N e w s
September 1, 2000 |
Manfred Schneider
discontinued his work on the Cetus Links, the
new contact persons
are now Wolfgang Lugmayr
and Rich Wellner.
September 1, 2000 |
Manfred Schneider
has donated the copyright of the Cetus pages to the whole
Cetus team under the following conditions:
- non-commercial
- free of charge
- free of advertising
- independent of any organisation
- developed and maintained by private people
June 17, 2000 |
For private reasons
Manfred Schneider
discontinued his work on the Cetus Links in March 2000.
The Cetus Team
has taken over the site maintenance and will continue the work.
June 9, 2000 |
SE Forum China mirrors now Cetus at Beijing, China;
many thanks to Jibin Wang.
May 2, 2000 |
Urcamp - Universidade da Regiao da Campanha mirrors now Cetus at Bage, Brazil;
many thanks to Cristiano Cachapuz e Lima.
April 17, 2000 |
The site visit counter exceeded 2,000,000;
within 1 year there have been more than 1,000,000 site visits;
see History of Site Visit Counts
March 23, 2000 |
The site visit counter exceeded 1,900,000;
see History of Site Visit Counts
February 5, 2000 |
Two new pages on Cetus Links metrics:
History of Site Visit Counts
History of URL Counts
January 15, 2000 |
Splitted the previous page Internet/XML into three new pages
Internet & Intranets: General,
HTML and
January 15, 2000 |
Updated the page Most Wanted Pages of the Cetus Links.
January 15, 2000 |
Number of collected URLs exceededs 18,000;
see History of URL Counts
January 13, 2000 |
Equi4 Software has relocated its server;
Cetus at Seattle, Washington, USA
is now
Cetus at San Antonio, Texas, USA
December 28, 1999 |
New page about Active Server Pages (ASP).
December 25, 1999 |
New main area Internet & Intranets
and new pages about
JavaServer Pages (JSP) and
Java Servlets.
December 23, 1999 |
Major update of page Python.
December 18, 1999 |
Major update of pages
JScript and
December 18, 1999 |
All URLs checked by
Linkbot from
broken and moved URLs adjusted manually (as far as possible)
December 3, 1999 |
Quintuslink mirrors now
Cetus at London, UK;
many thanks to Simon Smith
November 27, 1999 |
A warm welcome to Berend de Boer
who joined the Cetus Team.
Berend has taken over and enhanced the pages
Eiffel and
Eiffel / Libraries.
Many thanks to Berend.
Please feel free to send suggestions, comments, new or changed URLs about
Eiffel and
Eiffel / Libraries
to Berend directly.
November 20, 1998 |
A warm welcome to Andrey V Khavryutchenko
who joined the Cetus Team.
Andrey has restructured the page Testing and will enhance it in the future.
Many thanks to Andrey.
Please feel free to send suggestions, comments, new or changed URLs about Testing;
to Andrey directly.
November 20, 1999 |
New page Object-Oriented Language: REBOL
October 16, 1999 |
Renamed the page JavaBeans ... to JavaBeans/EJB ...
September 11, 1999 |
Cetus at Coventry, UK will go gone offline in the nearish future;
you might consider to bookmark another mirror.
July 19, 1999 |
Java Commerce mirrors now
Cetus at Princeton, New Jersey, USA;
many thanks to A.Sudhir
July 17, 1999 |
New page Object-Oriented Language: PHP
July 10, 1999 |
Renamed the page Internet to Internet/XML;
major update of this page Internet/XML
June 21, 1999 |
PinkRoccade Everest mirrors now
Cetus at Hertogenbosch, Netherlands;
many thanks to Onno de Groote.
June 12, 1999 |
New German mirror with an easy to remember URL:
The previous mirror
Cetus at Heidelberg, Germany
will still run in parallel to the new mirror
Cetus at Karlsruhe, Germany for some time.
June 5, 1999 |
Loryn Jenkins, a member of the Cetus Team,
has developed a new page Eiffel / Libraries. Many thanks to Loryn..
Please feel free to send suggestions, comments, new or changed URLs about Eiffel / Libraries
to Loryn directly.
May 29, 1999 |
Major update of page
May 22, 1999 |
Cetus at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has gone offline;
you might consider to bookmark another mirror.
May 22, 1999 |
Renamed the page COM+/DCOM to COM/COM+
May 10, 1999 |
Cetus at Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands has gone offline;
you might consider to bookmark another mirror.
April 30, 1999 |
A warm welcome to Loryn Jenkins
who joined the Cetus Team.
Loryn has taken over and reorganized the page Eiffel. Many thanks to Loryn.
Please feel free to send suggestions, comments, new or changed URLs about Eiffel
to Loryn directly.
March 17, 1999 |
Cetus at Melbourne, Australia
has changed its URL from http://www.it.swin.edu.au/cetus/software.html to
you might consider to update your bookmarks.
March 15, 1999 |
Cetus at Vancouver, BC, Canada
has changed its URL from http://software.ffwd.bc.ca/cetus/software.html to
you might consider to update your bookmarks.
March 13, 1999 |
Reorganization of pages
BETA and