[Ada Information Clearinghouse]

Ada '83 Quality and Style:

Guidelines for Professional Programmers

Copyright 1989, 1991,1992 Software Productivity Consortium, Inc., Herndon, Virginia.

CHAPTER 5: Programming Practices

5.4 Data Structures

The data structuring capabilities of Ada are a powerful resource; therefore, use them to model the data as closely as possible. It is possible to group logically related data and let the language control the abstraction and operations on the data rather than requiring the programmer or maintainer to do so. Data can also be organized in a building block fashion. In addition to showing how a data structure is organized (and possibly giving the reader an indication as to why it was organized that way), creating the data structure from smaller components allows those components to be reused themselves. Using the features that Ada provides can increase the maintainability of your code.
In this section...
5.4.1 Heterogeneous Data
5.4.2 Nested Records
5.4.3 Dynamic Data
Summary of Guidelines from this section

5.4.1 Heterogeneous Data



type Propulsion_Method is (Sail, Diesel, Nuclear);

type Craft is 
      Name   : Common_Name; 
      Plant  : Propulsion_Method; 
      Length : Feet; 
      Beam   : Feet; 
      Draft  : Feet; 
   end record;
type Fleet is array (1 .. Fleet_Size) of Craft;


You help the maintainer find all of the related data by gathering it into the same construct, simplifying any modifications that apply to all rather than part. This in turn increases reliability. Neither you nor an unknown maintainer are liable to forget to deal with all the pieces of information in the executable statements, especially if updates are done with aggregate assignments whenever possible.

The idea is to put the information a maintainer needs to know where it can be found with the minimum of effort. For example, if all information relating to a given Craft is in the same place, the relationship is clear both in the declarations and especially in the code accessing and updating that information. But, if it is scattered among several data structures, it is less obvious that this is an intended relationship as opposed to a coincidental one. In the latter case, the declarations may be grouped together to imply intent, but it may not be possible to group the accessing and updating code that way. Ensuring the use of the same index to access the corresponding element in each of several parallel arrays is difficult if the accesses are at all scattered.

If the application must interface directly to hardware, the use of records, especially in conjunction with record representation clauses, could be useful to map onto the layout of the hardware in question.


It may seem desirable to store heterogeneous data in parallel arrays in what amounts to a FORTRAN-like style. This style is an artifact of FORTRAN's data structuring limitations. FORTRAN only has facilities for constructing homogeneous arrays. Ada's variant record types offer one way to specify what are called nonhomogeneous arrays or heterogeneous arrays.


If the application must interface directly to hardware, and the hardware requires that information be distributed among various locations, then it may not be possible to use records.

Language Ref Manual references: 3.7 Record Types, F Implementation-Dependent Characteristics

5.4.2 Nested Records



type Coordinate is 
      Row    : Local_Float; 
      Column : Local_Float; 
   end record;
type Window is 
      Top_Left     : Coordinate; 
      Bottom_Right : Coordinate; 
   end record;


You can make complex data structures understandable and comprehensible by composing them of familiar building blocks. This technique works especially well for large record types with parts which fall into natural groupings. The components factored into separately declared records, based on a common quality or purpose, correspond to a lower level of abstraction than that represented by the larger record.


A carefully chosen name for the component of the larger record that is used to select the smaller enhances readability, for example:
if Window1.Bottom_Right.Row > Window2.Top_Left.Row then . . . 

Language Ref Manual references: 3.7 Record Types

5.4.3 Dynamic Data



These lines show how a dangling reference might be created:
P1 := new Object; 
P2 := P1; 

This line can raise an exception due to referencing the deallocated object:
X := P1.all;

In the following three lines, if there is no intervening assignment of the value of P1 to any other pointer, the object created on the first line is no longer accessible after the third line. The only pointer to the allocated object has been dropped.
P1 := new Object; 
P1 := P2;


See also Guidelines 5.9.1, 5.9.2, and 6.1.3 for variations on these problems. A dynamically allocated object is an object created by the execution of an allocator ("new"). Allocated objects referenced by access variables allow you to generate aliases, which are multiple references to the same object. Anomalous behavior can arise when you reference a deallocated object by another name. This is called a dangling reference. Totally disassociating a still-valid object from all names is called dropping a pointer. A dynamically allocated object that is not associated with a name cannot be referenced or explicitly deallocated.

A dropped pointer depends on an implicit memory manager for reclamation of space. It also raises questions for the reader as to whether the loss of access to the object was intended or accidental.

An Ada environment is not required to provide deallocation of dynamically allocated objects. If provided, it may be provided implicitly (objects are deallocated when their access type goes out of scope), explicitly (objects are deallocated when Unchecked_Deallocation is called), or both. To increase the likelihood of the storage space being reclaimed, it is best to call Unchecked_Deallocation explicitly for each dynamically object when you are finished using it. Calls to Unchecked_Deallocation also document a deliberate decision to abandon an object, making the code easier to read and understand. To be absolutely certain that space is reclaimed and reused, manage your own "free list." Keep track of which objects you are finished with, and reuse them instead of dynamically allocating new objects later.

The dangers of dangling references are that you may attempt to use them, thereby accessing memory which you have released to the memory manager, and which may have been subsequently allocated for another purpose in another part of your program. When you read from such memory, unexpected errors may occur because the other part of your program may have previously written totally unrelated data there. Even worse, when you write to such memory you can cause errors in an apparently unrelated part of the code by changing values of variables dynamically allocated by that code. This type of error can be very difficult to find. Finally, such errors may be triggered in parts of your environment that you didn't write, for example, in the memory management system itself which may dynamically allocate memory to keep records about your dynamically allocated memory.

Keep in mind that any uninitialized or unreset component of a record or array can also be a dangling reference or carry a bit pattern representing inconsistent data.

Whenever you use dynamic allocation it is possible to run out of space. Ada provides a facility (a length clause) for requesting the size of the pool of allocation space at compile time. Anticipate that you can still run out at run time. Prepare handlers for the exception Storage_Error, and consider carefully what alternatives you may be able to include in the program for each such situation.

There is a school of thought that dictates avoidance of all dynamic allocation. It is largely based on the fear of running out of memory during execution. Facilities such as length clauses and exception handlers for Storage_Error provide explicit control over memory partitioning and error recovery, making this fear unfounded.

Language Ref Manual references: 3.7 Record Types, 3.8 Access Types, 3.8.1 Incomplete Type Declarations, 4.8 Allocators, 11.1 Exception Declarations, 13.2 Length Clauses, 13.10.1 Unchecked Storage Deallocation

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