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  • Stoneman
    The original requirements document for Ada Programming Support Environments, released in February 1980.

  • Steelman
    The original requirements document for the Ada 83 computer programming language released in June 1978. Previous versions of this document include STRAWMAN, WOODENMAN, TINMAN, and IRONMAN.

  • Ada - The Project
    A paper describing the early days of the development of Ada from the DoD High Order Language Working Group (HOLWG) project.

  • A Common Programming Language for the Department of Defense (1976)
    Report by David Fisher (1976) explaining the background and purpose of the original common language effort that led to the design of Ada, as well as the technical requirements that were formulated at that time.

  • Naming of Ada
    "The Real Ada, Countess of Lovelace."

  • Flyers and Fact Sheets
    "Flyers and fact sheets on Ada policy and past AJPO initiatives"

  • The History of Ada
    An article by Robert daCosta on the evolution of Ada.

  • Ada 9X Project News and Reports
    Information related to the 1995 revision of the Ada language.


Home < Why Ada? Last Updated: 04/27/17