Appendix A
Sources for Additional Ada 95 Information
This appendix contains detailed contact information that PEOs,
PMs, their staff and/or contractors can use. These sources can
provide many different kinds of information on Ada 95 and related
Organizations to Contact
This section lists groups that are set up to provide information
on Ada 95. Information in these lists was accurate as of the printing
date. If the contact information appears to be incorrect or out
of date, the Ada Information Clearinghouse will usually have updated
contact information.
The AdaIC publishes information on the Ada community's events, working
groups, research publications and concerns. The Clearinghouse provides its
services free of charge to the governmental, academic and commercial software
PO Box 1866
Falls Church, VA 22041
703/681-2466 Voice
1-800-Ada IC-11
Ada Joint Program Office
The Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO) facilitates the implementation of the
DOD's Software Initiative (Ada) throughout the services, and maintains the
integrity of the language.
Defense Information Systems Agency
5600 Columbia Pike, Code TXCJ
Arlington, VA 22204
703/681-2463 Voice
761-2463 DSN
703/681-2869 Fax
Software Engineering Institute
The Software Engineering Institute is sponsored by the US Department of
Defense and hosted at Carnegie Mellon University. It conducts research into
many areas of software engineering practice. The SEI is chartered to support
DOD elements by transferring technology to them to help them improve their
software engineering processes and products.
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
412/268-7700 Voice
User Groups
ACM SIGAda is the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Ada, a part of the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). SIGAda is a powerful resource for
the software community's ongoing understanding of the scientific, technical
and organizational aspects of the Ada language's use, standardization,
environments and implementations.
Paul Rivera, SIGAda
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
212/626-0611 Voice
212/302-5826 FAX
Ada Europe
Ada-Europe gathers users, educators and providers of products and services
related to Ada. It has operated since the early '80s as an effective focal
point of European interest on Ada that matches and balances SIGAda, the
corresponding American Ada users association. Ada-Europe operates as an
international Scientific Association under Belgian law. It serves as a
federation of the national Ada organizations set up in different European
Karlotto Mangold
Ada Europe Secretary
ATM Computer Gmbh
Bucklestr. 1-5
D-78467 Konstanz
+49 7531 807-235 Voice
+49 7531 807-585 Fax
Ada Association of Australia
Ada Association of Australia is the national Ada organization. It has
regular meetings on topics of interest to Ada users.
Clive Boughton
Ferranti Computer Systems Pty Ltd
GPO Box 2888
Canberra City ACT 2601
Japan SIGAda
Japan SIGAda is the Japanese local subunit of ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest to
Ada users.
Japan SIGAda
Jun Shimura
c/o Alsys-KKE Co., Ltd.
Technowave 100
1-1-25 Shin-Urashima-Cho
Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221
[81] (45) 451-2412 Voice
[81] (45) 451-2419 Fax
Front Range Ada Working Group
The Front Range Ada Working Group is an independent organization in the
Denver, CO, area. Their main objective is to analyze and share software
engineering and Ada information. The FRAWG meets quarterly in various cities
between Texas and Colorado.
Bill Wise
Martin Marietta Aerospace
Mail Stop H5002
P.O. Box 179
Denver, CO 80201
303/977-0019 Voice
303/971-7227 Fax
Ada Resource Alliance
The Ada Resource Association, formerly Ada Software Alliance, is a non-
profit organization representing the entire Ada community. Membership to the association is open
to corporate and individual users, university faculty and students,
scientific and technical contributors, and government and commercial
systems developers.
Bob Mathis
Ada Resource Association
Suite 305, 4719 Reed Road
Columbus, OH 43220
614-442-9232 Voice
614-442-0055 Fax
This section lists meetings that are either specifically about Ada or
contain topics of interest to Ada developers and managers. Additionally, the
section lists organizations that have regular meetings in their local
community. Information in these lists was accurate as of the printing date.
