This grammar is organized in the same order as the syntax summary in appendix E of the ANSI Ada Reference Manual. All reserved words are written in upper case letters. The lexical categories numeric_literal, string_literal, etc, are viewed as terminals. The rules for pragmas as stated in chapter 2, section 8, have been incorporated in the grammar. Comments are included wherever we had to deviate from the syntax given in appendix E. Different symbols used here (to comply with yacc requirements) are of note:
{,something} is denoted ...something.. {something} is denoted ..something.. [something] is denoted .something.
Constructs involving meta brackets, e.g., ...identifier.. are represented by a nonterminal formed by concatenating the construct symbols ( as ...identifier.. in the example) for which the rules are given at the end. When reading this grammar, it is important to note that all symbols appearing in the rules are separated by one or more blanks. A string such as 'identifier_type_mark is actually a single nonterminal symbol defined at the end of the rules. The '' symbol is used to indicate that the rest of the line is a comment, just as in yacc programs.
This grammar is presented here in a form suitable for input to a yacc parser generator. It has been processed by the Bell System III lex/yacc combination, and tested against over 400 ACVC tests.
DATE VERSION AUTHOR HISTORY 12/15/84 1.0 Herman Fischer Initial Release
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