package body Safe_Pointers.On_Definite_Types is function Null_Pointer return Safe_Pointer is begin return (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Track => Null_Track); end Null_Pointer; function "=" (Left, Right: Safe_Pointer) return Boolean is begin return Left.Track.Object = Right.Track.Object; end "="; procedure Adjust (Pointer: in out Safe_Pointer) is begin if Pointer.Track /= Null_Track then Pointer.Track.Count := Pointer.Track.Count + 1; end if; end Adjust; procedure Finalize (Pointer: in out Safe_Pointer) is begin if Pointer.Track /= Null_Track then Pointer.Track.Count := Pointer.Track.Count - 1; if Pointer.Track.Count = 0 then -- last pointer if Pointer.Track.Pool_Element then Free (Pointer.Track.Object); end if; Free (Pointer.Track); end if; end if; end Finalize; procedure Allocate (Pointer: in out Safe_Pointer) is begin Finalize (Pointer); Pointer.Track := new Track'(new Object, 1, Pool_Element => True); end Allocate; procedure Allocate (Pointer: in out Safe_Pointer; Value: in Object) is begin Finalize (Pointer); Pointer.Track := new Track'(new Object'(Value), 1, Pool_Element => True); end Allocate; procedure Deallocate (Pointer: in out Safe_Pointer) is begin if Pointer.Track = Null_Track then return; end if; if Pointer.Track.Pool_Element then Free (Pointer.Track.Object); end if; Pointer.Track.Count := Pointer.Track.Count - 1; if Pointer.Track.Count = 0 then -- last pointer Free (Pointer.Track); end if; Pointer.Track := Null_Track; end Deallocate; procedure Assign (Pointer: in Safe_Pointer; Value: in Object) is begin Pointer.Track.Object.all := Value; end Assign; function Value (Pointer: Safe_Pointer) return Object is begin return Pointer.Track.Object.all; end Value; procedure Alias (Pointer: in out Safe_Pointer; Value : access Object) is begin Finalize (Pointer); Pointer.Track := new Track'(Object_Pointer (Value), 1, Pool_Element => False); end Alias; end Safe_Pointers.On_Definite_Types;
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