If the contact information appears to be incorrect or out of date, the Ada
Information Clearinghouse will usually have updated contact
Ada Conferences
The TRI-Ada Conference and Exposition is the largest annual Ada event,
drawing several thousand attendees and more than 100,000 square feet of
exhibits. TRI-Ada is an international conference, and provides unique
opportunity to learn about Ada, visit and network with Ada practitioners and
experts, and evaluate a comprehensive collection of Ada products and services.
TRI-Ada is held in the fall of each year at major conference facilities
throughout the United States.
Danielli & O'Keefe Associates Conference Management
490 Boston Post Road Chiswick Park
Sudbury, MA 01776
800/833-7751 Voice
508/443-3330 Voice
508/443-4715 Fax
The Annual National Conference on Ada Technology is held in the early
spring of each year (March-April) on the East Coast of the United States. The
conference provides an opportunity to learn more about Ada, and to network
with Ada experts and practitioners from around the world. The event offers a
mix of presentations, keynote addresses, technical papers, and management-
oriented sessions and panels.
Rosenberg & Risinger
11287 W. Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90239
310/397-6338 Voice
310/391-7597 Fax
Washington Ada Symposium
The Washington Ada Symposium (WAdaS) is held in the Washington, DC, area
every year, in the June-July timeframe. The conference offers a mix of
technical and management sessions, refereed papers, invited presentations, and
keynote speeches. A variety of hospitality suites provide for networking with
vendors of Ada products and services.
Danielli & O'Keefe Associates Conference Management
490 Boston Post Road Chiswick Park
Sudbury, MA 01776
800/833-7751 Voice
508/443-3330 Voice
508/443-4715 Fax
Ada Europe Conference
The Ada in Europe conference is an annual event sponsored by Ada-Europe
and Eurospace to promote Ada technology. The event is held throughout
Karlotto Mangold
ATM Computer Gmbh
Bucklestr. 1-5
D 78467 Knostanz
+49 7531 807 235 Voice
+49 7531 807 363 Fax
The AJPO Sponsored Ada Software Engineering Education and Training
Symposium is a forum for discussion, papers, and tutorials on Ada and Software
Defense Information System Agency
5600 Columbia Pike, Code TXCJ
Arlington, VA 22204
703/681-2463 Voice
761-2463 DSN
703/681-2869 Fax
General Software
Include Ada
STSC is the premiere software technology conference within the US
Department of Defense. Featuring participants from the Air Force, Army, Navy,
Marine Corps, civil government agencies, contractors, and academia, STSC
includes tutorials, presentations, vendor exhibits, and "birds-of-a-feather"
sessions. STSC is held in Salt Lake City, UT, every spring.
Dana Dovernbarger, Conference Manager
Software Technology Support Center
7278 Fourth Street
Hill AFB, UT 84056-5205
801/777-7411 Voice
DSN 458-7411 Voice
801/777-8069 Fax
The Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and
Applications is sponsored every year by the Association for Computing
Machinery's Special Interest Group on Programming Languages. OOPSLA features
tutorials, workshops, demonstrations, exhibits, and papers relating to object-oriented technology.
P.O. Box 8252
Maitland, FL 32794-8252
407/628-3602 Voice
407/628-3186 Fax
Object World
Object World is an annual conference sponsored by the Object Management
Group and IDG Management Group to advance object-oriented technology in
commercial software development. The event features tutorials and conference
Object World
111 Speen Street
P.O. Box 9107
Framingham, MA 01701-9514
800/225-4698 Voice
508/872-8237 Fax
Software World USA
Software World USA is a comprehensive annual conference and exposition
devoted exclusively to corporate software developers. The event includes
seminars, conference sessions, and workshops.
204 Andover St.
Andover, MA 01810
508/470-3880 Voice
508/470-0526 Fax
ACM Computing Week
ACM Computing Week is an annual event sponsored by the Association for
Computing Machinery. This week long event features the ACM Computer Science
Conference, which explores all issues in computer science. Other events
include the annual SIGCSE Technical Symposium, the annual Symposium on Applied
Computing and the International Collegiate Programming Contest.
