Ada 95 Transition Support


This document presents some of the lessons which have been learned as a part of the Ada Joint Program Office’s Ada 95 Transition Partners Projects. During 1995 and 1996, the AJPO selected several Department of Defense (DoD) projects and provided support to them as they transitioned to the use of Ada 95. This support took the form of (a) commercial Ada 95 classroom training, and (b) hands-on mentoring. The mentoring involved on-site support as well as the use of phone, fax, e-mail, and the Internet.

This report summarizes some of the major lessons that have been learned during the mentoring of five Transition Partners Projects. All five of these either began their projects, were in active development, or have completed their efforts during the summer of 1996. The five projects are:

For each project, lessons in several topic areas are provided. Some areas are common to all projects (e.g., Training and Staffing of Ada 95 projects). Others are unique to each Transition Partner. In all cases, the lessons are presented from the mentors’ point of view.