This document defines a conceptual framework that describes reuse in terms of the processes involved. This STARS Conceptual Framework for Reuse Processes (CFRP) is intended to:
In addition, this document elaborates on the STARS vision and mission with respect to reuse and provides a context for understanding STARS reuse products and plans.
The CFRP is intended to be generic with respect to domains, organizations, economic sectors, methodologies, and technologies. Furthermore, even though this document focuses discussion of the CFRP by describing it primarily in the context of software engineering, CFRP concepts should generally be applicable to reuse in any information-intensive context, such as technical documentation, general information retrieval, and business, scientific, or personal information management.
The CFRP is a reuse process framework; its scope is limited to identifying the processes involved in reuse and describing at a high level how those processes operate and interact. In so doing, it offers an indication of how some reuse processes can be integrated with other processes and how the transition to reuse can be managed from a process perspective. The CFRP does not prescribe how reuse should be implemented in any particular context, nor does it include processes that do not directly contribute to reuse. It thus should not be interpreted as providing prescriptive process definitions or imposing a particular life cycle model. However, in separate efforts, STARS is developing detailed reuse process definitions and life cycle models that are consistent with the CFRP. In general, legal, business, and acquisition aspects of reuse are outside the scope of this document.
This document is targeted to readers having one or more of the following roles in their organizations:
3.0 25 Oct 93 Release to ASSET 3.0 12 Feb 94 Initial release to the PAL
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited
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