Don Nowak
Association for Computing Machinery
1515 Broadway, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10036
212/626-0512 Voice
212/944-1318 Fax
Local Meetings
Baltimore SigAda
Baltimore SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Bill Fravel
c/o AAI Corporation
M/S 100/140
PO Box 126
Hunt Valley, MD 21030-0126
Bay Area SigAda
The Bay Area SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Greg Downing
c/o Rational
2800 San Tomas Expressway
Santa Clara, CA 95051-0951
408/496-3616 Voice
408/496-3636 Fax
Boston SIGAda
Boston SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Ben Stahl
143 Barton Drive
Sudbury, MA 01776
508/443-6176 Voice
Channel Islands SIGAda
Channel Islands SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has
regular meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
David F. Harrison
c/o Litton Data Systems
P.O. Box 6008
Agoura Hills, CA 91376-6008
818/597-5184 Voice
818/597-5178 Fax
Chicago SIGAda
Chicago SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Fred Franci
c/o Fred Franci Enterprises
1 S. 370 Pine View
Lombard, IL 60148
708/627-8098 Voice
708/627-3812 Fax
China Lake SIGAda
China Lake SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
John Hammack
211 W. Vanessa
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
619/939-9671 Voice
619/939-6700 Fax
Clear Lakes SIGAda (Houston)
Clear Lakes SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Colin Atkinson
2700 Bay Area Blvd.
Box 2
Houston, TX 77058
713/282-3878 Voice
713/282-3869 Fax
Dallas/Ft. Worth SIGAda
Dallas/Ft. Worth SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has
regular meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Kim Cady
c/o Loral Vought Systems
MS: SP-52
P.O. Box 650003
Dallas, TX 75265-0003
214/603-7348 Voice
Delaware Valley SIGAda
Delaware Valley SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has
regular meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
William Loftus
c/o WPL Laboratories, Inc.
Whitehall Offices, Suite 6
410 Lancaster Ave.
Haberford, PA 19041
610/658-2362/2364 Voice
610/658-2361 Fax
Ft. Wayne SIGAda
Ft. Wayne SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Eagle Lindsey
c/o Magnavox
MS: 10-06
1313 Production Drive
Ft. Wayne, IN 46808
219/429-4104 Voice
219/429-5194 Fax
Ft. Huachuca SIGAda
Ft. Huachuca SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Nick Sizemore
c/o CSC Professional Services Group
PO Box 719
Ft. Huachuca, AZ 85613-0719
602/538-4883 Voice
Huntsville SIGAda
Huntsville SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Jim Troy
c/o TRW
213 Wynn Dr.
Huntsville, AL 35805
Japan SIGAda
Japan SIGAda is the Japanese local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has
regular meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Jun Shimura
c/o Alsys-KKE Co., Ltd.
Technowave 100
1-1-25 Shin-Urashima-Cho
Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221
[81] (45) 451-2412 Voice
[81] (45) 451-2419 Fax
Jersey Shores SIGAda
Jersey Shores SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Tom Walsh
c/o MITRE Corporation
145 Wychoff Road
Eatontown, NJ 07724
908/389-6721 Voice
908/542-3679 Fax
Long Island SIGAda
Long Island SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Terry Doran
c/o Grumman Aerospace & Electronics
MS: B38-35
Bethpage, NY 11714-3582
516/346-8553 Voice
516/575-7428 Fax
Los Angeles SIGAda
Los Angeles SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Hal Hart
MS DH5/1133
One Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
310/764-6880 Voice
310/764-3016 Fax
New York Southern Tier SIGAda
New York Southern Tier SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It
has regular meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Leslie C. Lander
