The Honorable Emmett Paige, Jr., Assures DC SIGAda Members

that He is Firmly Committed to Ada

Dateline: 21 April 94

In a presentation to the Washington, DC chapter of the Special Interest Group for Ada (SIGAda), the Honorable Emmett Paige, Jr., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command Control Communications and Intelligence (C3I), once again reaffirmed his commitment to the Ada programming language. He assured the audience of 100+ software professionals that he is "firmly committed to Ada" for DoD developments.

This was just one of a half-dozen speeches Mr. Paige has given this fiscal year to computer professionals. In all of his speeches one theme has been strong: The Honorable Emmett Paige, Jr., is firmly committed to the use of the Ada programming language. (Other recent speeches have been at the Annual National Conference on Ada Technology in March in Williamsburg, VA and in mid-April at the Software Technology Conference in Salt Lake City, UT.)

[Source: Washington, DC Special Interest Group on Ada (SIGAda) meeting held April 21, 1994, McLean Hilton, Tysons Corner, VA]

Ada: Not Just for Defense Systems Anymore

Dateline: 18 Apr 94

Pentagon officials are working to promote Ada as a wise choice for civilian agency software development efforts. In recent weeks, the Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO) officials have been meeting with officials from various federal agencies to assess their software development needs and point out where Ada can help them achieve their goals.

This push for promoting the language sprang from recommendations made during the Defense Information Systems Agency's (DISA) Dual Use Workshop, which was held early this fiscal year

[Source: Endoso, Joyce, "Ada: Wise Choice for Civilians?," Government Computer News, Vol. 13,
No. 8, April 19, 1994.]