Remarks by Rear Admiral Scott L. Sears, Commander, Naval Undersea
Warfare Center, Newport, R.I., 22 March 1994, at the Twelfth Annual
National Conference on Ada Technology, held in Williamsburg, Va. RADM
Sears was previously the program manager for the BSY-2, the combat
system for SEAWOLF, the Navy's next-generation attack submarine.
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Conference Committee
for extending an invitation to the Department of Defense to provide the
keynote address, and to Norfolk State University for serving as the
academic host. I welcome this opportunity to address you all as the
keynote speaker. I believe that I can bring you a unique perspective on
the subject of Ada Technology. To share this perspective with you, I
have decided to structure my address in two main themes.
"The first theme focuses on today's real world of Navy Tactical Software
development using Ada technology and engineering as its foundation. The
real world example I will use is the development of the USS SEAWOLF (SSN
21) Submarine Combat System, known as the AN/BSY-2 system. In this
example, I will briefly share with you the Ada journey we have traveled
for most of the last decade. As the pioneers of the first major
application of Ada anywhere, and especially as it applies to the
development of a mission-critical, real-time shipboard system, the
AN/BSY-2 program has advanced the applied Ada and software-engineering
states-of-the-art. Although this journey is not complete, the knowledge
base we have already assembled will shorten the path for those who
"The second theme of my address is the challenge at hand as we move
forward into the uncertain and volatile times ahead. Our national
priorities have changed. The compressed role of the Department of
Defense, and the attendant imperative to maintain adequate levels of
national security with significantly reduced resources, challenges us to
search for solutions to this dilemma through technology and innovation.
With the ubiquitous advances in software as a technology and as an
integral part of our increasingly complex lifestyles, let me share with
you one vision into the future and the challenges that must be
transformed into enablers. We in the Department of Defense continue to
define the future with Ada as the language and software-engineering
technology of choice.
"So let me begin by retracing the steps of a Navy tactical software
development that is on the leading edge of the Ada world of today.
Mission Impossible
"You may recall the heated NAFTA debates last year. The level of
rhetoric and propaganda about whether the House should accept the
President's desire for a North American Free Trade Agreement reached
epic proportions, even for Washington. There was one line which really
put the whole NAFTA question into perspective, and spoken by Dwayne
Andreas, Chairman of Archer Daniels Midland Corp.
"Mr. Andreas, responding to a withering attack by anti-NAFTA labor
leaders on the Larry King Live show, quoted an old Chinese expression
that stated:
'If you don't change your direction, you'll end up where you are headed.'
Of course, there is a corollary:
'If you do not know where you are going, you are always on the right path.'
"This paradox was what we, in the Department of the Navy, were faced
with as the onrush of technology propelled us through the last decade of
the Cold War. We saw ourselves heading rapidly to the point where the
old ways of doing things would leave us in a morass of cumbersome and
expensive weapons systems, which would be ineffective and obsolete
before they even made it into the fleet. So, we decided to change
"The year: 1986. The Soviet Union still had plans to bury the United
States, as President Reagan reminded us. Part of our defensive strategy
would be the SEAWOLF submarine, the largest, most advanced attack
submarine ever deployed. It would incorporate the latest technology in
every respect. It would have at its center a combat system that was
second to none. In those early days, it was called the Fiscal Year
Eighty Nine Combat System.
"Besides the latest sensors and weapons, the Fiscal Year Eighty Nine
Combat System would boast the latest in onboard electronics systems: an
operator's console that provided a color (not just green) display, using
raster-scan technology vice vector-generation techniques, and
incorporating "finger-on-glass" interaction methods.
"And the computation engines would be the latest in off-the-shelf
microprocessors (the Motorola MC68020 was just out). This marked a
departure from previous submarine combat systems that used standard Navy
mainframe computers. What is more, the microprocessors would be fully
distributed in a network of networks that numbered its nodes in the
hundreds; a completely new processing architecture.
"On the software side, there would be upwards of four million source
lines of code, written in the latest programming language, Ada. It
would operate under the commercially available Verdix Ada Runtime System
rather than developing our own executive program or operating system.
"A relational database management system would be incorporated to manage
the vast amount of real-time data supplied by the sensors. To ensure
that the combat system software was maintainable and adaptable to future
changes in mission or technology, the latest software development
processes would be used.