Computer Science Department
State University of New York
P.O. Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
607/777-2309 Voice
607/777-4822 Fax
Ottawa SIGAda
Ottawa SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Dave Williamson
c/o Jade Simulations International
14 Colonnade Road, Suite 150
Nepean, Ontario K2E 7M6
613/225-5900 Voice
613/225-3673 Fax
Phoenix SIGAda
Phoenix SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
David Nisse
c/o Motorola
MS: R2208
PO Box 9040
Scottsdale, AZ 85252
602/441-4109 Voice
602/441-7073 Fax
Rio Grande SIGAda
Rio Grande SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Sue Spaven
c/o Sandia National Labs
Department 9416
MS: 0977
Albuquerque, NM 87185
505/844-0907 Voice
505/844-2057 Fax
San Diego SIGAda
San Diego SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Alan Olson
53570 Silvergate Ave.
San Diego, CA 92152-5256
619/553-6247 Voice
619/553-6249 Fax
Space Coast SIGAda
Space Coast SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Julia Washam
c/o Dynamic Technologies Consulting
7667 N. Wickham Rd. #1004
Melbourne, FL 32940
407/633-3809 Voice
407/453-7702 Fax
Sunbelt SIGAda
Sunbelt SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Jag Sodhi
U.S. Army Software Engineering Directorate
Fire Support Software Engineering Division
Fort Sill, OK 73503-6600
405/442-6752 Voice
405/248-5661 Fax
Tampa Bay SIGAda
Tampa Bay SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
David Brookman
P.O. Box 41241
St. Petersburg, FL 33743
813/381-2000 x7279 Voice
813/347-2890 Fax
Twin City SIGAda
Twin City SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Mark Glewwe
c/o Computing Services International
8800 Queen Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55431-1996
612/921-7404 Voice
612/921-6869 Fax
Washington DC SIGAda
Washington DC SIGAda is a local chapter of the ACM SIGAda. It has regular
meetings on topics of interest in Ada.
Rush Kester
c/o Computer Sciences Corporation
System Sciences Division
10110 Aerospace Rd.
Lanham-Seabrook, MD 20706
301/794-1714 Voice
301/794-4377 Fax
Front Range Ada Working Group
The Front Range Ada Working Group is an independent organization in the
Denver, CO, area. Their main objective is to analyze and share software
engineering and Ada information. The FRAWG meets quarterly in various cities
between Texas and Colorado.
Bill Wise
Martin Marietta
P.O. Box 179
Denver, CO 80201
303/977-0091 Voice
Ada Association of Australia
Ada Association of Australia is the national Ada organization. It has
regular meetings on topics of interest to Ada users.
Clive Boughton
Ferranti Computer Systems Pty Ltd.
GPO Box 2888
Canberra City ACT 2601
Ada Belgium
The Ada in Belgium Society disseminates information about Ada technology
and promotes the use of Ada in Belgium.
Dirk Craeynest
Offis NV/SA
Atlas Park
Weireldlaan 41 B.32
B_1930 Zaventem, Belgium
++32(0)2-725.40.25 Voice
++32(0)2-725.40.12 Fax
Ada France
The Ada in France Society disseminates information about Ada technology
and promotes the use of Ada in France.
Jean-Pierre Rosen
27, Av. de Verdun
F-92170 Vanves
+33-1-46-45-51-12 Voice
+33-1-46-45-52-49 Fax
Ada Germany
The Ada in Germany Society disseminates information about Ada technology
and promotes the use of Ada in Germany.
Peter Wehrum
c/o Rational Gmbh
Rosenstrasse 7
D-8023 Pullach im Isartal
+49-89-797-021 Voice
+49-89-799-343 Fax
Ada Netherlands
The Ada Netherlands Society disseminates information about Ada technology
and promotes the use of Ada in the Netherlands.
Peter Verduin
c/o West Consulting
Bagijnhof 80
Postbus 3318
2601 DH Delft
The Netherlands
+31-15-123-190 Voice
+31-15-147-889 Fax
Ada in Sweden
The Ada in Sweden Society disseminates information about Ada technology
and promotes the use of Ada in Switzerland.
Lars Asplund, Chair
Institutionen for datorteknik
Uppsul Universitet
Box 325 751 05 UPPSALA
018-18 35 27 Voice
018-55 02 25 Fax
Ada Switzerland
The Ada in Switzerland Society disseminates information about Ada
technology and promotes the use of Ada in Switzerland.
Magnus Kempe
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
+41-21 693-2580 Voice
+41-21 693-5079 Fax
Ada UK
The Ada UK Society disseminates information about Ada technology and
promotes the use of Ada in the United Kingdom.
