A Look into the Future of Warfare
The Joint Battlespace Infosphere
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Dr. Harold Carter
Abstract of Presentation by Dr. Harold Carter
, 1 September 2000 (includes links to websites)
Presentation by Dr. Harold Carter (in Powerpoint)
United States Air Force (USAF) Scientific Advisory Board Reports
(in PDF)
Executive Summary
, SAB-TR-99-02, 17 December 1999, 14 Pp.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board Report on
Building the Joint Battlespace Infosphere, Volume 1: Summary
, SAB-TR-99-02, 17 December 1999, 188 Pp.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board Report on
Building the Joint Battlespace Infosphere, Volume 2: Interactive Information Technologies
, SAB-TR-99-02, 17 December 1999, 116 Pp.
Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Briefing Slides
(in PDF)
Long Version
, 57 Pp.
Short Version
, 30 Pp.
Printable Version
, 72 Pp.