Documented Ada Successes Available

Dateline: 4 March 94

Nine Ada success stories were released this week as the result of a cooperative effort among the Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC), Ada Software Alliance (ASA), and the Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM) Special Interest Group for Ada (SIGAda). The two-page monographs document the following Ada successes:

Ada Program Cuts Processing Time by 99.5% by Alan Paterson, Paranor AG.

A Biomedical Engineer's View of Ada
by Robert C. Leif, Ada_Med Division of Newport Instruments

Ada Used to Develop a Manufacturing Process Supervisor Reprinted with Permission of Alsys, Inc.

Ada Used to Develop Medical Analytical Systems Reprinted With Permission of Alsys, Inc.

Mobile Communication System Developed With Ada Reprinted with Permission of Alsys, Inc.

Editing Video Tapes and Prompting TV Talent with Ada by Tom Moran, Decision Aids

Ada Used to Develop Remote Command and Control System for PABX

Reprinted With Permission of Alsys, Inc.

KUKOBEZA: Ada Used to Automate Swiss Banking System by Alan Paterson, Paranor AG

Ada Used for Radio Telescope Control
by Ralph Crafts, Ada Software Alliance

Ada in European Railroad Signaling and Train Control Etienne Morel, Rational SARL
Reprinted with Permission of Rational SARL

The success stories are available on the AJPO Host on the Internet (AJPO.SEI.CMU.EDU) in the /public/usage directory. The host can be accessed via File Transfer Protocol (ftp), a tool that enables users to transfer files to and from remote network site or by "ftpmail", an automated mail-server.

For more informaiton, contact the AdaIC at 1-800-AdaIC-11 (232- 4211) or send Internet e-mail to