Influencing Software Development
A decade after NASA’s Flight Dynamics Division (FDD) at Goddard Space Flight
Center began investigating the use of Ada, the language influences every software
development project at the FDD. Object oriented design (OOD) techniques were
introduced simultaneously with Ada, which combined into software engineering
principals of portability, legibility, and the wide-spread use of generics.
Adhering to those principals has increased the FDD’s reuse of software by 300 percent. It has reduced the costs of all systems, independent of their language, by 40 percent; shortened their cycle time by 25 percent; and slashed error rates by 62 percent.
The FDD managers and programmers who were exposed to the successful Ada projects -- 15 in total since 1985 -- learned not only a new programming vocabulary but also a whole new way of structuring software. They found that the modern design methods, which concentrated on generic packages, information, hiding, domain analysis, and data abstraction, also improved FORTRAN software.
The object-oriented FORTRAN systems have generated reusable code and, in comparison with their structurally designed counterparts, reduced cycle times and lowered error rates. When compared with a 1985 baseline, the FORTRAN systems also improved in schedule duration and in quality, which was attributed to the increased levels of reuse in their development.
However, the systems did not show the reduction in cost that was found in the OOD Ada systems. Recent projects have increased in costs because of the overhead in maintaining FORTRAN reuse libraries. They are more expensive than Ada libraries, because generic components written in Ada can perform more functions in fewer lines of code.
Despite the language’s well-documented advantages over FORTRAN, only 15 to 20-percent of the Goddard division’s software is actually written in Ada. The percentage would probably be higher if FORTRAN were not so well established in both existing systems, accounting for 80 percent of current projects, and in the large library of reusable components; if Ada was compatible to the IBM mainframe architecture and affordable on workstations; if the small minorities pushing for and against Ada had not been so adamant in their arguments; and if the language were not now facing new competition from C and C++.
Software Development in Ada
The FDD develops two similar software systems in Ada, telemetry and dynamic simulators.
Telemetry simulators model and pack into streams a spacecraft’s attitude sensors.
They are used primarily before launch to test a spacecraft’s Attitude Ground
Support System (AGSS), for training exercises, and to test modifications to the AGSS
during missions. Dynamic simulators are used both in pre-launch and during mission
emergencies to test the robustness and reaction of the spacecraft&rsdquo;s attitude
control system. They can model the spacecraft’s behavior under normal and
degraded conditions, such as failed sensors or thrusters.
The FDD attempted a scientific experiment to test the feasibility of using Ada in July 1988, when it developed a parallel project in FORTRAN. The Ada prototype of a telemetry simulator, called Gamma Ray Observatory Attitude Dynamics Simulator (GRODY), was not held to the same constraints of performance and deadlines as the FORTRAN project, GROSS. The software engineers wanted time and freedom enough in which to learn both a new language, Ada rather than FORTRAN, and a new design method, object oriented rather than structural analysis. One of the lessons of GRODY was that nesting packages reduced the software’s reusability.
The next telemetry simulators written in Ada included the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-I (GOES-I) dynamics simulator (GOADA), and the GOES-I telemetry simulator (GOESIM), which was the FDD’s first operational Ada software. The design teams increased reusability and reduced the compilation overhead by creating library rather than nested packages. With GOESIM, they met their goals of producing on time and within budget the FDD’s first telemetry simulator in Ada.
Finally, an FDD team, which included experienced Ada programmers, took a technological leap in designing the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite Telemetry Simulator (UARSTELS). They chose a generic architecture that would optimize “verbatim reuse,” which is defined as reusing a component without editing it. Another similar Ada project loomed, the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) telemetry simulator (EUVETELS), for which the team hoped to reuse much of UARSTELS’ code. Therefore, rather than concern themselves with reusing code from the previous projects, the engineers designed UARSTEL instead for future reuse. They performed domain analysis simultaneously for UARS and EUVE, and emphasized Ada generics that could be used in both spacecrafts’ simulators with no code modification. Tailoring the packages to each simulator only required parameterized instatiation.
UARSTELS’ performance and schedule were on target, proving that designing for verbatim reuse is an efficient way to code in Ada. Another finding was that while UARSTELS (68 KSLOC) was smaller than GOESIM (92 KSLOC), it performed more functions, for which it needed substantially more memory.
The FDD’s post-UARSTELS telemetry simulators took full advantage of reusing Ada’s generic packages. In the year 1989-1990, 96-percent of EUVETELS’ 67 KSLOC was reused from UARSTELS, of which 88-percent was verbatim reuse. In 1990-1991, the SAMPEX Telemetry Simulator (SAMPEXTS) minimized development costs while maximizing software reuse. UARSTELS and EUVETELS contributed to 95-percent of SAMPEXTS’ 60 KSLOC, with 85-percent being reused verbatim.
The WIND/POLAR Telemetry Simulator (POWITS -- 1990-1992) differed enough from the UARSTELS to reduce the percentage of reuse. Also, the development team was new and had to relearn the generic architecture from scratch. Still, POWITS reused 69-percent of UARSTELS’ code, 39-percent with verbatim reuse, and was only a thousand SLOC more than EUVETELS.