Helen Byard
P.O. Box 322
York, Y01 3GY
+44-904-412-740 Voice
+44-904-426-702 Fax
Sources of
This section lists some of the various sources of electronic information
that is available through the Internet and via bulletin boards. Information
in these lists was accurate as of the printing date. If the contact
information appears to be incorrect or out of date, the Ada Information
Clearinghouse will usually have updated contact information.
Electronic Mailing Lists
Info-Ada Mailing List
The Info-Ada Mailing List is an Internet interest group for the
dissemination of information about Ada and activities within the Ada
community. Articles on the mailing list appear as digests from articles posted
on the comp.lang.ada USENET newsgroup.
To subscribe to Info-Ada, send an e-mail message to:
with a null subject and the body containing the following lines:
SUBSCRIBE info-ada [your full name]
where your full name is your name and not your net address.
Team-Ada Mailing List
Team Ada is a highly informal organization dedicated to telling
the world about the advantages of the Ada programming language.
To subscribe to the list send a message to:
with a null subject and the body containing the following lines:
SUBSCRIBE teamada [mail address]
The Bindings Working Group (ABWG), a working group under SIGAda,
is interested in pursuing Ada bindings to "standards".
ABWG's mission is: To identify and disseminate issues and recommendations
for the creation of Ada bindings to software systems. Goals include
the standardization and publication of package specifications
(with commercial vendors supplying bodies to those specifications).
There are currently five electronic mail forums for the ABWG including:
- General technical discussions on Ada bindings
The above list also receives all announcements of ABWG meetings.
Subgroups address special interest areas within ABWG; these include:
- Discussions about Ada bindings to common graphic user interfaces.
- Discussions about Ada bindings to Microsoft Windows.
- Discussions about Ada bindings to the Object Management Group's
interfaces, including OMA.
- Discussions about Ada bindings to the Compartmental Mode Workstation
To have your e-mail address added to any or all of these forums,
send e-mail to:
with the following information:
Company address (on as many lines as necessary)
Phone Number
Fax Number
Subgroup interest(s), if any
Mailing address, if different from Company address
The ARTEWG, an ACM/SIGAda working group, is for the discussion
of issues relating to the Ada run-time environment. There are
several mailing lists for this working group.
To send a message to one of the following groups, type the corresponding
mail forwarding list name, including also if you
are mailing from another host machine. The contents of the lists may be seen
by looking in the <artsup> directory. Add the extension
".list", except for mrtei and fdm add ".wg", e.g.,
principals.list, to view the file.
principals ARTEWG Principal Members
subgroup1 ARTEWG Implementation Dependencies Subgroup
subgroup2 ARTEWG Application Subgroup>
subgroup3 ARTEWG Interface Subgroup
mrtei Model Real-time Environment Interfaces
fdm Fault-tolerant Distributed and Multiprogramming
artewggeneral ARTEWG General Members
The Reuse Working Group is an ACM SIG/Ada working group established
to provide a forum dissemination of information and discussion
on software reuse.
To subscribe to the mailing list, send the following message,
with no subject, to
Users of the Public Ada Library are supported by three electronic
distribution lists. These are PAL-ANNOUNCE, which is an announcement
list for PAL users; WUARCHIVE-ANNOUNCE, which is an announcement
list for users of WUARCHIVE; and ADA-TRAIN, which is a discussion
list for those involved in Ada education.
To subscribe to any of these lists, send a message to:
Leave the subject line blank and place the following line into
the body of the message:
SUBSCRIBE list name
GNAT is an Ada 95 front end for the GCC compiler. The AJPO has
funded the development of GNAT for the Sun Sparc workstation under
Sun-OS and the IBM PC under OS/2. GNAT has also been ported to
several other platforms.
To be placed on the external mailing list, send a message
Messages to the general GNAT development team should be sent to Problem
reports with the current version of GNAT should be sent to
The comp.lang.ada newsgroup on USENET fosters discussions ranging from the
finer points of Ada programming to debates over policy.