"DOD-STD-2167 would guide the development, and maximal use of off-the-
shelf components would be mandated to reduce costs. Reusability would
be established as a development goal. The new so-called CASE technology
would be mandated for use during development as well.
"When the development contract was awarded in FY88, for what is now
known as the AN/BSY-2 submarine combat system, we would embark on
developing the largest and most capable submarine combat system ever
built. It would have a new computer, a new operating system, and a new
programming language. There would be a new operator interface, a new
distributed architecture, a new database approach, and a new design
methodology. The whole effort would be accomplished with a new software
development standard. If this sounds ambitious, let me add that we
would do all this under a fixed price contract. Now let me tell you
what has happened.
An Ada Success Story
"I can say that the BSY-2 program is an Ada success story. This is
something that I was not sure that I could say about five years ago. To
understand the hurdles that both the Navy and the contractor had to
overcome, you have to put yourself back in the mid 1980's.
"When we were working on our Request for Proposals (RFP) phase and even
after contract award, Ada 83 was in its infancy. There were virtually
no validated Ada compilers, especially any that would handle millions of
lines of code in a real-time system. There were no proven computer-
aided software-engineering (CASE) tools and certainly no Ada experienced
software engineering personnel anywhere. Reuse libraries were just a
gleam in DoD's eye, and, most importantly, no one had ever attempted
anything this big and this complex in any language.
"The BSY-2 program accepted the challenges that DoD placed before it.
The Ada mandate was in place and nobody was getting waivers. The push
was to incorporate, into all new systems being built, commercial-off-
the-shelf (COTS) components, and whatever reusable software one could
find. DoD-STD-2167 had been around for a few years, but no one had
really communicated any experiences with tailoring or lessons learned
yet. No one really understood how 2167 and Ada would play together,
although most people doubted that they would go together seamlessly. It
was an interesting, though tumultuous, time in DoD software development
"As the program set off into the RFP phase, the Navy proposed a
tailoring of 2167 which attempted to incorporate as much as we could
learn about the forthcoming update to the standard. This was an attempt
to take advantage of as many lessons learned from 2167-based
developments as possible. The bidders also proposed tailorings which
were merged with the Navy's approach to form the tailoring that became
part of our Statement of Work. This tailoring matrix has continued to
evolve over the years, as technology and program changes have dictated.
This is a crucial point. It is extremely important to continuously
revisit requirements to ensure that they still make sense as time
"A problem that we ran into with both 2167 and Ada, which may well be
compounded by Ada 9X, is the way that the Navy writes specifications.
Historically, the services have employed a functional-decomposition
method for specification writing. This is a very convenient way to
represent end-user requirements for systems and also a way to test the
systems. It does not lend itself to good software-engineering practices
such as object-oriented design or information hiding.
"Ada 9X is advertised to have increased 'object-orientedness' which is
even farther removed from functional decomposition. This is an area
where the services should challenge themselves. The choice is to either
write specifications in a more object-oriented manner or continue to
write specs the traditional way and allow the contractor more latitude;
particularly during the functional allocation and requirements
allocation phases of the development.
"There is current interest in acquisition reform in this area. Raising
the level of our specifications will be beneficial in providing
flexibility, but poses new questions for system testing and acceptance.
It is becoming more and more obvious that the uniformed services are
going to have to go to a more qualitative approach to specifying and
testing. The clipboard mentality where we check off requirements is no
longer acceptable.
"The British build their systems this way, giving the contractor the
equivalent of our Top Level Requirements and having the government come
to demonstrations along the way. This approach also fits in well with
the rapid prototyping models of software development which are used in
many non-DoD acquisitions.
"The AN/BSY-2 software development was conducted with an oversight
function called Independent Validation and Verification, or IV&V. The
IV&V team was both process and product oriented in its assessments and
provided independent reports to the contractor as well as to the program
office. The strength of the IV&V team was in its ability to perform
Navy/contractor team building. Yet the team maintained its independence
in assessing software development productivity, software integration
productivity, and end-item product performance.
"A key to success is early involvement of IV&V in independent testing.