Finally, the FAST Telemetry Simulator (FASTELS) and the TOMS Telemetry Simulator (TOMSTELS) were expected to be acceptably operational within a short schedule in the year 1992-1993. The team modified the high-reuse process, deleted one design phase, and held only one design review. Despite the changes, the two projects still met the deadline and performance requirements.
In fact, optimizing reuse was sacrificed in TOMSTELS and FASTELS to focus on and improve performance. One of the motivations behind conducting the SEL study was to determine if the FDD should pursue performance over reuse, since the two projects’ improved performance made the reduction in reuse worthwhile to the users.
Thus in 1993, as the FASTELS and TOMSTELS systems were completed, the FDD started using Ada regularly for a certain class of systems. It was a full five years after the language’s introduction, and the laboratories did not produce a standard process for Ada projects for another two years.
Accepting Ada
The slow acceptance of Ada can be attributed partly to the loose management of the first project, GRODY. While the software engineers were able to explore the new technology, there were poor comparisons with the parallel development in FORTRAN, which was held to tight schedule and performance criteria. Moreover, the two systems, designed to address the same problem, were developed with different goals: the FORTRAN system was developed to function, the Ada system was developed to teach. One of the next projects designed for reuse, GOADA, proved to be the slowest simulator in FDD history.
Another factor in Ada’s slow acceptance was the affordability and quality of available Ada development environments. Compiler problems and a lack of diagnostic and library management tools especially affected an attempt to rehost a system from a VAX to an IBM mainframe. FORTRAN development, in contrast, requires little or no external tool support.
Finally, Ada faces sentiment common to almost all new technology insertion. There are always a few that stand vehemently against change, especially against the adoption of a new language.
Overcoming these first impressions and obstacles was a monumental task, one which resident Ada experts did not perform well. Even though the next telemetry simulators written in Ada had high reuse, acceptable performance, and were delivered on time, their success did not completely erase the idea that Ada was experimental.
To date, the FDD has produced about one million lines of Ada. Performance tests are no longer run on Ada simulators, even though the requirements have increased for speed and functionality. The decreased costs of reusing Ada code, rather than FORTRAN code, are well documented and publicized.
The Role of the Software Developer
Both the Ada naysayers and the Ada evangelists acted to undermine the language’s acceptance. The naysayers resisted the language change, preferring to stay with FORTRAN, a language with which the developers were familiar and for which they had an extensive library of reusable components, maintained by a separately funded team. The Ada evangelists promised too much too soon and, when problems arose, avoided confronting the real obstacles to the language’s acceptance: the lack of an environment designed for the IBM mainframe, on which FDD developed most of its software.
The Ada education program was ineffectual because of the student developers’ desire to preserve the status quo. Rather than using resident Ada experts as instructors, trainers from outside the company might have had more success teaching students. The training graduates who had the opportunity to engage in real-life development were the most enthusiastic about using the Ada language in other projects; those with classroom experience alone, or who were self-taught, often expressed a preference that the FDD stay a FORTRAN shop.
Software Metrics, the consulting firm that researched the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) report, recommended that the FDD continue to use Ada whenever possible. Projects most likely to derive the full benefits of Ada are long-lived, developed by reusing existing Ada modules, and deployed on Ada-capable platforms. In contrast, FORTRAN is economically best suited for short-lived, single-use software.
As the FDD turns more to workstations, it will probably use Ada more frequently, and replace FORTRAN in the divisions large reusable libraries. Switching the libraries to Ada and retaining a crew of software librarians would reduce the cost of both FORTRAN and Ada programs. FORTRAN is expensive to maintain because of the high coupling found in its systems; replacing it altogether with Ada would reduce costs immediately. The software librarians trained in Ada reuse would understand the architectures and parameters of the generic code; in previous projects, the development team had to rediscover these with each new telemetry simulator. A reuse library is also necessary for configuration management to be economically efficient, especially as the Ada projects grow in lines of code and complexity.
The up-and-coming competitor for Ada is C++. Because Ada environments for workstations generally cost 4 to 5 times as much as those for C++ and because many programmers consider C++ to be more broadly marketable, the Ada language has still not yet fully won the battle.
Since 1990, the FDD has built all of its telemetry simulators in Ada. The software now costs 40 percent less to produce, is delivered in half the time, and has 85 percent fewer errors during development when compared with the 1985 baseline for the systems.
For more information:
The Software Engineering Laboratory has published a series of reports, including this one, on the effects, successes, and failures of various software development methodologies at the GSFC. The SEL is accessible on the World Wide Web at
Single copies of this report "Software Engineering Laboratory Series, SEL-95-001" are available from:
Software Engineering Branch -- Code 552
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
[Software Engineering Laboratory Series, SEL-95-001, March 1995.]
Synopsis by Ann Brandon.
Contributors to this report: Sharon Waligora, Computer Sciences Corporation; John Baily, Software Metrics, Inc.; Mike Stark, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.