This technical report contains recommendations for guidelines and standards to be used in developing Ada programs and technical documents for delivery to a repository. It provides a proposal for standard prologues for Ada programs which are SGML-processable. A sample SGML DTD is provided that will validate an Ada prologue coded to this standard.
An overview of SGML tools is provided together with a discussion of processing graphics integrated with text.
17 March 1989 Boeing Initial release to ASSET 11 December 1993 ASSET Initial release to the PAL
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited
This documentation is provided "AS IS" and without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose exist. The user must assume the entire risk and liability of using this document. In no event shall any person or organization of people be held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or inconsequential damages or lost profits.
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