"Object-orientation is a new technology based on objects and classes.
It presently represents the best methodological framework for software engineering and
its pragmatics provides the foundation for a systematic engineering discipline.
By providing first class support for the objects and classes of objects of an application domain,
the object-oriented paradigm precepts better modeling and implementation of systems.
Objects provide a canonical focus throughout analysis, design, and implementation
by emphasizing the state, behavior, and interaction of objects in its models,
providing the desirable property of seamlessness between activities." (Robert John Hathaway)
"Object-oriented languages and systems are a developing technology.
There can be no agreement on the set of features and mechanisms
that belong in an object-oriented language since the paradigm is far too general to be tied down.
We can expect to see new ideas in object-oriented systems for many years to come." (Oscar Nierstrasz)
"Component-oriented programming has been described as the natural extension
of object-oriented programming to the realm of independently extensible systems.
Component-oriented programming aims at producing software components for a component market and for late composition.
Composers are third parties, possibly the end user, who are not able or willing to change components.
This requires standards to allow independently created components to interoperate,
and specifications that put the composer into the position
to decide what can be composed under which conditions." (Clemens Szyperski / Wolfgang Weck)