Appendix B:
Sample RFP Inserts

SECTION C Description, Specs, Work Statement

Section H Special Contract Requirements

1. The elements for evaluation are divided into categories as follows:

a. Performance




A-x. Utilization of Ada 95

2. The element descriptions are as follows:

a. Performance

A-x. This element applies to the contractor's efforts to develop and integrate project software using Ada 95.


A-x.Utilization of Ada 95

a. Marginal(0-30%) - Contractor does not fully utilize the potential of Ada 95. The Government must provide frequent guidance, enforce standards and guidelines, and request frequent examination of contractor capabilities.

b. Good (31-80%) - Contractor utilizes the applicable features of Ada 95. Contractor has established plans and procedural controls to ensure that Ada 95 capabilities are used properly.

c. Exceptional (81-100%) - Contractor implements the full potential of Ada 95 with no need for Government intervention and enforces positive results through plans, procedures, controls and reporting for regular management reviews of Ada 95 use and risk management.

Section L Instructions, Conditions, Notices to Offerors

Section M Evaluation Factors For Award

Previous Chapter - Appendix A: Sources for Additional Information

Next Chapter - Appendix C: Contracted Development Checklists

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