAF training coordinator responsible for: a) Ensuring that (i) Ada software engineering is included in appropriate computer technology formal training and education courses; and (2) information relating to these opportunities is distributed to MAJCOMs and SOAs. b) Ensuring that software management, leadership, and programming courses address issues associated with the use of Ada. 2) Initiate the above task by d+90 and report progress to the Air Force Ada Executive Official on a quarterly basis. 4.4 HQ USAF/LE HQ USAF/LE will: 1) Participate in defining a cataloguing method for Ada components. 2) Initiate the above task by d+90 and report progress to the Air Force Ada Executive Official on a quarterly basis. 4.5 Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) AFOSR will: 1) Implement a policy that AFOSR research in software engineering should support the utilization of Ada and enhancement of Ada as appropriate. 2) Initiate the above task by d+90 and report to the Air Force Ada Executive Official upon compliance. 4.6 Major Commands (MAJCOMs) and Separate Operating Agencies (SOAs) MAJCOMs and SOAs will: 1) Develop, implement, and maintain an organizational Ada implementation plan (AIP) to satisfy the requirements of this plan. As a minimum, the organizational AIP will: a) Detail command objectives for Ada implementation, to include specific approaches for addressing the challenges identified in section 2.0. b) Establish a program for evaluating and inserting Ada technology into the software development, modification, and maintenance process. Because of the importance of lifecycle cost analysis in the evaluation and insertion of Ada technology, this program must include a feasible means of tracking (i) computer systems (including Ada-based systems) supported by the organization and (ii) support costs (facilities, equipment, personnel, etc.) attributable to these computer systems. c) Identify training, education, and career development requirements that will ensure USAF personnel are fully able to use Ada software engineering techniques. d) Establish the necessary organizational structure and roles to meet these objectives. e) Establish critical milestone dates for steps in achieving these objectives and all actions in this section. f) Contain an appendix of in-house MAJCOM/SOA Ada waivers that have been approved. g) Be approved by SAF/AQ no later than d+90. h) Be updated at least annually. Within 15 working days of review/update completion, submit to SAF/AQ for approval. 2) Ensure program managers are ultimately responsible for final decisions on investment in and migration to Ada software engineering technology for their particular software environment. 3) Interface with organizations listed in appendix A to enhance Ada implementation. 4) Identify senior O-6 level Ada Executive Officials at each MAJCOM HQ (optional for SOAs) for representation on an Ada Executive Council that meets as required by the AF Ada Executive Official (AEO). 5) Initiate the above tasks by d+90 and report progress to the AF AEO on a quarterly basis. 5.0 Waiver Justification/Approval HQ USAF/SC, in coordination with SAF/AQ, is the Waiver Control Office for Ada waivers on Major Systems and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS). The AEO has final waiver authority. The approval authority for waivers below the Major and MAIS levels is delegated to the MAJCOMs/SOAs by the Air Force Policy on Programming Languages (AF/CVA Ltr, 9 Nov 88). Waiver requests will be submitted on a case-by-case basis. Waiver approval/denial will be based on results of the "Analysis for Software Solutions" contained in the Air Force Policy on Programming Languages (reference above). All waiver requests will include, as a minimum, a system life cycle cost analysis comparing the Ada solution to the alternate solution, a risk analysis, and an analysis of portability, software reuse, and software performance. The analyses must also include assessments of the impact of changing hardware to permit the use of Ada, of the long-term costs of future upgrades, and of the operation of software support centers. The format and content of requests must be sufficient to allow the approving authority to assess the impacts of applying the standard and to make tradeoffs in lifecycle costs, schedules, and performance or mission impacts of various alternatives. HQ USAF/SC may establish specific requirements for the format and content of waiver requests. Submit waiver requests as soon as possible, but not later than the system's preliminary design review (PDR). 