In this section... Copyright Notice Trademarks Preface Authors and Acknowledgements |
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
VAX is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
The most visible change, however, involves the capitalization issue. The guideline has not changed, but the instantiation now recommends mixed-case identifiers with upper-case abbreviations and lower-case reserved words. Several informal surveys and the general consensus of the reviewers showed strong support for this change.
The Complete Examples chapter includes two new examples which highlight portability and the use of tasking. Each of the examples in this chapter are intended to be compilable and executable.
The Consortium invites comments on this guidebook to continue enhancing its quality and usefulness. We will consider suggestions for current guidelines and areas for future expansion. Examples that highlight particular points are most helpful.
Please direct comments to:
Ms. Christine Braun | GTE Federal Systems |
Dr. Charles B. Engle, Jr. | Department of Computer Science Florida Institute of Technology |
Florida Institute of Technology | |
Dr. Michael B. Feldman | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science George Washington University |
Dr. Robert Firth | Software Engineering Institute Carnegie-Mellon University |
Ms. Eileen S. Quann | FASTRAK Training, Inc. |
Dr. Charles H. Sampson | Computer Sciences Corporation |
Mr. Ed Seidewitz | NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center |
Susan Robanos provided technical editing, Debra Morgan provided word processing, and Tina Medina provided clean proofing.
A special thanks to GrammaTech, Inc. who made their Ada-ASSURED product available. All of the examples were formatted in whole or in part using their tool.
This version builds on the success of the authors and contributors to previous versions. The acknowledgements from those efforts are included here.
The authors for the second edition were Kent Johnson, Elisa Simmons, and Fred Stluka. Contributors were Alex Blakemore and Robert Hofkin. Reviewers included Alex Blakemore, Rick Conn, Tim Harrison, Dave Nettles, and Doug Smith. Additional support was provided by Vicki Clatterbuck and Leslie Hubbard.
The following people contributed to an instantiation of the first edition's guidelines: Richard Bechtold, Pete Bloodgood, Shawna Gregory, Tim Powell, Dave Nettles, Kevin Schaan, Doug Smith, and Perry Tsacoumis.
Special thanks are extended to Loral for providing feedback in the form of their Software Productivity Laboratory Ada Standards.
The Consortium would also like to acknowledge those involved in the first edition. The authors were Richard Drake, Samuel Gregory, Margaret Skalko, and Lyn Uzzle. Paul Cohen managed the project. The contributors and reviewers were Mark Dowson, John Knight, Henry Ledgard, and Robert Mathis.
Additional supporters included Bruce Barnes, Alex Blakemore, Terry Bollinger, Charles Brown, Neil Burkhard, William Carlson, Susan Carroll, John Chludzinski, Vicki Clatterbuck, Robert Cohen, Elizabeth Comer, Daniel Cooper, Jorge Diaz-Herrera, Tim Harrison, Robert Hofkin, Allan Jaworski, Edward Jones, John A.N. Lee, Eric Marshall, Charles Mooney, John Moore, Karl Nyberg, Arthur Pyster, Samuel Redwine, Jr., William Riddle, Lisa Smith, Fred Stluka, Kathy Velick, David Weiss, and Howard Yudkin.