There are some guidelines that rarely have exceptions and leave little room for choice. When you find that these examples do not reflect the way you normally code, investigate why by finding the guideline that was followed and study the rationale. This practical exercise should be helpful in identifying potential areas of improvement (whether for you or this style guide!).
The Menu-Driven User Interface example provides a short example demonstrating many of the guidelines. It also provides the basic types for later examples.
The two versions of the Dining Philosophers example program demonstrate the portability of Ada packages and tasking. They were provided by Dr. Michael B. Feldman. Most of the available compilers can successfully compile these examples. They have also been successfully tested on a variety of platforms.
In this chapter... 10.1 Menu-Driven User Interface 10.2 Line-Oriented Portable Dining Philosophers Example 10.3 Window-Oriented Portable Dining Philosophers Example |