This is a day-long short course that introduces Ada95. The purpose of the course is to explore the Ada95 language, including its facilities for object-oriented design and programming, real-time programming, distributed processing, and other domains. The course will concentrate on the practical aspects of applying the features of Ada95 to the software development process. Numerous examples of the language are presented.
The files are divided as follows:
COVER.PPT* 48,640 Cover page to course notebook CONTENTS.PPT* 72,704 Contents pages (with page numbers) SUMMARY.PPT* 92,672 Summary of course WHYADA.PPT** 513,536 Chuck Engle's "Why Ada?" Briefing TRANSADA.PPT** 417,792 Chuck Engle's "Transitioning the AJPO" Briefing PAL.PPT** 99,328 Rick Conn's "Public Ada Library" Briefing MOD1.PPT** 222,720 Module 1 MOD2.PPT* 73,216 Module 2 MOD3.PPT* 168,448 Module 3 MOD3CODE 0 Directory containing code examples for Module 3 All examples have been compiled and run with GNAT 3.09 on the Silicon Graphics platform All examples except CIFACE have been compiled and run with ObjectAda 7.0 (limited version that comes with Feldman & Koffman's book) on the Windows 95 platform MOD4.PPT* 109,056 Module 4 CLOSING.PPT* 86,016 Closing
See Contents pages for order of course notebook. When printing the course notebook:
Powerpoint 97 was used to create the Powerpoint (PPT) files in the ppt_97 directory, and the ppt_4 directory contains Powerpoint 4.0 files created by Powerpoint 97. Likewise, Word 97 was used to create the Word (DOC) files in the ppt_97 directory, and the ppt_4 directory contains Word 6.0 files created by Word 97.
In addition to this material, the instructor should put together a set of course notes which include the following material (available from the PAL):
26 Apr 95 Richard Conn Initial release to the PAL 18 Jul 95 Richard Conn Second release to the PAL 26 May 97 Richard Conn Revised - new release to the PAL
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Restrictions on release: NONE
This documentation are provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose exist. The user is advised to review the documentation thoroughly before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk and liability of using this documentation. In no event shall any person or organization of people be held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or inconsequential damages or lost profits.
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