[Ada Information Clearinghouse]

Ada '83 Quality and Style:

Guidelines for Professional Programmers

Copyright 1989, 1991,1992 Software Productivity Consortium, Inc., Herndon, Virginia.

CHAPTER 8: Reusability

8.1 Understanding and Clarity

It is particularly important that parts intended for reuse should be easy to understand. The following must be immediately apparent from inspection of the comments and the code itself: what the part does, how to use it, what anticipated changes might be made to it in the future, and how it works. For maximum readability of reusable parts, follow the guidelines in Chapter 3, some of which are repeated more strongly below.
In this section...
8.1.1 Application-Independent Naming
8.1.2 Abbreviations
8.1.3 Generic Formal Parameters
Summary of Guidelines from this section

8.1.1 Application-Independent Naming



General-purpose stack abstraction:

   type Item is limited private; 
package Bounded_Stack is

   procedure Push (New_Item    : in     Item); 
   procedure Pop  (Newest_Item : in     Item); 
end Bounded_Stack; 

Renamed appropriately for use in current application:
with Bounded_Stack; 
package Cafeteria is

   type Tray is limited private;
   package Tray_Stack is new Bounded_Stack (Item => Tray , ...);
end Cafeteria; 


Choosing a general or application-independent name for a reusable part encourages its wide reuse. When the part is used in a specific context, it can be instantiated (if generic) or renamed with a more specific name.

When there is an obvious choice for the simplest, clearest name for a reusable part, it is a good idea to leave that name for use by the reuser of the part, choosing a longer, more descriptive name for the reusable part. Thus, Bounded_Stack is a better name than Stack for a generic stack package because it leaves the simpler name Stack available to be used by an instantiation.

Include indications of the behavioral characteristics (but not indications of the implementation) in the name of a reusable part so that multiple parts with the same abstraction (e.g., multiple stack packages) but with different restrictions (bounded, unbounded, etc.) can be stored in the same Ada library and used as part of the same Ada program.

Language Ref Manual references: 2.3 Identifiers, 4.1 Universal Expressions, 12.1 Generic Declarations, 12.3 Generic Instantiation

8.1.2 Abbreviations



with Calendar; 
package Greenwich_Mean_Time is

   function Clock return Calendar.Time; 
end Greenwich_Mean_Time; 

But the following abbreviation may not be clear when used in an application.
with Calendar; 
with Greenwich_Mean_Time; 

   function Get_GMT return Calendar.Time renames 


This is a stronger guideline than Guideline 3.1.4. However well commented, an abbreviation may cause confusion in some future reuse context. Even universally accepted abbreviations, such as GMT for Greenwich Mean Time, can cause problems and should be used only with great caution.

The difference between this guideline and Guideline 3.1.4 involves issues of domain. When the domain is well-defined, abbreviations and acronyms that are accepted in that domain will clarify the meaning of the application. When that same code is removed from its domain-specific context, those abbreviations may become meaningless.

In the example above, the package, Greenwich_Mean_Time, could be used in any application without loss of meaning. But the function Get_GMT could easily be confused with some other acronym in a different domain.


See Guideline 5.7.2 concerning the proper use of the renames clause. If a
particular application makes extensive use of the Greenwich_Mean_Time domain,
it may be appropriate to rename the package, GMT, within that application:
with Greenwich_Mean_Time; 

   package GMT renames Greenwich_Mean_Time;

Language Ref Manual references: 2.3 Identifiers, 4.1 Universal Expressions, 12.1 Generic Declarations

8.1.3 Generic Formal Parameters



The following example shows how a very general algorithm can be developed, but must be clearly documented to be used:

   -- Index provides access to values in a structure.  For example, 
   -- an array, A. 
   type Index is (<>);
   -- The function, Less_Than, does NOT compare the indexes 
   -- themselves;it compares the elements of the structure: 
   --     Less_Than (i,j)  <==>  A(i) < A(j) 
   with function Less_Than (Index1 : in     Index; 
                            Index2 : in     Index) 
         return Boolean;
   -- This procedure swaps values of the structure (the mode won't 
   -- allow the indexes themselves to be swapped!): 
   --     Less_Than (i,j) and then Swap (i,j)  ==>  Less_Than (j,i). 
   with procedure Swap (Index1 : in     Index; 
                        Index2 : in     Index);
   -- After the call to Quick_Sort, the indexed structure will be 
   -- sorted: 
   --     For all i,j in First..Last :  i<j  =>  A(i) < A(j).
procedure Quick_Sort (First : in     Index := Index'First; 
                      Last  : in     Index := Index'Last); 


The generic capability is one of Ada's strongest features because of its formalization. However, not all of the assumptions made about generic formal parameters can be expressed directly in Ada. It is important that any user of a generic know exactly what that generic needs in order to behave correctly.

In a sense, a generic specification is a contract where the instantiator must supply the formal parameters and in return receives a working instance of the specification. Both parties are best served when the contract is complete and clear about all assumptions.

Language Ref Manual references: 12.1 Generic Declarations

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