GWRL is a family of programs whose purpose is to allow the user to easily
document a library of assets on the World Wide Web. Information on the assets
is contained in files called Asset Descriptors, which are text files
divided into fields, such as the names and IDs of the assets, copyright
information, abstracts, release information, history, author information,
and certification information. GWRL reads these Asset Descriptors
and builds HTML files containing the information in the Asset Descriptors
as well as a taxonomy and index (also in HTML).
GWRL is written in Ada95 and contains no machine-specific code, so GWRL
can be ported to any platform supported by a validated Ada95 compiler without
any modification to the source code. GWRL requires the Source Code Analysis
Tool Construction Domain-Specific Kit (SCATC DSK) to be installed before
it can be compiled. The SCATC DSK is also on the ASE CDROM.
Build 4 11 Oct 98 Richard Conn Initial Release to the ASE Library Build 5 28 Apr 99 Richard Conn 2nd Release to the ASE Library Build 6 12 Sep 99 Richard Conn 3rd Release to the ASE Library Build 7 2 Oct 2000 Richard Conn 4th Release to the ASE Library
This prologue must be included in all copies of this software. Restrictions on use or distribution: NONE
This software and its documentation are provided "AS IS" and without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose exist. The user is advised to test the software thoroughly before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk and liability of using this software. In no event shall any person or organization of people be held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or inconsequential damages or lost profits.
Powered by the Generic Web-Based Reuse Library (GWRL)