Ada Awareness

Report as of 2 April 2000

Table of Contents

About the Ada Awareness Initiative

Since 1994 SIGAda has conducted an "Ada Awareness Initiative" whose centerpiece has been our professional booth display unit in exhibition halls at various major U.S. software conferences, both inside and outside the DoD arena. Via this exhibiting, SIGAda sustains Ada visibility ("name recognition"), provides various Ada-advocacy materials such as dozens of "Ada Success Stories" and the Walnut Creek ASE CDROM, and makes available Ada experts (our booth staff volunteers) who can intelligently answer questions, provide pointers and help, and debunk the mis-information about Ada that many attendees at these shows have.

Some websites of interest involve those showing usage of Ada in academia, industry, and the world governments:

For more information, visit their website at

Trip Report Covering the Ada Awareness Effort at the 2000 ACM CSE and IEEE CSEET Conferences

CLICK HERE to view the report. This report is done by Richard Conn, who was a volunteer at the Ada Awareness Initiative booth sponsored by ACM/SIGAda and the Ada Resource Association.


Questions, comments, and suggestions on this Special Report should be directed to Richard Conn, Reuse Tapestry Principal Investigator.