This document describes the Basic Interoperability Data Model (BIDM) standard as developed by the RIG. The purpose of the BIDM is to define the minimal set of information about assets that reuse libraries should be able to exchange to support interoperability. Because the BIDM describes a minimal set, other data that would be useful for interoperability, including library data model information, is not included in the BIDM. Furthermore, the BIDM does not include communication protocol or related standards. Other RIG standards will address these aspects of interoperability. Appendix A contains more information about the RIG and about some of these future standards. Section 2 of this document defines important terms used in the BIDM. Section 3 forms the core of the BIDM standard. It describes the meta-model of the BIDM, and it defines the data model for basic interoperability. The DEFINITIONS section contains some key terms used in this standard. Other terms are defined in the RIG Glossary.
01 April 1993 2 Release to ASSET 14 January 1994 2 Initial release to the PAL
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited
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