[Ada Information Clearinghouse]

Ada '83 Quality and Style:

Guidelines for Professional Programmers

Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992 Software Productivity Consortium, Inc., Herndon, Virginia.


ACVC (Ada Compiler Validation Capability). Ada Validation Facility, ASD/SIOL. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH.

AIRMICS. 1990. Software Reuse Guidelines, ASQB-GI-90-015. U.S. Army Institute for Research in Management Information, Communications, and Computer Sciences.

Anderson, T. and R. W. Witty. 1978. Safe Programming. BIT (Tidscrift Nordisk for Informations behandling) 18:1-8.

ARTEWG. November 5, 1986. Catalogue of Ada Runtime Implementation Dependencies, draft version. Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group for Ada, Ada Run-Time Environments Working Group.

Bardin, Thompson. Jan-Feb 1988. Composable Ada Software Components and the Re-Export Paradigm. ACM Ada Letters. VIII(1):58-79.

Bardin, Thompson. March-April 1988. Using the Re-Export Paradigm to Build Composable Ada Software Components. ACM Ada Letters. VIII(2):39-54.

Barnes, J. G. P. 1989. Programming in Ada. third edition. Reading, MA.: Addison-Wesley.

Booch, G. 1987. Software Components with Ada - Structures, Tools and Subsystems. Menlo Park, CA.: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.

Booch, G. 1986. Software Engineering with Ada. second edition. Menlo Park, CA.: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.

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Cohen, N. H. 1986. Ada as a Second Language. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc.

Conti, R. A. March 1987. Critical Run-Time Design Tradeoffs in an Ada Implementation. Proceedings of the Joint Ada Conference, Fifth National Conference on Ada Technology and Washington Ada Symposium. pp. 486-495.

Cristian, F. March 1984. Correct and Robust Programs. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. SE-10(2):163-174.

Department of Defense, Ada Joint Program Office. 1984. Rationale for the Design of the Ada Programming Language.

Department of Defense, Ada Joint Program Office. January 1983. Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language. ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A.

Edwards, S. 1990. An Approach for Constructing Reusable Software Components in Ada, IDA Paper P-2378. Institute for Defense Analyses.

Foreman, J. and J. Goodenough. May 1987. Ada Adoption Handbook: A Program Manager's Guide. Version 1.0, CMU/SEI-87-TR-9 ESD-TR-87-110. Software Engineering Institute.

Gary, B. and D. Pokrass. 1985. Understanding Ada A Software Engineering Approach. John Wiley & Sons.

Goodenough, J. B. March 1986. A Sample of Ada Programmer Errors. Unpublished draft resident in the Ada Repository under file name PD2:<ADA.EDUCATION>PROGERRS.DOC.2.

Herr, C. S. August 1987. Compiler Validation and Reusable Software. St. Louis: a Report from the CAMP Project, McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company.

International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues. 1987. ACM Ada Letters. VII(6). Mortonhampstead, Devon, U.K.

International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues II. 1988. ACM Ada Letters. VIII(6). Mortonhampstead, Devon, U.K.

Kernighan, B. and P. J. Plauger, 1978. The Elements of Programming Style. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Matthews, E. R. September, October 1987. Observations on the Portability of Ada I/O. ACM Ada Letters. VII(5):100-103.

MacLaren, L. November 1980. Evolving Toward Ada in Real Time Systems. ACM Sigplan Notices. 15(11):146-155.

Melliar-Smith, P. M. and B. Randell. March 1987. Software Reliability: The Role of Programmed Exception Handling. ACM Sigplan Notices. 12(3):95-100 .

Mowday, B. L. and E. Normand. November 1986. Ada Programming Standards. General Dynamics Data Systems Division Departmental Instruction 414.717.

NASA. May 1987. Ada Style Guide. Version 1.1, SEL-87-002. Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD 20771.

NASA. 1992. Ada Efficiency Guide. Technical Note 552-FDD-91/068R0UD0. NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD 20771.

Nissen, J. C. D., P. Wallis, B. A., Wichmann, et al. 1982. Ada-Europe Guidelines for the Portability of Ada Programs. ACM Ada Letters. I(3):44-61.

Nissen, J. and P. Wallis. 1984. Portability and Style in Ada. Cambridge University Press.

Pappas, F. March 1985. Ada Portability Guidelines. DTIC/NTIS #AD-A160 390.

Pyle, I. C. 1985. The Ada Programming Language. second edition. UK:Prentice-Hall International.

Rosen, J. P. November, December 1987. In Defense of the `Use' Clause. ACM Ada Letters. VII(7):77-81.

Ross, D. March-April 1989. The Form of a Passive Iterator. ACM Ada Letters. IX(2):102-105.

Rymer, J. and T. McKeever. September 1986. The FSD Ada Style Guide. IBM Federal Systems Division Ada Coordinating Group.

Schneiderman, B. 1986. Empirical Studies of Programmers: The Territory, Paths and Destinations. Empirical Studies of Programmers. ed. E. Soloway and S. Iyengar. pp. 1-12. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corp.

SofTech Inc. December 1985. ISEC Reusability Guidelines. Report 3285-4-247/2. Also US Army Information Systems Engineering Command. Waltham MA.

Soloway, E., J. Pinto, S. Fertig, S. Letovsky, R. Lampert, D. Littman, K. Ewing. December 1986. Studying Software Documentation From A Cognitive Perspective: A Status Report. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Software Engineering Workshop. Report SEL-86-006, Software Engineering Laboratory. Greenbelt, MD:NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Stark M. and E. Seidewitz. March 1987. Towards A General Object-Oriented Ada Lifecycle. In Proceedings of the Joint Ada Conference, Fifth National Conference on Ada Technology and Washington Ada Symposium. 213-222.

St.Dennis, R. May 1986. A Guidebook for Writing Reusable Source Code in Ada - Version 1.1. Report CSC-86-3:8213. Golden Valley, MN: Honeywell Corporate Systems Development Division.

United Technologies. February 9, 1987. CENC Programmer's Guide. Appendix A Ada Programming Standards.

VanNeste, K.F. January/February 1986. Ada Coding Standards and Conventions. ACM Ada Letters. VI(1):41-48.

Volz, R. A., Mudge, Naylor and Mayer. May 1985. Some Problems in Distributing Real-time Ada Programs Across Machines. Ada in Use, Proceedings of the Ada International Conference. pp. 14-16. Paris.

Wheeler, David A. August 1992. Analysis and Guidelines for Reusable Ada Software. IDA Paper P-2765. Alexandria, Virginia:Institute for Defense Analyses.

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