[Ada Information Clearinghouse]

Ada '83 Quality and Style:

Guidelines for Professional Programmers

Copyright 1989, 1991,1992 Software Productivity Consortium, Inc., Herndon, Virginia.

CHAPTER 7: Portability

7.7 Input/Output

Input/Output facilities in Ada are not a part of the syntactic definition of the language. The constructs in the language have been used to define a set of packages for this purpose. These packages are not expected to meet all the I/O needs of all applications, in particular embedded systems. They serve as a core subset that may be used on straightforward data, and that can be used as examples of building I/O facilities upon the low-level constructs provided by the language. Providing an I/O definition that could meet the requirements of all applications and integrate with the many existing operating systems would result in unacceptable implementation dependencies.

The types of portability problems encountered with I/O tend to be different for applications running with a host operating system versus embedded targets where the Ada run-time is self-sufficient. Interacting with a host operating system offers the added complexity of coexisting with the host file system structures (e.g., hierarchical directories), access methods (e.g., ISAM), and naming conventions (e.g., logical names and aliases based on the current directory). The section on Input/Output in ARTEWG (1986) provides some examples of this type of dependency. Embedded applications have different dependencies that often tie them to the low-level details of their hardware devices.

The major defense against these inherent implementation dependencies in I/O is to try to isolate their functionality in any given application. The majority of the following guidelines are focused in this direction.

Language Ref Manual references: 14 Input-Output

In this section...
7.7.1 Name and Form Parameters
7.7.2 File Closing
7.7.3 I/O on Access Types
7.7.4 Package Low_Level_IO
Summary of Guidelines from this section

7.7.1 Name and Form Parameters



The format and allowable values of these parameters on the predefined I/O packages can vary greatly between implementations. Isolation of these values facilitates portability. Note that not specifying a Form string or using a null value does not guarantee portability since the implementation is free to specify defaults.


It may be desirable to further abstract the I/O facilities by defining additional Create and Open procedures that hide the visibility of the Form parameter entirely (see Pappas 1985, 54-55).

Language Ref Manual references: 14.2.1 File Management, 14.2.4 Direct Input-Output

7.7.2 File Closing



The Ada Language Reference Manual (Department of Defense 1983, section 14.1) states, "The language does not define what happens to external files after completion of the main program (in particular, if corresponding files have not been closed)." The possibilities range from being closed in an anticipated manner to deletion.

The disposition of a closed temporary file may vary, perhaps affecting performance and space availability (ARTEWG 1986).

Language Ref Manual references: 14.2.1 File Management, 14.3.1 File Management

7.7.3 I/O on Access Types



The Ada Language Reference Manual (Department of Defense 1983) does not require that it be supported. When such a value is written, it is placed out of reach of the implementation. Thus, it is out of reach of the reliability-enhancing controls of strong type checking.

Consider the meaning of this operation. One possible implementation of the values of access types is virtual addresses. If you write such a value, how can you expect another program to read that value and make any sensible use of it? The value cannot be construed to refer to any meaningful location within the reader's address space, nor can a reader infer any information about the writer's address space from the value read. The latter is the same problem that the writer would have trying to interpret or use the value if it is read back in. To wit, a garbage collection and/or heap compaction scheme may have moved the item formerly accessed by that value, leaving that value "pointing" at space which is now being put to indeterminable uses by the underlying implementation.

Language Ref Manual references: 3.8 Access Types, 14.2.2 Sequential Input-Output, 14.2.4 Direct Input-Output

7.7.4 Package Low_Level_IO



Low_Level_IO is intended to support direct interaction with physical devices that are usually unique to a given host or target environment. In addition, the data types provided to the procedures are implementation-defined. This allows vendors to define different interfaces to an identical device.


Those portions of an application that must deal with this level of I/O, e.g., device drivers and real-time components dealing with discretes, are inherently nonportable. Where performance allows, structure these components to isolate the hardware interface. Only within these isolated portions is it advantageous to employ the Low_Level_IO interface which is portable in concept and general procedural interface, if not completely so in syntax and semantics.

Language Ref Manual references: 14.6 Low Level Input-Output

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