This 6-week (1/2 day per week) short course is designed to:
It covers the basic material, including graphical tables, frames, and forms. It discusses client-side web publishing and mentions server-side web publishing (CGI Scripts) briefly.
It includes excerpts from the Microsoft Web Workshop (with the permission of Microsoft) on Microsoft-oriented web technologies.
1.2 April 2000 Richard Conn Initial release to the ASE
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Copyright 2000 Richard Conn
This documentation are provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose exist. The user is advised to review the documentation thoroughly before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk and liability of using this documentation. In no event shall any person or organization of people be held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or inconsequential damages or lost profits.
Powered by the Generic Web-Based Reuse Library (GWRL)