Information Object Modeling is a technique for developing specification models for systems. The techniques for building Information Object Models were adapted from techniques of real-time structured analysis and the Foxboro company's experience in specifying and developing real-time process control systems.
An Information Object Model (IOM) is organized to provide levels of information for different audiences, so that one document can meet the needs of different people. A mission statement is provided which describes the scope of the system. An overview of the system describes the major functional objects. Finally, each functional object is discussed in detail.
The modeling techniques for an IOM use the graphical techniques real-time structured analysis, including transformation diagrams (data flow plus control flow), state transition diagrams, and entity relationship diagrams. Transformation diagrams, however, are applied in a different manner, representing the communication of objects organized hierarchically rather than a functional decomposition of processes.
This document is a specification model for an air traffic control system prepared using Real Time Structured Analysis. It shows Foxboro's concept of specification packaging and can serve as an alternative to MIL-STD-2167A.
11 May 1990 IBM Initial release to ASSET 20 December 1993 ASSET Initial release to the PAL
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited
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