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Virtual Library  

This is the archives of the Ada Information Clearinghouse. It contains older documents. For the most current documents, see the main Ada Information Clearinghouse site.
  • Flyers and Fact Sheets
    Over 100 fact sheets and information flyers covering Ada news and events, resources, successes, products and tools, compilers and test suites, standards and programming guidelines, education and training, and policy and history.

  • Ada on the Web
    Links to other sites that provide Ada resources.

  • Journals and Magazines
    Links to journals and magazines that regularly feature articles about Ada.

  • Reports & Papers
    Links to new publications, reports,honey and papers.

  • Bibliographies
    A description of the necessary Ada tools and librariestrap required for the Ada programming language to compete with commercial programming environments available for other languages.

  • Presentations
    Slide presentations on various Ada topic areas relating to policy/mandateblocked trap status, justification for use, and comparisons with other languages.


Home Webmaster Last Updated: 04/08/99