6.0 Milestones. Figure 6.1 reflects milestones associated with this plan. The effective baseline date "d" is the USAF Ada Implementation Plan (USAF AIP) approval date. --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY OPR COMPLETION Develop and submit draft MAJCOMs/SOAs d+60 AIP to SAF/AQ Submit final AIP to SAF/AQ MAJCOMs/SOAs d+90 (see note) Update AIP MAJCOMs/SOAs Annually Update USAF AIP SAF/AQ Annually Initiate tasks outlined Responsible d+90 in section 4 of USAF AIP organization Approve MAJCOM/SOA AIPs SAF/AQ MAJCOM/SOA Annual Update+15 Figure 6.1 Milestones. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Note: To assist in the start-up of this plan, SAF/AQ will review it following receipt of the first iteration of MAJCOM/SOA draft plans to be submitted under its provisions. Based on this review, SAF/AQ will either (1) hold a meeting of MAJCOM/SOA representatives to discuss plan progress and/or (2) promulgate a fine-tuning of this plan incorporating particularly beneficial elements of these first MAJCOM/SOA draft plans. In any event, SAF/AQ will issue by d+90 subsequent guidance regarding the due date of the first MAJCOM/SOA final plans. APPENDIX A Ada Organizations/Agencies I. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AdaJUG. The Ada-JOVIAL Users' Group is a national organization composed of defense contractors and government representatives. It provides feedback on standardization and language control activities, training, compilers and tools, development efforts, applications, and user services. 1) Contact: Joseph Dangerfield, TeleSoft Incorporated, 5959 Cornerstone Ct. W., San Diego CA 92121-9891, (619) 457-2700. 2) The AdaJUG Ada-JOVIAL Newsletter is published by ASD/SCEL, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6503, (513) 255-4472/4473. SIGAda. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Ada (SIGAda) is a professional association composed of people interested in the Ada language. Ada Letters is the SIGAda newsletter. The following SIGAda groups are examining issues of particular interest: ARTEWG. Ada Run-Time Environment Working Group. Investigates Ada run-time issues, establishes conventions/ criteria/guidelines, and devevelops strategies for improving run-time systems so that they can be tuned to individual applications and projects. Contact: Mike Kamrad, Honeywell, MS MN17-2351, 3600 Marshall St NE, Minn MN 55418, (612) 782-7321. PIWG. Performance Issues Working Group. Investigates Ada compiler performance issues, devises benchmark tests (in such areas as exception handling, procedure calls, task creation, and task rendezvous), and disseminates results. Contact: Jon Squire, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Baltimore, MD, (301) 765-3748. SDSAWG. Software Development Standards and Ada Working Group. Investigates the interaction of Ada with DOD-STD-2167 and related software development standards. Contact: Don Firesmith, Advanced Software Technology Specialists, 3148 Broadway, Ft Wayne IN 46807, (219) 456-9260. II. OTHER-THAN-USAF U.S. GOVERNMENT SPONSORED/ENDORSED ORGANIZATIONS AJPO. Ada Joint Program Office. Oversees the total direction of the Ada program. Contact: Mr. William Ritchie, Acting Director, Ada Joint Program Office, Pentagon 3E114, Washington, DC 20301-3080, (202) 694-0210. Ada Board. A federal advisory committee, composed of compiler developers, language designers, embedded system users, and government personnel, and chartered to advise the AJPO director. Contact: Mr. William Ritchie, Acting Director, Ada Joint Program Office, Pentagon 3E114, Washington, DC 20301-3080, (202) 694-0210. AdaIC. Ada Information Clearinghouse. Supports the AJPO via the distribution of Ada-related information, including lists of validated compilers, classes, conferences, textbooks, and programs using Ada. An electronic bulletin board is available at (202) 694-0215; a newsletter is also available. Contact: AdaIC, The Pentagon, 3D139, Washington, DC 20301-3081, (703) 685-1477 or (301) 731-8894. Ada 9x Project Office. Manages the revision ("Ada 9x") of MIL-STD-1815A for the Ada Joint Program Office. Contact: Ms. Christine Anderson, Ada 9x Project Manager, AFATL/FXG, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-5434, (904) 882-2961. AVO. Ada Validation Organization. Conducts Ada compiler validations. Manages the Ada Compiler Validation Capability (ACVC). Contact: Ms Audrey A. Hook, Ada Validation Organization, Institute for Defense Analyses, 1801 N. Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311, (703) 824-5501. ASEET (Ada Software Engineering Education and Training) Team. Examines issues in providing DOD with quality and timely Ada software engineering education and training. Contact: Maj Douglas Samuels, USAF, HQ AFSC/PLR, Andrews AFB, DC 20334-5000, (301) 981-6941. AML. ASEET Materials Library. Maintains a database of Ada Software Engineering Education and Training (ASEET) material. Contact: Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC), The Pentagon, 3D139, Washington, DC 20301-3081, (703) 685-1477 or (301) 731-8894. DACS. Data Analysis Center for Software. Transitions software engineering information to government agencies and civilian contractors. Maintains a compendium of information on commercial and public domain software engineering. Contact: RADC/COED, Griffiss AFB, NY 13441-5700, (315) 336-0937. E&V. Evaluation and Validation Team. The Ada community needs the capability to assess Ada Programming Support Environments (APSEs) and their components and to determine their conformance to applicable standards (e.g., DOD-STD-1838, the Common APSE Interface Set (CAIS) Standard). The technology required to satisfy this need is extensive and largely unavailable. It cannot be acquired by a single government-sponsored, professional society-sponsored, or private effort. The APSE evaluation and validation (E&V) task provides a focal point for addressing these needs by (1) identifying and defining specific technology requirements; (2) developing selected elements of the required technology; (3) encouraging others to develop some elements; and (4) collecting and distributing information to DOD components, other government agencies, industry, and academia. Contact: Raymond Szymanski, AFWAL/AAAF, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, (513) 255-2446. JLC-JPCG-CRM. Joint Logistics Commanders Joint Policy Coordinating Group on Computer Resource Management. Coordinates and ensures consistency in the preparation of new and revised regulations and standards, provides recommendations on critical resource issues, and provides a focal point for coordinating standardization programs. Contact: Col Casper Klucas, Chairman, JLC-JPCG-CRM, HQ ASFC/PLR, Andrews AFB, MD 20334-5000, (301) 981-5731. KIT. KAPSE Interface Team. Investigates issues in the development of kernel Ada programming support environments (KAPSEs), especially standardization strategies for interfaces that will promote portability of software and data. Responsible for the development of the Common APSE Interface Set (CAIS). Contact: Ms Patricia Oberndorf, Naval Ocean Systems Center, 421 Catalina Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92152, (619) 225-6682. Program Design Language (PDL) Activities. Conducts Ada PDL research. Contact: Larry Lindley, Naval Avionics Center, Indianapolis, IN. SEI. Software Engineering Institute. The SEI is a federally-funded research and development center (FFRDC) with the objective of providing DOD with leadership in software engineering and of transitioning new software engineering technology into DOD mission-critical computer systems (MCCSs). A major thrust of the SEI involves the Ada language and Ada technology. Contact: SEI Program Office, ESD/AVS, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731, (617) 377-8561. STARS. Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems. The STARS program is the DOD effort to achieve dramatic improvements in software to mitigate runaway software costs. The goals are (a) to improve productivity, quality, and reliability; and (b) to promote development and application of reusable software. The STARS program is strictly Ada by design. Contact: STARS Joint Program Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington, DC 20301. III. USAF ORGANIZATIONS ESIP. Embedded Computer Resource Support Improvement Program. ESIP is an Air Force effort, led by AFLC, to improve the support of all embedded computer resources. AFSC, through AFWAL, is investigating the issues that will affect the support of tomorrow's systems. The current AFLC ESIP task covers a broad spectrum of issues from the generic core of hardware and software usable in multiple integration support facilities to the newest proposed ESIP task of providing a total life-cycle support center for software tools in the Software Technology Support Center (STSC). The AFWAL tasks range across the new technologies that will eventually require AFLC support. The list includes projects