The IV&V function was eased by the contractual requirement for
collection of software-development metrics throughout the development
contract. Today the IV&V team focuses on independent testing of the
intermediate system builds. The team continues to provide formal
reports of the results to both the contractor and the acquisition
program office.
"Another issue that is on the forefront in the DoD is the use of COTS
hardware and software in system acquisitions. The BSY-2 has extensive
experience in this area. At the time we were beginning our acquisition,
there was a push to incorporate as many commercial products into our
system as we possibly could to save development costs. Our success with
incorporation of commercial processors (we use the Motorola 68030
processor) has been very good. We went from the earlier 68000 series
processors to the 68030, with virtually no impact to the development
schedules. They were truly upward compatible.
"Due to their relatively inexpensive cost, as compared to military
hardware, the contractor was able to purchase additional test sets.
This allowed the system to be ported to the tactical environment much
earlier than previously envisioned. If the Navy wanted to upgrade to a
more advanced processor, then this shouldn't be a problem, as long as
industry continues to make their processors so that they are upward
compatible. This is a highly desirable situation that will allow our
systems to keep in step with technology without throwing away a lot of
"Use of commercial software was not as successful on the BSY-2 program.
You have to remember that we are talking about a real-time system that
deploys on a submarine, rather than a shore-based [management-
information] system [MIS]. The requirements are different for real-time
mission-critical computers than for the shore-based variety. A
submarine goes to sea for months at a time, and the combat system is its
eyes and ears. If a disk fragments after so many hours and the system
becomes inoperable, this is a very serious situation.
"Also, response time is crucial, especially in areas such as deploying
weapons. Our most challenging requirements to the contractor were in
response time -- for instance, moving a track ball or an encoder knob
actually controls thousands of calculations. This operation must appear
seamless to the eye.
"Although reliability and performance are also important in shore-based
MIS applications, there is a bit more flexibility. If the payroll gets
processed in 8 hours and 2 minutes instead of 8 hours flat, or if the
system has to be powered down 1 hour a week for maintenance, such as
packing the disk, it is not life threatening. We didn't have that kind
of luxury.
"We attempted to use a commercial database manager embedded in our
tactical system. Although we chose the fastest relational database
manager on the market and worked very closely with the vendor, we could
never get even close to the required performance out of the product.
Commercial software is built with layers of "user friendliness" and
data-checking features that are very useful and nice features unless you
are trying to eke every drop of performance out of the system.
"Our run-time environment software was a better story. We could
implement a commercial run-time environment in our system; the only
modifications needed were for BSY-2 or Navy-specific hardware. The
development environment and run-time environment were supplied by our
compiler vendor. They worked very closely with the BSY-2 team to fix
problems and incorporate them into their product. By virtue of this
close relationship, our product tracked exactly with their commercial
versions until the time we chose to freeze versions. The BSY-2 program
is still sorting out the life cycle issues involved in using a COTS
package, but none appear insurmountable.
"The important thing to remember is that COTS software and hardware are
not free. Great savings are possible if the off-the-shelf product
embodies requirements that closely reflect those of your application,
especially with respect to real-time performance. It still may be
cheaper to modify a COTS package rather than to start from scratch, but
this is a make/buy decision that must be made carefully. The database
management system that our contractor built is written in Ada, works
extremely well, and was built and tested in under a year. This is
significantly less time than we spent attempting to use the COTS
product. By the way, our product is being considered for use by other
DoD programs.
"As Ada became more popular, CASE tools began to appear on the market.
The BSY-2 team decided to employ several commercial tools in their
development. Given the level of maturity of tools at the time, there
were precious few to choose from. The major issue that was encountered,
and is still being encountered, is scalability. Most tools work well on
programs that are under 50,000 SLOC. That represents only one of about
115 [computer software configuration items] CSCIs in the BSY-2 program!!
"After breaking just about every tool on the market, the contractor was
able to build an interoperable set of tools, using the commercial
toolsets as a basis with their own software to link them all together.
The major area for which this was an issue was finding configuration-
management tools that could handle 15 million lines of code plus
"Our contractor had several million lines of code to write, software
design to complete, and no one experienced in the use of Ada anywhere.
