DATELINE: September 30, 1994

After restructuring the 5-year-old Ada Software Alliance into a trade association, Ada vendors recently formed the Ada Resource Association.

Rather than a strictly vendor group, the association will represent the entire Ada community. It will include corporate and individual users of the computer language, university faculty and students, scientific and technical contributors, and government and commercial systems developers.

"This is an exciting time for the Ada industry," said association spokesman Ben Goodwin, president and chief executive officer of Alsys, Inc. "Ada continues to receive support from its traditional market in the Department of Defense, and it is being used increasingly in commercial applications, such as air traffic control, commercial avionics, transportation and power plant operations."

The change in the nature of the group has led to some changes in its management. Ralph Crafts, president of the software alliance since its inception in 1989 and a somewhat controversial figure, has resigned.

Although Crafts said he wanted to keep private the reasons surrounding his resignation, he said, "I believe that my resignation will allow and encourage some open and forthright discussions within the Ada community as to how a real trade association can be implemented, and the community at large can then decide how it wants to be represented."

[Source: Endoso, Joyce. "Ada Software Alliance changes structure; Ralph Crafts bows out." Government Computer News. September 19, 1994. Vol.13, No.21.]