investigating integration support facilities for next generation aircraft like the ATF, artificial intelligence, VHSIC, and the complexities incurred in using Ada multitasking. Contact: ESIP Program, AFLC/MMTEC, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, (513) 257-2151. ECSPO. Embedded Computer Standardization Program Office. ECSPO is the program office responsible for development and support of software suport tools for mission-critical systems. It develops and executes programs to reduce life-cycle cost of mission equipment, hardware/software development, operation, and support activities while meeting weapons systems performance goals and program schedules. The ECSPO is responsible for the development and support of the JOVIAL MIL-STD-1750 Integrated Tool Set (ITS) and for the development and support of an Ada tool set. Contact: ECSPO Manager, ASD-AFALC/AXTS, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433,(513) 255-5945, ST/TAPM. Software Technology/Technology Applications Program Management. The ST/TAPM is one of the technologies selected by the TAPM program under the Advanced Computer Resources and Electronics Technology Area (ACRETA) Program Action Directive (PAD). The ST/TAPM objective is to achieve improvements in AFLC's ability to provide software which meets USAF mission-critical requirements. Contact: ST/TAPM Program Manager, OO-ALC/MME, Hill AFB, UT. IV. NON-U.S. GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS Ada Europe. Coordinates Ada activity in Europe. Contact: Knut Ripken, (Paris) 33-1-477-17232. APPENDIX B USAF Ada Focal Points 1. SAF and HQ USAF Focal Points: Plan OPR: Lt Col Richard Gross SAF/AQXA Washington, DC 20330-1000 (202) 697-6513; AUTOVON 227-6513 Mr. Henry Romo SAF/AK Washington, DC 20330-1000 (202) 695-3380; AUTOVON 225-3380 Maj Sue Hermanson HQ USAF/LE-RD Washington, DC 20330-1000 (202) 695-4577; AUTOVON 225-4577 Lt Col Randy Adams HQ USAF/LEYYS Washington, DC 20330-5000 (202) 697-5642; AUTOVON 227-5642 Mr. Spencer Cake HQ USAF/SCTT Washington, DC 20330-5190 (202) 695-7897; AUTOVON 225-7897 2. MAJCOM Focal Points AFCC: HQ AFCC/AITT Scott AFB, IL AUTOVON 576-2275 AFLC: Capt Jim Cardow HQ AFLC/MMTEC Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 (513) 257-2151; AUTOVON 787-2151 Mr. Ron Jones HQ AFLC/SCZ Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 (513) 257-9968; AUTOVON 787-9968 AFSPACECOM: Capt Deborah Frauenfelder HQ AFSPACECOM/LKW Falcon AFS, CO AUTOVON 692-2892/2803 AFSC: Lt Col Terry Courtwright HQ AFSC/XTKC Andrews AFB, DC 20334-5000 (301) 981-6960 Maj Douglas Samuels HQ AFSC/PLR Andrews AFB, DC 20334-5000 (301) 981-6941 ATC: ATC Randolph AFB TX 78150-5001 AU: AU/SC Maxwell AFB, AL 36112 AAC: AAC Elmendorf AFB, AK 99506-5001 ESC: ESC San Antonio, TX 78243-5000 MAC: Maj Bob England HQ MAC/SCUL Scott AFB, IL 62225 AUTOVON 576-3711 HQ MAC/XP Scott AFB, IL 62225 AUTOVON 576-4560 PACAF: PACAF Hickam AFB, HI 96853-5001 SAC: Maj Ernest G. (Greg) Smith Chief, Ada Transition Team HQ SAC/SC (Ada) Offutt AFB, NE 68113-5001 (402) 294-7113; AUTOVON 271-7113 TAC: Capt Charles McCallum HQ TAC/SCXC Langley AFB, VA 23665 AUTOVON 574-7556 USAFE: USAFE APO New York 09012-5001 3. SOA Focal Points AFAFC: AFAFC Denver, CO 80279-5000 AFAA: AFAA Norton AFB, CA 92409-6001 AFCOMS: AFCOMS Kelly AFB, TX 89241-6290 AFESC: AFESC Tyndall AFB, FL 32403-6001 AFISC: Capt Debra Nicely HQ AFISC/IGSI Norton AFB, CA AUTOVON 876-2728 AFIS: Maj Richard Walton HQ AFIS/IND Bolling AFB, DC (202) 767-0270 AFLSC: AFLSC Washington, DC 20330-5120 AFMEA: AFMEA Randolph AFB, TX 78150-6431 AFMPC: AFMPC Randolph AFB, TX 78150-6001 AFOMS: AFOMS Brooks AFB, TX 78235-5000 AFOSI: AFOSI Bolling AFB, DC 20332-6001 AFOSP: AFOSP Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-6001 AFOTEC: Maj Larry Murdock HQ AFOTEC/LG5 Kirtland AFB, NM AUTOVON 246-1254 HQ AFOTEC/SC Kirtland AFB, NM AFRES: AFRES Robins AFB, GA 31098-6001 AFSINC: AFSINC Kelly AFB, TX 78241-5000 ARPC: ARPC Denver, CO 80280-5000 4. Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) Focal Points: AF Academy: Capt Joyce Jenkins USAFA/DFCS Colorado Springs, CO 80840 AF Cost Center: Capt Mike Helton AFCSTC/AD 1211 S. Fern St. Arlington, VA 22202 (202) 695-4510; AUTOVON 225-4510 ********************** Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC) P.O. Box 1866 Falls Church, VA 22204 Telephone: 1-800-AdaIC-11 (1-800/232-4211) or 703/681-2466 Fax: 703/681-2869 E-mail: The AdaIC is sponsored by the Ada Joint Program Office and operated by IIT Research Institute.