Appendix B Guidelines for Choosing a Computer Language:
Support for the Visionary Organization

Appendix B: References

[Anderson 81]B. F. Anderson, D. H. Deane, K. R. Hammond, G. H. McClelland, and J. C. Shanteau, Concepts in Judgement and Decision Research, New York: Praeger, 1981.
[ANSI/IEEE 90]ANSI/IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology, IEEE Std 610.12-1990, New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1990.
[ANSI/ISO 95]ANSI/ISO DIS 8652, Ada 95 Reference Manual, February 1995.
[ANSI/MIL 83]ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983, Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language, February 1983.
[Appleby 91]D. Appleby, Programming Languages: Paradigm and Practice, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991.

[Bar-David 93]T. Bar-David, Object-Oriented Design for C++, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993.
[Barnes 94]J. G. P. Barnes, Programming in Ada, Fourth Edition, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994.
[Bezner 89]H. C. Bezner, Fortran 77, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989.
[Boehm 81]B. W. Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981.
[Brown 94]K. Brown and B. Whitefield, "Sizing up the Smalltalks," Object Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 6, October 1994.
[Buckley 94]A. G. Buckley, "Conversion to Fortran 90: A case study," ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 20, No. 3, September 1994.

[Connors 94]D. Connors, "Strawman Ada policy," Materials accompanying a briefing to the Air Force Software Engineering Steering Group (SESG), Peterson AFB, CO, October 1994.
[Cullyer 91]W. J. Cullyer, S. J. Goodenough, and B. A. Wichmann, "The choice of computer language for use in safety-critical systems," Software Engineering Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, March 1991.

[Dawson 93]R. Dawson, The Confident Decision Maker, New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1993.
[DoD 87]Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Military Software, AD-A188 561, September 1987.
[DoD 91]Department of Defense (DoD), Ada and C++: A Business Case Analysis, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Communications, Computers, and Logistics), July 1991.
[DoD 94]Department of Defense (DoD), Guidelines for Successful Acquisition and Management of Software Intensive Systems, Software Technology Support Center, Department of the Air Force, September 1994.
[Dolciani 68]M. P. Dolciani, W. Wooten, E. F. Beckenbach, and S. Sharron, Modern School Mathematics: Algebra 2 and Trigonometry, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1968.

[Eaves 85]R. W. Eaves and D. B. Medley, Programming Principles with COBOL II, Cincinnati: South-Western, 1985.

[Ghezzi 87]C. Ghezzi and M. Jazayeri, Programming Language Concepts, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
[Glass 91]R. L. Glass, Software Conflict, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991.
[Goldberg 89]A. Goldberg and D. Robson, Smalltalk-80: The Language, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989.

[Houser 95]W. R. Houser, "Cost saving with COTS turns out to be a false promise," Government Computer News, Vol. 14, No. 13, July 3, 1995.
[Humphrey 89]W. S. Humphrey, Managing the Software Process, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989.

[Jones 95]C. Jones, "Patterns of large software systems: Failure and success," IEEE Computer, Vol. 28, No. 3, March 1995.

[Kayloe 94]J. R. Kayloe, Easy_Sim: A Visual Simulation System Software Architecture with an Ada 9x Application Framework, Masters thesis, Air Force Institute of Technology, 1994.

[Lawlis 89]P. K. Lawlis, Supporting Selection Decisions Based on the Technical Evaluation of Ada Environments and Their Components, Dissertation, Arizona State University, AD-A218 411, December, 1989.
[Lawlis 92]P. K. Lawlis and T. Elam, "Ada outperforms assembly: A case study," Proceedings of TRI-Ada ‘92, New York: ACM, November 1992.
[Levesen 86]N. Levesen, "Software safety: What, why and how," ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1986.

[Martin 86]J. Martin and J. Leben, Fourth-Generation Languages, Vol. II: Representative 4GLs, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
[McCarthy 95]S. McCarthy, "Ada 95 hits the street running, new updates to be incremental," Government Computer News, March 6, 1995.
[Misra 88]S. K. Misra and P. J. Jalics, "Third-generation versus fourth-generation software development," IEEE Software, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 1988.

[Naughton 96]P. Naughton, The Java Handbook, Berkeley: McGraw-Hill, 1996.
[NRC 97]National Research Council Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, Ada and Beyond: Software Policies for the Department of Defense, Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1997.

[Paige 97]E. Paige, Jr., Memorandum on Use of the Ada Programming Language, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence (C3I), April 29, 1997.
[Plauger 89]P. J. Plauger and J. Brodie, Standard C, Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1989.
[Pohl 94]I. Pohl, C++ for C Programmers, Reading, MA: Benjamin/Cummings, 1994.
[Pratt 84]T. W. Pratt, Programming Languages: Design and Implementation, Second edition, New York: Prentice-Hall, 1984.
[Pyle 91]I. C. Pyle, Developing Safety Systems, New York: Prentice-Hall, 1991.

[Rabinowitz 90]H. Rabinowitz and C. Schaap, Portable C, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1990.
[Rodley 96]J. Rodley, Writing Java Applets, Scottsdale, AZ: The Coriolis Group, 1996.

[Souder 80]W. E. Souder, Management Decision Methods for Managers of Engineering and Research, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1980.
[Sun 97]Sun Microsystems, Java Home Page,, August 1997.
[Quann 94]E. S. Quann, "Training—your competitive edge in the ‘90s," CrossTalk, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1994.
[Schach 93]S. R. Schach, Software Engineering, Second edition, Boston: Irwin, 1993.
[Sommerville 89]I. Sommerville, Software Engineering, Third edition, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989.
[SPC 89]The Software Productivity Consortium, Ada Quality and Style: Guidelines for Professional Programmers, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989.
[Stroustrup 88]B. Stroustrup, "What is object-oriented programming?" IEEE Software, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1988.

[Telos 94]"Marketing communications study precampaign survey," Conducted for Telos Corp., May 1994.

[Ver Planck 54]D. W. Ver Planck and B. R. Teare, Jr., Engineering Analysis; An Introduction to Professional Method, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1954.
[Verner 88]J. Verner and G. Tate, "Estimating size and effort in fourth-generation development," IEEE Software, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 1988.

[Wojtkowski 90]W. G. Wojtkowski and W. Wojtkowski, Applications Software Programming with Fourth-Generation Languages, Boston: Boyd & Fraser, 1990.

[Yourdon 92]E. Yourdon, Decline & Fall of the American Programmer, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992.

[Zeleny 82]M. Zeleny, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.

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