An aggressive training program had to be implemented for both the Navy
and contractor teams. Software-engineering principles were taught as
well as the Ada programming language. After the initial "Ugh" from the
software engineers, they immersed themselves in Ada and have now not
just embraced it, but have adopted it as their language of choice.
"Unfortunately, mandates create the sense of having something forced
upon you, which usually creates an initial negative reaction.
Fortunately, we are realizing the advertised benefits of Ada, including
easier integration and maintenance (integration and test is truly a
maintenance phase, since people other than the person that wrote it are
changing it).
"The BSY-2 program is truly an "Ada Success Story." Not only is it the
largest Ada program in the Defense Department, it is among the largest
in the world. The AN/BSY-2 development was a bold undertaking and I am
proud to say that our team succeeded in meeting the challenges, and has
produced a million [source lines of code] SLOC Ada program for
deployment. Even as I speak, the first subset delivery of the BSY-2
system, called AN/BQG-5, is operational and undergoing at-sea evaluation
aboard the USS Augusta. And the great news was that the first time the
system that was installed on the submarine was turned on, it booted up
"Now, having provided some reflections on the Navy's first big journey
with Ada, allow me to share some thoughts on the way ahead. There is a
great deal left to do for the software engineers and Ada technologists
among us.
The Challenges Ahead
"As you've seen, the AN/BSY-2 Combat System presented a significant
challenge from a software-engineering perspective, in general, and for
the application of Ada in particular. Its size, its complexity, its use
of so many new things all at the same time, combined to make the
development effort a most demanding one. And yet that experience is one
that really defines the future.
"I would be surprised if many people here do not believe that the
future, even the near future, will be characterized by the following:
the on-line availability of vast amounts of information,
globe-spanning networks linking people and information sources in real-
time regardless of location, continuing rapid evolution of the computer
and information technologies that change the way we live and work.
"Grand scale, extensive distribution, and real-time performance were
important parameters in the BSY-2 challenge. They are equally important
to Vice President Gore's technological vision of a national information
infrastructure. We hear much discussion now of the information
superhighway with millions of on-ramps. There is much less comment
about the traffic jams and toll booths that might accompany the
information superhighway (making it more like an information cowpath, in
my opinion). (By the way, that is how one midwestern town, trying
desperately to upgrade from lead cable pairs, describes its plight.)
But these things may appear without suitable software-engineering
technology being applied to such a massive project.
"Let's take a brief look at some of the challenges. First there is the
problem of scale. The size of a software system bears strongly on:
- how long it takes to develop,
- how many people need to be involved,
- how much and what sorts of documentation are needed,
- how many latent errors will exist upon delivery of the software, and
- how adaptable or disposable the software is,
just to name a few.
"There are limits to the size of software systems, which we can feasibly
build with the technology at hand. Ada provides the best intellectual
control available today for managing the development of huge software
systems, through its packaging concept, strong typing, and separate
compilation support.
"But there are still practical limits. Few, if any, tools in the
marketplace today were designed with huge applications in mind, as our
BSY-2 experience has shown. If a problem is too big, we must find ways
to partition it into manageable parts. We then provide the tools and
processes to effectively integrate those parts into a working whole. Of
course, we should never delude ourselves with the expectation of
perfection for the software.
"I think it was a researcher at Xerox that summed up the differences
between hardware and software as follows:
"Hardware is something that, if you use it long enough, it stops working.
Software is something that, if you use it long enough, it starts working.'
That points to some true challenges today: How can we know when a
software product has been tested enough? How much maturing of the
software should be left to the users? Where do we place the software
delivery maker on the continuum of the error-discovery process?
"The program-integration issue is worth a little more discussion. As I
have noted, effective partitioning of large systems is needed to allow
their effective construction and integration. The partitioning is also
necessary for another reason. It is necessary if we are to have a
maintainable system. This includes the corrective and perfective
maintenance that is a reality for all software. It also includes
adaptive maintenance.
"We want our software systems to be adaptable to respond to changes in
requirements over time. We also want to be able to take advantage of
technological advances that affect some portion of our large system. If
the software does not exhibit a modular structure that anticipates
changes in both mission and technology, then we will be faced with a
heavy, and perhaps unaffordable, burden of maintenance costs. I can
assure you that it is difficult enough to synthesize a large software
system from components that were developed specifically to be integrated
together. It is more difficult by far to do so when the system must
meet hard real-time performance requirements.
