The Ada and Software Engineering (ASE)
Card Catalog is presented using HyperText
Markup Language (HTML). In this form, a user can view the Card Catalog
by using a World Wide Web client, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape. The
movement and search capabilities provided by the client can be used to
move through the ASE Card Catalog. The starting point for any ASE
CDROM is the file index.htm at the top level of the CDROM.
The ASE Card Catalog takes two basic formats:
In this format, the content of
all the ASE CDROMs is presented in the Card Catalog,
but the hypertext links in the FILE SPECS section of
the Card Catalog Entry into the
content are active only for the CDROM currently loaded.
If the user wants to access material not on the current
CDROM, the FILE SPECS section indicates that the correct
CDROM is not online and what CDROM to load to access the
desired content. For example, if the user has CDROM
ASE02_01 online and the desired material is on ASE02_01,
then the hyperlinks in the FILE SPECS section of the
Card Catalog Entry are active and the user can click on them
to get to the material. However, if the user has CDROM
ASE02_01 online and the desired material is on ASE02_02,
then the hyperlinks in the FILE SPECS section of the
Card Catalog Entry are NOT active and the user
is instructed that he/she should load ASE02_02.
In this format, the content of
all the ASE CDROMs is presented in the Card Catalog,
and, unlike the CDROM Format,
the hypertext links in the FILE SPECS section of
all Card Catalog Entries into the
content are always active.
The ASE Card Catalog
AR | AdaNET Report is available (usually in the ZIP file); AdaNET Reports contain information on experiences in compiling this item |
C1 | The Certifier_1 tool has analyzed the Ada source code in this item; the full format of this entry is "C1 n.n g" where n.n is the version number of Certifier_1 and g is the letter grade given by Certifier_1 (A, B, and C are satisfactory; D and F are not satisfactory) |
CMM | Comment Files (*.CMM, *.CM2, etc) are available which describe one or more problems with the item |
CS | Compiled Successfully (followed by an indication of the Ada compiler used in parentheses) by the reviewer |
ES | Executed Successfully (followed by an indication of the target computer used in parentheses if different from the systems mentioned in the CS list) by the reviewer |
MF-CODE | Missing File - Code; one or more files of source code are missing; the item cannot be compiled without these files |
MF-DATA | Missing File - Data; one or more files used as input data when the compiled code runs are missing; the item cannot be executed without these files |
NR | Not Reviewed |
OK | This is a text file or set of text files which is believed to be an accurate copy of the original |
RI | Review Incomplete (only some results of a partial review are posted) |
SDA | Report generated by the Ada System Dependency Analyzer is available; if followed by a number from 1 to 5 (e.g., SDA5), the number indicates the relative quality of the item, where 5 is of the highest quality |
not | negation prefix (e.g., not ES or not OK) |
A number of file formats have come into play among the files on the ASE CDROM:
Some Types of Files Found on the ASE CDROM
Step and Explanation | Example Result After Step is Performed |
1. Collect all the ASE2 CDROMs available to date | Two ASE2 CDROMs are in hand, identified as ASE02_01 and ASE02_02 |
2. Create a root directory for the website | /pub/ase is created |
3. Copy each content tree from each ASE2 CDROM into this root directory; the content trees are named ase02_01 on the ASE02_01 CDROM, ase02_02 on the ASE02_02 CDROM, and so on | the directories /pub/ase/ase02_01 and /pub/ase/ase02_02 now exist |
4. Copy the support tree from the last ASE2 CDROM (such as ASE02_02); this tree covers the previous ASE2 CDROMs by design | the directory /pub/ase/support now exists (it was copied from the ASE02_02 CDROM); make sure it includes a support/cardcatx directory with over 370 files in it ... if not, a last-minute change may have been made and the support directory on the ASE02_01 CDROM should be used instead |
5. Copy the index.htm file from the support tree to the root; rename this file to index.html, since it is the starting point for your website; edit this file as you wish, possibly adding your own logo | the file /pub/ase/index.html now exists |
6. You are done - confirm the directory structure and test the index.html website starting point | You have the following directory structure under /pub/ase:
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