The comp.sw.components newsgroup on USENET features discussion on software
component technology and reuse.
The comp.object USENET newsgroup features discussion on object-oriented
programming and languages.
The USENET newsgroup features discussion on software
engineering and related topics.
The USENET newsgroup features discussion on computer science
Internet File
AdaIC Server
The AdaIC server is an FTP site for the Ada Information Clearinghouse.
Available files cover topics such as Ada news and current events; Ada usage;
resources for Ada education and training; software, tools and interfaces; Ada
policies; historical information; standards; and available bindings. The AdaIC
Bulletin Board also offers users the option of searching on-line databases to
determine what validated compilers and software development tools are
The AdaIC server can be reached via anonymous FTP at sw-eng.fall- Contact your local system administrator for details.
Public Ada Library (PAL)
The Public Ada Library is a free repository of more than 100 megabytes of
Ada information. The PAL contains programs, components, tools, general
information, and educational materials on Ada.
The PAL can be reached via anonymous FTP over the Internet at address Contact your local system administrator for details.
Public Ada Library - US Mirror
The PAL US Mirror is an additional site for accessing the contents of the
Public Ada Library.
The US Mirror site for the PAL can be reached via anonymous FTP at Contact your local system administrator for details.
Public Ada Library - European Mirror
The European Mirror for PAL is an additional site for accessing the
contents of the PAL from Europe.
The European Mirror site for the PAL can be reached via anonymous FTP at Contact your local system administrator for details.
Home of the Brave Ada Programmers
The Home of the Brave Ada Programmers is a WWW hypertext information
server to help disseminate information about the Ada programming language. The
Home of the Brave Ada Programmers is managed at the Software Engineering Lab
of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland.
WWW browsers, such as mosaic, are available for most major platforms.
Contact your local system administrator for details.
SIGAda WWW Home Page
The SIGAda World Wide Web Home Page is a hypertext information server to
help disseminate information about the Ada programming language and Ada-
related events.
WWW browsers, such as mosaic, are available for most major
platforms. Contact your local system administrator for details.
Dial-up Bulletin Boards
AdaIC Bulletin Board
The AdaIC Bulletin Board is a 24-hour dial-up service that offers
a wide range of Ada information in electronic form. Available
files cover topics such as Ada news and current events; Ada usage;
resources for Ada education and training; software, tools and
interfaces; Ada policies; historical information; standards; and
available bindings. The AdaIC Bulletin Board also offers users
the option of searching on-line databases to determine what validated
compilers and software development tools are available.
Phone: (703) 681-2845
Baud Rate: Up to 9,600
Data Bits: 7
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: Even
Login: guest
password: Ada4sw_eng
STSC Bulletin Board
The Software Technology Support Center (STSC) was established
to assist US DOD software organizations to identify, evaluate
and adopt technologies that will improve the quality of their
software products, their efficiency in producing them, and their
ability to accurately predict the cost and schedule of their delivery.
STSC maintains a bulletin board of ASCII articles published in
Crosstalk, The Journal of Defense Software Engineering.
The STSC bulletin board can be reached by modem at (801) 774-6509,
or by anonymous FTP at
( or through WWW.
Books and
This section lists magazines and books on Ada and Ada topics.
Author: Skansholm, Jan
Title: Ada from the Beginning, 2nd Edition
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Author: Naiditch
Title: Rendezvous with Ada 95, 2nd Edition
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 0-471-01276
Author: Barnes, John
Title: Programming in Ada: Plus an Overview of Ada 9X
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-62407-9
The Ada Information Clearinghouse maintains a comprehensive
list of all books on Ada. See the AdaIC entry in the first section.
The Ada Information Clearinghouse maintains a comprehensive list
of all magazines on Ada and magazines that occasionally publish
articles on Ada. See the AdaIC entry in the first section.
Uses/Implementor Team Report
Ada 95 Upward Compatibility Guide V6.0
Previous Chapter - Impact of Ada 95 Adoption on the Software Process
Next Chapter - Appendix B: Sample RFP Inserts
Table of Contents