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The AdaIC News Spring-Summer 1996

In This Edition:

Celebrating Ada 95 on its First Anniversary Letter from the AJPO

Ada 95 Compilers and Tools: Resources Growing to Meet Areas of Need

Benchmarking Software Reuse -- Looking at the Leaders

Helping you find the resources you need -- the Ada and Reuse libraries

Ada 95 Training Opportunities

Ada & Jobs -- A Hot Market

Ada and Reuse --A Partnership Paying Dividends for NASA Satellite Simulators

WAdaS 96 Washington Ada Symposium 1996 Delivering Quality for those Who Demand Quality

Airfields: An Ada 95 Success Story

Ada and Reuse Reader Survey



Comparison shows Ada with twice the cost effectiveness of C over lifecycle

Army Reuse Center offers tool to support domain engineering

Reuse in the Defense System Management College

Ada 95 bindings preserve GCCS investment

Ada used to upgrade air traffic control system

Celebrating Ada 95 on its
First Anniversary

| Ada 95 Gains | The Anniversary Banquet |
| New World Vistas & Ada | The New 5000.2 |
| The Future |

On February 15, 1995, Ada 95 was published by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) as the new standard for the Ada programming language, replacing Ada 83. A lot has happened in that year.

Ada 95 Gains

Ada 95 is here in force now. We have 14 validated compilers on a variety of host/target combinations. We have several other compilers in the pipeline for validation. Also, we have several tools being created for Ada 95, as well as bindings to most popular interfaces.

The first change in Ada 95's validation suite was in March, the switch from ver. 2.0 to ver. 2.0.1. This provides more tests and strengthens the test suite. The next change will be in March 1997 with release of ver. 2.1.

We have several early adopters of Ada 95 technology. Besides several government organizations such as the Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity (MCTSSA), Naval Research and Development (NRAD), and the Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) aircraft program, we have several government contractors that have decided to adopt Ada 95.
ENSCO, Inc., in Melbourne, Florida, is an Air Force contractor with a history of quality products in Ada. They chose to move to Ada 95 to take advantage of several new features in the language.

The AJPO is supporting an effort to create an Ada-95-to-Java J-code compiler. The compiler already exists; it has been demonstrated at several conferences with more demos coming. We hope to include it in the Academic Ada tool suite offered for the Fall '96 semester. This tool greatly facilitates rapid prototyping of quality Ada 95 products.

The AJPO has also been busy in the commercial marketplace trying to create tools and bindings. We recently announced results of our Ada Technology Insertion Program-Partnerships (ATIP-P) effort, where 10 commercial companies received matching funds to create tools and bindings they will then be free to own and sell in the marketplace. The Government will recoup its investment through either free licenses or reduced license fees. (More information will be released in the very near future.)

The Anniversary Banquet

To mark Ada 95's anniversary, the AJPO cosponsored a banquet with the enthusiastic assistance of the Association of Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Ada. The banquet was held at the Fort Myer Officer's Club in Arlington, Va. The Hon. Emmett Paige, Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3I) was the distinguished speaker.

Members of the Ada 9X Project Office, the Mapping and Revision Team, and the Ada 9X Distinguished Reviewers, along with other government employees and contractors were presented a leather-bound Special Commemorative Award Edition of the Ada 95 Reference Manual, engraved with their name.

Ms. Christine Anderson, Mr. Tucker Taft, and Mr. Erhard Ploedereder nominated the members of their Ada teams; Ms. Virginia Castor represented the government employees and contractors.

A special reward for attendees was the awarding by Secretary Paige of the Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award to Ms. Anderson for her efforts in charge of the Ada 9X Project Office and the Outstanding Public Service Award to Mr. Don Reifer for his efforts as Chief of the AJPO. Mr. Hal Hart, representing SIGAda, then presented two SIGAda awards -- to Mr. Mike Kamrad and Dr. John Goodenough. I am pleased to report that a good time was had by all.

Reifer Photo The Honorable Emmett Paige, Jr., Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3I), presents former AJPO Chief Donald J. Reifer with the Secretary of Defense Outstanding Public Service Award. Christine Anderson Mr. Paige is again on hand to present former Ada 9X Project Manager Christine Anderson with the Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award.

New World Vistas & Ada

By now, you have probably heard about the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board's (SAB's) report New World Vistas. This is a report done by several distinguished people to forecast where the Air Force should be heading in the next century. Unfortunately, it is blemished by questionable scholarship in at least one respect, namely Ada.

The Information Management panel -- with such luminaries as Ed Feigenbaum, Larry Druffel, Barry Boehm, and others -- produced a well reasoned panel report. Ada was never discussed nor even mentioned. Unfortunately, in the executive summary, the author included a line that Ada was an "arcane language" and mentioned that the Air Force should use more modern languages.

Every person I mentioned here has repudiated this portion of the report. They are embarrassed by inclusion in a summary of something the panel experts never discussed. Unfortunately, this report has had a big impact; it is difficult to get a retraction that is so deserved, but actions continue to achieve a retraction.

The New 5000.2

The good news is that while the SAB author was showing his ignorance, more informed persons were ratifying the benefits of Ada. The new Department of Defense Instruction 5000.2 was signed March 15, 1996, and it continues to state that Ada is the DoD's language of choice when the government pays for development of software and will be responsible for paying for its maintenance.

DoD Directive 3405.1: In addition, a new version of DoD Directive 3405.1, last published in 1987, is due out shortly. In the final draft, it continues to require the use of Ada as DoD's language of choice for software development. So in policy, where it counts, Ada is still a required language for DoD.

MAISRC Reviews: Also, each Major Automated Information System (MAIS) and certain qualifying weapon systems must be reviewed annually for continued funding. This is done at the MAIS Review Council (MAISRC) and Defense Acquisition Board (DAB), respectively. New this quarter is a requirement to show the use of Ada or an approved waiver in order to receive continued funding. We are beginning to see some teeth in the Ada policy!

The Future

Now that Ada 95 is being successfully received, we plan to transition the AJPO's activities to other government agencies that will sustain them. As mentioned in previous Letters from the AJPO, we see this as a normal occurrence in the lifecycle of a program office. We anticipate the completion of this transition in less than 18 months.

The first portion of the transition will occur this summer, or, in any case, not later than 30 Sep 96. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will assume full responsibility for the Ada certification system and validation testing of Ada compilers currently done by the AJPO. They already perform validation testing for all other computer languages and have worked closely with the AJPO since the very beginning. We look forward to a smooth transition.

There is more exciting news ahead that must wait until next time. Until then, we will be working to educate people about the Ada policy and to make them see the benefits of its use.

Dr. Charles B. Engle
Chief, Ada Joint Program Office


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