"Consider then, the challenge if many of those components were not made
specifically for the application at hand, nor by your development team.
Instead they were produced at some previous time by another party with
some other, perhaps more generic, perhaps less time-critical,
application in mind. Now we're ready to separate the professionals from
the amateurs in software integration. This, however, is the future.
Commercial off-the-shelf components will be significant factors in
almost all large software systems to come. We just can't afford to
build such systems from scratch any more.
"Reusability. Remember this rhyme:
'Use it up. Wear it out. Make it do, or do without.'
Except that software doesn't wear out (really it wears in), that old New
England jingle has real relevance for software today. We really need to
reuse software to achieve affordability. But the promise of software
reusability is a promise unfulfilled so far. We speak every day of the
advantages of commercial off-the-shelf software. But just how big is
that shelf? How much is there that can be incorporated without
modification in another software system? How much is there if that
system has time-critical performance requirements? And what of the
libraries of reusable software components that do exist? Do we know why
some components in those libraries are reused while others are not?
Suppose we build a new library with components having just those
characteristics. If we build it, will anyone come? We need to make
software reusability work.
"Of course, some software we'd like to reuse is data. We are fairly
drowning in data. Vice President Gore cited an interesting example of
this about three months ago:
The Landsat satellite can take a complete photograph of the
Earth's surface every 18 days, and has been in space for 20 years.
And yet 95 percent of all the images it has made have never been
seen by human eyes, have never fired off a single neuron in a
single human brain.
We've been harvesting a lot of information, and it seems that the
information superhighway is going to give its travelers a view of vast
numbers of information silos. We must devise a means to identify and
connect to the best available data sources if we expect to get much
satisfaction from the information superhighway.
"The ease and speed with which you get the data you need is a measure of
the mileage you get when traveling that highway. The seamless
connection to data sources is something that we will no doubt take for
granted in the not-too-distant future. But there are significant issues
to be dealt with, first. We cannot expect data to be collected or
stored in the same way everywhere. Yet we seek uniform access to data.
We want the data served "our way" regardless of how it was developed,
organized, or stored. So, we need a software technology solution to the
problem of homogeneous access to heterogeneous data stores.
"And then there is the issue of access control. There are real privacy
and security concerns that must be addressed in a way that provides both
protection and performance.
Challenge to the Audience
"Well, I hope that this litany of challenging problems is something you
find stimulating rather than daunting. It is clear that there is plenty
to do. It is also clear that we in the Defense Department cannot drive
the solutions the way we once did.
"For one thing, the money isn't there to do so. Our procurement budget
has declined more than 50% in real terms since 1986, with a result that
the defense industrial base has been significantly reduced. For another
thing, the DoD no longer represents the predominant market for most
"The semiconductor market is a good example of this. In 1965, DoD
accounted for over 75% of all U.S. semiconductor purchases. By 1995,
the Semiconductor Industry Association predicts that sales to DoD will
be around 1% of all U.S. company sales.
"So the days of DoD-unique or of DoD-driven solutions to most
technological problems are behind us. Instead, we in DoD must find ways
to adopt broad-based commercial solutions to our needs. And yes, that
means we have to make reuse work. We have to stock some shelves with
commercial software products that we can readily bind into our defense
systems. We have to solve the problem of rights in data for embedded
software products. We have to solve the partitioning problem for large
software systems. We have to define interface standards that provide
for inter-operable open systems. We have to devise ways to extract
real-time performance from pervasively distributed systems to give us
what we need, where we need it, when we need it.
"And, in the words of Secretary Paige, 'We need to make Ada easier to
use than not to use. We need to provide those in a right-sizing
environment with compelling reasons for its choice...we also need to
better market Ada and get rid of misconceptions that inhibit commercial
use of this powerful technology.'
"Finally, we need to understand that when I say "we," I am principally
talking about people like you. For you are the source of the solutions.
You are the ones who must erect the guide-posts on the information
superhighway that will make every journey with Ada a success.
"Thank you for allowing me to share these thoughts with you today. I
wish you much success with the rest of the conference, and in your
pursuit of Ada technology."