SE504 is an introductory, graduate-level course in Software Engineering. This is a 14-week course given as a bridge course to first-year graduate students in the Masters of Software Engineering program at Monmouth University.
Major topics are:
Software reuse is a recurring theme throughout the course (reuse is emphasized in all modules except for Graphical Notation). Student lecture notes are included in the course material. The text of MIL-STD-498, the draft guidelines to tailoring 498, and the DIDs of 498 need to be provided. Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0 templates of all the 498 DIDs are included in the course materials. When printed out, the student course notebook is about 3 inches thick, single-sided. Starting with Version 4, the files are created with Office 97 and provided in both Office 97 and PPT4/WORD6 formats. Also, the course is now designed to be presented via Distance Learning (Interactive TV).
2.0 August 1995 Richard Conn Initial release to the PAL 3.0 May 1996 Richard Conn Update 4.0 July 1997 Richard Conn Update (for distance learning)
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited
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Powered by the Generic Web-Based Reuse Library (GWRL)